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I never said I would fight a cute girl, in fact, I'd rather be dating her, thanks for sparing me mr. Ermac (whispers to the robots) I have a plan, you 2 just follow me trough the exit door, now if you excuse me, I'm off (runs off the scene) follow me robot guys!

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Image result for buff touhou  (starts tearing up) FIRST of all, my name is Betty Jo Earlene! Reimu's my sister who thought she was too good for selling fried possum at the truck stop! SECOND of all, these gains are all creatine and Ryoucchi brand pre-workout called 'Damn-That-Ho-Strong'. AND THIRD!!! (really starts tearing up) GEEESE!!! YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!! You were callin me just the other night! YOU TOOK ME TO THAT CANDLE LIGHT DINNER AT KFC! You said...SNFF..you said you were gonna buy me that pink pick-up truck! DONT YOU LIE TO ERMAC LIKE THAT!!! BOOO HOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!! YOU SAID I WAS GONNA BE MRS.HOWARD!!!


20111114181847  Damn, sir. That's cold.


latest?cb=20110815040653 I'm not surprised one BIT! HE'S BEEN HANGING WITH ERMAC, THAT SLIMEY DOG


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*Snaps out of his delusion*

"Wait a minute, Jade, we were never involved with any business that psycho Deadpool was involved in! If anything, it's you that won't stop bothering Deadpool about his so-called brethren!"


*Looks at Betty Jo*

"We do remember the promise Master Howard made to you. It would seem that he's been pre-occupied as of lately."

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*Walks up towards the representative and Cyber Ermac*

"That would be me, of course. And you don't need to be formal with me, just call me Peko. If you're looking to be recruited, you need to pass a test that Mr. Howard puts potential members of his crew through."

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*grabs popcorn* Impressive, but not impressive enough.

You see... When the opponent seems to show zero signs of scratches or pain, I send out more of my minions.




Allow me to finish this.




By all means.


*Oswald leaps in*




Got him. Stay out of the big leagues for now, bucko.

Youtube Channel: Here

Website: Here


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(Dusk is nowhere to be seen, suddenly Osward's shadow starts to change shape and Dusk rises from the shadow)

dusk_pixel_art_by_duckmann18-d9m5843.png"Nice move... reminds me of Colonel Sanders with his chicken drumsticks. But hey, I'm right behind you" *headbutts Osward*


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"Is that really the best you've got Oswald? C'mon, if you weren't so focused on your card games, you'd be winning by now!"



"Yeah, chump, back off! Now learn from a real brawler!"


*Shen charges at Dusk and attempts to tackle him*

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