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Near the Hakurei Shrine


After that brief encounter with the five fairies, Raina and Flandre begin to come near the shrine.


That was about when they saw hell breaking lose, with Maribel having summoned... something, Meimu dodging attacks, and everyone else standing back in shock. Meanwhile, Reimu seemed to have defeated Lilly.


"Raina, what's going on?" asked Flandre.


Raina thought for a moment, and then stated, "I'm not sure."


The two then ran toward the shrine.

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Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine


And then... an explosion. The time that both attacks collided resulted on a giant KABOOM. The whirlwind disappeared, and both Lilly and Reimu stood there. Having used the most of her power, Lilly reverted back to her normal self and Chaos appeared once again behind her.




"Lady Lilly...?"


"Reimu, I call it out a draw... our attacks seem to not being able to defeat one another..."

(Did Lady Lilly admitted defeat somehow?!)


"In any case, you've gotten really stronger. I am amazed."


Then... the next thing she looked was the complete wreckage that was the shrine in that moment.



"Oops... we kinda broke... the shrine..."


Meanwhile, Maribel still acted Yukari-like .



"Aww... she had gotten away... how sad..."


"Well, that means I have to chase her-"


Then, she felt someone slapping her. When she opened her eyes...





"... Yeah, it's me."


"Thank goodness... I thought that you-"


"Uhh, hello? With who do you think you're talking to? And why do you sound so surprised if I was here the whole time?"


"But... that girl... she did..."


"You sound like if that would have killed me. To be clear, what she did hit was Zalera, not me. Since it hurted, like a lot, it's resting now."


"A last trick to finish the encore, right?"




They laughed. Necrox knew that he and Zalera were going to be punished by faking and by using the Hell Express. But at least, he would make sure that Maribel was back to the real world.



"So, ready to go home now?"


"Y-Yes and no..."


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"This isnt good"

*Hikari goes up to Maribel and puts a hand on her shoulder, looking into Maribel's eyes with a very concerned look on her face*

"Merry... just now, you became her. Do you know that? Just now you let your power take control of you."

*Hikari looked away from Maribel and at Gensokyo's ruins*

"... You lost your humanity, even if it was for a brief second. Something like that is what will ultimately cause your world to become this place..."

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"I knew I had forgotten an important detail."

Meimu would poke her head out through a gap near Hikari.


"I had hoped I would have been done with this already, but I seem to have forgotten about a troublesome "human". Once against spewing out nonsense as if a mere possibility is bound to be 100% true."

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*The Toki Hakurei spirit disappears, returning Reimu to normal. Reimu walks over to Lily*


Yea, I had somewhat planned for something like this to happen. *summons a orb that engulfs the ruins of the shrine* Fantasy Inversion *the shrine reconstructs itself to look as it used to* It's a technique I made for rebuilding stuff, especially when Marisa is around. You guys are welcome to come inside if you like

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Had to spoiler because of too many images:

6ZYkwTZ.pngDivebombing now? At least you're not smart at all, faires. *TrinitroMan lets out a big spray of nitroglycerin against the fairies*

6ZYkwTZ.pngOkay, now to the impor-

*TrinitroMan sees Reimu re-building her shrine with Fantasy Inversion*

6ZYkwTZ.pngA spellcard, that can rebuild things? Eh, whatever, looks like the issue is cleared and gone.



LkjqbZJ.pngUnlike you guys, who were busy dealing with fairies, I was the only one, who have watched the whole thing.

LkjqbZJ.pngThe time paradox is prevented, but sadly, we got a different sad turn events...

LkjqbZJ.pngMaribel Haern already started to become the one who we better know as Yukari Yakumo.


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Hakurei Shrine


Raina and Flandre arrive, to see the battle is over, but it's clear not everything's resolved.


"So, what'd I miss?" asked Raina.


"Maribel knows the truth now," Sasuke replied.


"You mean, who she becomes."




Raina thinks for a moment, because while the whole point was for Maribel not to know, the timestream doesn't seem to be collapsing.


"Now what?"


"What's going on?" Flandre asks.


"Remember, what seems obvious isn't always that way. There tends to be hidden depths below that. Look beneath what's obvious, and look beneath the underneath," Sasuke says.


"Right," replies Raina.

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Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine







"Well, I'm convinced now. Our predictions can't be 100%."




"But that doesn't leave the fact that for a moment ago, you acted like Yukari. That means the paradox affected you."


"Oh my..."


"Let's think about this outside Gensokyo before it affects you more."


Maribel nodded and Necrox slashed thin space, opening a portal to the Outer World. Maribel crossed it, but before he would cross, Necrox looked at Meimu.



"... You know, I guess I have to apologize. Might been a mistake to think that you would be like your master. And also... we'll be needing your help, Meimu."


And then, he crossed it.


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*Hikari watches as Maribel leaves, troubled by what had just occured*



("It may not be too late... If she's destined to become her, I can at least make her hold on to her human heart, her positive qualities. With those, I just may end up preventing her death...")


*She proceeds to look at Meimu*



"If you care that much about your master, then you should head to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. If this Gensokyo's history is to repeat itself, then her death can be prevented there..."

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"He'll need my help, huh? He better hope I get something out of it."

Meimu looked over toward Hikari?


"Hold it. You're going to have to tell me everything. Besides, how can I trust you're not the one trying to make that possibility a reality in this time?"

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The battle between LightFlare and Neji wages on. Neji intensifies the blast as LightFlare pushes back with his LightFlare Cannon.


LightFlare pushes the blast back but is losing the tug of war.


(Neji Hyuga is skilled. He has complete understanding of the flow of Chakra throughout the body and his technique is superb. His only fault of is his body is small. So it is possible for LightFlare to physically over power him. But even at close range Neji's movements hard to detect. But with patients...)


*LightFlare pulls back and barely dodges Neji's blast*



*Neji immediately persues LightFlare*




He's getting the best of me. I have to focus...

*LightFlare's focuses*





LightFlare's hand ignites*

*LightFlare counters Neji with a flaming assult*


Not only if able control light and dark energy, but fire is well!? Incredible!


*Neji recovers quickly*


LightFlare continues on he attack! Landing devistating blows it seems that LightFlare is getting the upper hand



Uuuhg...his brute strength is beginning to overwhelm me...


Neji! No holding back!




*Neji retaliates with absolute precision then ending with a massive blow *





*LightFlare delivers a bone crushing uppercut*


You've come a long way to find me. It should be obvious that you would not give up now!


As I said...im here for a reason.


Well id don't plan on losing...


Few people do...


The young warrior gathered Chakra as he prepares for his final assult. With his limits pushed, he wonders if he has already let his family down.

To be continued...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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*Hikari watches as Maribel leaves, troubled by what had just occured*



("It may not be too late... If she's destined to become her, I can at least make her hold on to her human heart, her positive qualities. With those, I just may end up preventing her death...")


*She proceeds to look at Meimu*



"If you care that much about your master, then you should head to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. If this Gensokyo's history is to repeat itself, then her death can be prevented there..."




"He'll need my help, huh? He better hope I get something out of it."

Meimu looked over toward Hikari?


"Hold it. You're going to have to tell me everything. Besides, how can I trust you're not the one trying to make that possibility a reality in this time?"



"Yukari's death?"



"What? What's going on with the old lady?"


OOC: I notice that losing one's humanity seems to be a reoccurring theme, with both Lightflare and Maribel at risk here.

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*Reimu walks towards Raina and Flandre*


It'll all be explained inside

Everyone, come one. We should start our meeting. *her stomach growls, blushes in embarrassment* But can we have something to eat first?

*Time stares at Flandre, thinking she looks familiar*

Nah, it couldn't be....could it?

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*Reimu walks towards Raina and Flandre*


It'll all be explained inside

Everyone, come one. We should start our meeting. *her stomach growls, blushes in embarrassment* But can we have something to eat first?


Raina, Flandre, and Sasuke all oblige. It had been a while since they ate.

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Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine



"Well, I'm hungry. Can we have tea while you explain, Reimu?"


Kalos City


The portal opened back to Kalos City. Maribel juped out, being followed by Necrox.



"And back to the real world."


"I am a little sad... but it's what I have to do, right?"


"Yup. No other choices."


"Necrox... thank you for your aid. It was short, but enjoyable."


"No prob. As I told you, I'm friendly."


"I saw that."


"Now, let's wait for Hikari and Meimu. We'll figure this together."


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6ZYkwTZ.pngHello Time. And what a good opportunity. The other robots are basically the other members of the Unlimited Force. which I have mentioned so often.

LkjqbZJ.pngI'm the leader, YokuMan. And since I don't like to use too many words, I just show you a poster, which shows the name of every Unlimited Force Member.

*YokuMan then pulls out a poster*


LkjqbZJ.pngExcuse me for the inconvinice, but it was made by some unlicensed manufacturer, hence why TrinitroMan's name is spelled wrong.

6ZYkwTZ.png;_; *sobs*

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*Hikari then looks at the people now surrounding her, their interest piqued by her words. She sighs*



"Alright... The world I come from, Yukari's antics have caused her to... take in an apprentice. This apprentice, who was once friendly, began to harden her heart, to where she began to seek out someone who could give her a fight to the death. She went around Gensokyo, searching for one who could give her such, but to no avail. All that was left was her master... During that point, her desire for victory had caused her to tap into her power, becoming one with it, and gained the ability to destroy boundaries with her bare hands..."


*Hikari looked down in sadness*



"...Yukari didn't stand a chance. Her death caused a massive power struggle, as Gensokyo abandoned its spellcard rules. The struggle between humans and youkai reaching a new low as they declared war on each other, killing each other in cold blood at first sight. Its...*


*at this point they hear a gun cock, only to see what looks like a shrine maiden resembling Reimu with dog tags holding a rifle, aiming at Hikari.*

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