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Scarlet Devil Mansion


*Yukari, who is already there, notices Raina*




"My my... is today impersonation day? First myself, and now Reimu. What else will th.."

*Yukari's taunt is cut short as her eyes widen with a blank stare of horror, gasping.*


Hakurei Shrine


*Hikari nods at Lily, opening a portal and holding Maribel by the hand and walking in*
"Merry, one day you're going to have to make a decision. Where I'm from, your power, the power than we both share, eventually consumes you. When it does, this is what happens as a result..."
*The two step out of her portal, now standing on what seems to be Gensokyo's landscape, but barren and almost lifeless as the ground appears scorched. The Hakurei shrine is now demolished, and what appears to be an old WWI-era bunker has been erected next to it.*


"Tell me Merry, is this the dream world you desired?"

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Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine


BGM: The Battle for Everyone's Hearts



"Time passed and I've gotten stronger. Somehow, on our first fights, your barriers were a problem to me."


"But now, things are different! I'll show the power that I grew in my heart!!"


Using her power, Lilly erected many big boulders from the ground and started to shoot them at Reimu. After that, her casket opened. She got inside and then, it closed. The ground started to swallow the casket, until it was completely gone.


Meanwhile, Yuuka seemed bored. She looked at both Sasuke and Time.



"You two seem to be strong... I am needing some fun for the beg of everything..."


"So... you'll entertain me for the time being!!"


Yuuka wasn't even caring about their opinion. She was going all Flandre, choosing someone and dashing at them. It didn't mattered, as long as she had fun...


From the skies, Necrox could see Hikari and Maribel leaving, as well as Meimu. Knowing the latter, he teleported behind her.



I already know how dangerous is to have you around. I feel that the paradox keeps increasing more and more each second you're here, Marry...


However... if Yukari want this problem resolved, it won't be by Meimu. I don't despise that hag, but I'm totally against this jerk, just like she's against me, as well.


Gensokyo: Destroyed Hakurei Shrine


Maribel looked around, completely shocked. Then, she could hear Hikari's question.



"N-N-No!! Why would I ever desire that?!"


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Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine





"Time passed and I've gotten stronger. Somehow, on our first fights, your barriers were a problem to me."


"But now, things are different! I'll show the power that I grew in my heart!!"


Using her power, Lilly erected many big boulders from the ground and started to shoot them at Reimu. After that, her casket opened. She got inside and then, it closed. The ground started to swallow the casket, until it was completely gone.

Clever. Youkai Buster!!! *shoots rapid fire amulets that eventually destroy the rocks. Lily is nowhere to be found* Behind, in front or below? Permanent border!!! *creates a border at her feet* if that doesn't work, then I might have to use a spell.

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*Hikari nods*


"I thought so... This destruction that you see around you is what is left of Gensokyo 200 years from now in my universe. A destruction that you caused. Not intentionally, of course, but... Somewhere along your future, you allowed your power to grow beyond your control. You then set into action a course of events that... resulted in your death, causing this to happen. Because your power grew out of control, it changed you... psychologically, as if you became a different person."


*Hikari looks down in sadness, taking a deep breath and clenching her hands together.*


"... Yukari Yakumo... is that person."

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6ZYkwTZ.pngAh, Reimu's Yin-Yang Orbs. Who knows. Maybe we will be lucky enough to witness Fantasy Orb or even Fantasy Seal.

dmohMl7.pngYeah, Fantasy Seal is one hell of a Spellcard.

6ZYkwTZ.pngAnd it can be used as a nice finishing move as well.


Just then, a group of unimportant generic fairies begin to fly near the robot masters.

"Hey, what are those things?"

"I don't know, but they have pretty colors!"

The fairies then proceeded to shoot danmaku at them



*Hikari nods*


"I thought so... This destruction that you see around you is what is left of Gensokyo 200 years from now in my universe. A destruction that you caused. Not intentionally, of course, but... Somewhere along your future, you allowed your power to grow beyond your control. You then set into action a course of events that... resulted in your death, causing this to happen. Because your power grew out of control, it changed you... psychologically, as if you became a different person."


*Hikari looks down in sadness, taking a deep breath and clenching her hands together.*


"... Yukari Yakumo... is that person."

"A fascinating story..."

Meimu popped out from a gap having chased them both.


"But that's not the complete story, is it?"

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Scarlet Devil Mansion


*Yukari, who is already there, notices Raina*




"My my... is today impersonation day? First myself, and now Reimu. What else will th.."

*Yukari's taunt is cut short as her eyes widen with a blank stare of horror, gasping.*


"Yukari doesn't normally live here... so what's she doing here?"


"I'm going in," Raina says, before heading toward the gate.


Meanwhile, Yuuka seemed bored. She looked at both Sasuke and Time.



"You two seem to be strong... I am needing some fun for the beg of everything..."


"So... you'll entertain me for the time being!!"


Yuuka wasn't even caring about their opinion. She was going all Flandre, choosing someone and dashing at them. It didn't mattered, as long as she had fun...




Sasuke dodged her blows, but she was coming close.


"Fire Ball Jutsu!" he shouted, before shooting a jet of flame toward Yuuka.

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Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine


The casket reappeared into the air. Lilly left it, holding a bow that she had since childhood.



Did you thought that I would come down from earth? I expected more, Reimu...


With those thoughts, she shot five guided arrows, each one with a element.


Meanwhile, Yuuka quickly defended Sasuke's Jutsu. It was a matter of seconds for her to get hit. Luckily, her parasol was unscathed.



"That was almost. Impressive, most impressive. Now, my turn."


Without any movement of her body, Yuuka called upon them, in the skies, sunflowers that were falling slow. Although they were supposed to be innofensive, everyone knew that her flowers weren't so innocent. After that, her follow-up was shooting big danmaku at him.



Gensokyo: Destroyed Hakurei Shrine


A swarm of bats came over and showed Necrox upon their convergence.





"Yo. Sorry if we're disturbing anything. The account's on Meimu."


"Necrox... she told me that I did this. That I destroyed the land of my dreams..."


Necrox looked down, a little sad.



"She's not lying. Whatever Hikari told you, she's right. This will happen, no matter what you do..."


"Even if I control this said power I have...?"


"Marry, there's no way to control it. Unlike a normal one, your gaps are able to bring unimaginable monsters and other creatures. Even if you knew how to use this right, what if the power takes control of you?"


"I... I can do it! I'll save myself if I need!!"


"So, you're telling me you'll kill yourself if it's needed?"


Maribel backed off when she heard those words. Kill herself? Were they lying to her? Was that some sort of trick? But, by judging her faces, she knew they spoke the truth.



"... So, am I... really forced to leave... knowing that I finally found it?"


"We're out of choices. Every second of your presence is a plus for a time paradox occurrence. And they're bothersome and difficult to arrange."


"But... but... but... there must be a way!! I don't believe it!! I would never do this!!!"


"*sigh*... What should we do now, Hikari? I know it's the only way, but I doubt that she will agree..."


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Scarlet Devil Mansion


Raina walked up to the gate, taking notice of the guard. The American Miko then waits for the guard to talk to her.


"Flandre mentioned her. Miling, I think her name was..."



Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine


The casket reappeared into the air. Lilly left it, holding a bow that she had since childhood.



Did you thought that I would come down from earth? I expected more, Reimu...


With those thoughts, she shot five guided arrows, each one with a element.


Meanwhile, Yuuka quickly defended Sasuke's Jutsu. It was a matter of seconds for her to get hit. Luckily, her parasol was unscathed.



"That was almost. Impressive, most impressive. Now, my turn."


Without any movement of her body, Yuuka called upon them, in the skies, sunflowers that were falling slow. Although they were supposed to be innofensive, everyone knew that her flowers weren't so innocent. After that, her follow-up was shooting big danmaku at him.


"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower!" Sasuke shoots a stream of fire balls that intercept some of the danmaku headed toward him.


Of course, given Gensokyan  danmaku, not all of them were intercepted. A few of Yuuka's bullets hit Sasuke.


"She's strong. But not insurmountably so."


"Chidori Senbon!"



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Gensokyo: Destroyed Hakurei Shrine


A swarm of bats came over and showed Necrox upon their convergence.





"Yo. Sorry if we're disturbing anything. The account's on Meimu."


"Necrox... she told me that I did this. That I destroyed the land of my dreams..."


Necrox looked down, a little sad.



"She's not lying. Whatever Hikari told you, she's right. This will happen, no matter what you do..."


"Even if I control this said power I have...?"


"Marry, there's no way to control it. Unlike a normal one, your gaps are able to bring unimaginable monsters and other creatures. Even if you knew how to use this right, what if the power takes control of you?"


"I... I can do it! I'll save myself if I need!!"


"So, you're telling me you'll kill yourself if it's needed?"


Maribel backed off when she heard those words. Kill herself? Were they lying to her? Was that some sort of trick? But, by judging her faces, she knew they spoke the truth.



"... So, am I... really forced to leave... knowing that I finally found it?"


"We're out of choices. Every second of your presence is a plus for a time paradox occurrence. And they're bothersome and difficult to arrange."


"But... but... but... there must be a way!! I don't believe it!! I would never do this!!!"


"*sigh*... What should we do now, Hikari? I know it's the only way, but I doubt that she will agree..."


"Are you two just about done crushing her dreams and spirit? You both speak as if her future is already written in stone when the truth is that you're both only speaking of a mere possibility."

Meimu looked over toward Hikari


"Yukari in your universe may have lost control of her abilities but what makes you so sure that THIS Yukari will repeat the same mistake?"

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dmohMl7.pngSo...what's going on right now?

6ZYkwTZ.pngThere seems to be talk about multiple dimensions. This also means that it is unknown, from which dimension this Maribel comes from.

LkjqbZJ.pngAnd thus, it's also unknown, which Yukari she will become in the future. This is troublesome.

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Greetings, LightFlare. Follow me.


Neji led LightFlare to a large Arena. The Hyuga Clan gathered to wath what they knew would be a great show.


Prepare yourself, LightFlare. If you truly wish to train with me, then show me you are worthy.

Neji Hyuga. The young prodigy and genius of the Hyuga Clan. He quickly takes his stance.


*LightFlare takes stance*


Neji! Show him the art...


...of The Gentle Fist!

Neji engages LightFlare with lighting fast attacks with pin point precision. His moves are as fluid as water itself. His control is as if he were living art.


As the fight continued LightFlare studied Neji's movements. He sees an opening...




LightFlare counters and immediately persues Neji...




Not yet LightFlare...




Neji counters with an incredible attack that LightFlare cannot penetrate. The Hyuga Clan looks on as their most prized prodogy demonstrates why the Hyuga Clan style is well renouned.


(That was incredible.) Young man you are indeed worthy of the journey to get here. I am determined to prove to prove myself.



You are unquestionably a strong opponent. But how will you defeat an opponent who can see all that is around him...and all that is WITHIN you?


LightFlare and Neji exchange bone crushing blows. LightFlare is amazed at Neji's skill. LightFlare sees another opening and makes his move.

ryu575.png Now's my chance...

I see you... Image result for neji hyuga






*LightFlare retreats back and prepares for his next move*

(His technique is nearly flawless. But I still have to win)


Neji! Now!


*Neji rushes LightFlare*


*LightFlare fires multiple shots and a LightFlare Cannon*




*Neji counters with as the two blast collide in a tug of war*





LightFlare can feel Neji's blast getting closer...

...to be continued.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Other Gensokyo: Destroyed Hakurei Shrine


"Are you two just about done crushing her dreams and spirit? You both speak as if her future is already written in stone when the truth is that you're both only speaking of a mere possibility."

Meimu looked over toward Hikari

"Yukari in your universe may have lost control of her abilities but what makes you so sure that THIS Yukari will repeat the same mistake?"


BGM: Scarlet Night


Without any sign of worriness, Necrox quickly shifted his attention to Meimu's words. Maribel looked at his face, showing that he was ready to do something. She tried to calm the situation.



"Necrox...please, calm down. I'm sure that she-"


"... Destroying her dreams? Mere possibility? What makes us so sure that Yukari will lose it?"


"Necrox, I beg you. Don't do something stupid now..."


"What's with you?! First you try to force her out, now you're talking like if we're the bad guys?"


"M-M-Miss Hikari...!!"


"Do you really wanna know something? Why don't you go crawling back to Yukari? This isn't a problem to give delay, RIGHT?"


Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine



*Reimu looks up*

I figured you would try that Lily. * Lets the arrows hit her* So I planned for an aerial attack. Instant Dimensional Rift. *the double fades and a barrage of amulets shoot towards Lily*

Where am I now Lily? Heh heh




"You're right. I don't know where you are..."


"But the wind does know!!"


With her powers, Lilly created a big whirlwind around herself. The boulders that were on the ground were drawn into it.


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Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine


"You're right. I don't know where you are..."


"But the wind does know!!"

With her powers, Lilly created a big whirlwind around herself. The boulders that were on the ground were drawn into it.

Then the wind should tell you, I'm right behind you, sitting on this casket of yours. Binding Border!! *Leaping into the air, Reimu casts a barrier that restricts Lily's movements*


*while falling towards Lily, Reimu holds two cards before placing her hand on Lily's head* Thanks for that whirlwind. Now, get sent to the ground. Spell Card: Treasure Sign: Yin-Yang orb! *From Reimu's hand appears a circular field, engulfing Lily. Reimu sends it hulking towards the earth, causing a dust cloud*

Did I get her? *Reimu touches her left arm, bloodied by one of Lily's arrows*

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"Maribel killing herself simply isn't an option... If she dies, so does Yukari and all of Gensokyo..."

*She turns her attention toward Maribel*

"Yes... it's true, Maribel. Yukari Yakumo is your future self..."

*She proceeds to give Maribel a hug*

"...which makes me your cousin."

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Other Gensokyo: Destroyed Hakurei Shrine



BGM: Scarlet Night


Without any sign of worriness, Necrox quickly shifted his attention to Meimu's words. Maribel looked at his face, showing that he was ready to do something. She tried to calm the situation.



"Necrox...please, calm down. I'm sure that she-"


"... Destroying her dreams? Mere possibility? What makes us so sure that Yukari will lose it?"


"Necrox, I beg you. Don't do something stupid now..."


"What's with you?! First you try to force her out, now you're talking like if we're the bad guys?"


"M-M-Miss Hikari...!!"


"Do you really wanna know something? Why don't you go crawling back to Yukari? This isn't a problem to give delay, RIGHT?"


"Oh, she still must return to the outside world, but at least I didn't intend to utterly destroy her spirit in the process. And while I admit that I'm still not as capable as Yukari in boundary manipulation, I assure you that I'm more than capable of dealing with a mere human like you. So I would advise that you think twice before you write a check your ass can't cash."

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Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine



"*gets up* Good job... you managed to hit me profoundly... something expected from you."


Lilly's casket started to shine green. The wind started to surround it.



"O Esper that hears my voice. Within these words, I pray. Bring the most powerful of winds. Let your ravaging power become the judgement."


"I summon you!! Esper of the Wind: Chaos, Walker of the Wheel!!"


The casket fell in the ground. As it opened, a ravaging tornado rised as a spirit showed behind her.


"Lady Lilly, order me and I will respond."


"Chaos, nurture me with thy power. Bless me with the strongest of all winds!!"

"O Lady, your wish is my order."


Lilly started to glow green. An aura of the most powerful wind was flowing into her. She received the blessing of Chaos.



"This is the element I chose for our battle! Now, let's continue on!! Spell Card: Wind Goddess "Worldwide Vacuum"!!"


Lilly opened her hand and started to pull everything in front of her with a massive windblow.


Other Gensokyo: Destroyed Hakurei Shrine





"You know... you're underestimating me. This mere human can defeat you."


"P-Please... don't start a fight!!"


"*summons scythe* You better not be taking me lightly. Devils like me are proud lovers of a good rampage."




He shifted his attention to Maribel.



"That's right. I'm not entirely humam. I'm half-devil."




"I'm friendly. So don't worry, I'm not that desperate to kill or to make a good chaos."


"I see... I don't know why, but I really trust you and Lady Hikari..."


"But with this one here is a different story. I won't explain, it's too complicated..."


"Isn't there another way for you to resolve this?"


"If there is... to be honest, I'm not willing to try it. There is a mutual hatred between me and her."


"Then... you will...!!"


"I just summoned my scythe if the bomb blows. I'm not doing the first move."


"I-I-I see..."


"Now. Shifting back to the main problem, ignoring all the useless things we heard so far... so, with her death, Gensokyo is over, huh? Well, that is no good. Did you heard it, Marry? No suicide."


"Thank goodness..."


"But we still have to take you back to the real world."


"Isn't there a way that I can stay? I mean... this will happen if I meet with this Yukari person, right? So, if our encounter never happens, that means I don't have to go away."


"Hmm... What do you think, Hikari? Is it possible to prevent ANY encounter with Yukari?


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*Reimu feels herself getting sucking in, trying to resist Lily's attack*


I might as well try something before I'm demolished. *stops resisting and allows herself to be pulled in, getting injured by miscellaneous items caught in the vacuum. Reimu regains control of her movement again for an instant, inches away from Lily's hand.*

I'll admit, I'm not any any condition to try this. *looks at herself, cuts and bruises all over her body.* However, I think it's clear you have impressed me. So, take this, Lily. *Uses 9 cards* Divine Arts: Omnidirectional Demon-Binding Circle!! *going further into the air, a barrier surrounds Reimu which is still sucked into the vacuum. Within the expanding barrier, Reimu activates another spell when she gets within range of Lily again* Divine Spirit: Fantasy Seal!! *a large amount of homing orbs appear around Reimu and Lily* Spell Combo: Divine Fantasy: Omnidirectional Hellzone!!

*Seconds before the explosion* Normally, I would be momentarily invincible with the binding circle....but in my current condition we both are going to take some damage. *smiles* You sure have gotten stronger, Li- *the orbs hit them, causing a giant explosion near the shrine*

Spell Cards left: 9

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Just then, a group of unimportant generic fairies begin to fly near the robot masters.

"Hey, what are those things?"

"I don't know, but they have pretty colors!"

The fairies then proceeded to shoot danmaku at them


6ZYkwTZ.pngFARIES! *creates border out of nitroglycerin*

LkjqbZJ.pngIt's not safe there anymore. We should better go check for a different place to observe.

6ZYkwTZ.pngGot it!

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