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Lilly turned her attention to Reimu's first questions.



"A vendetta? No, I don't have that type of grudge. In fact, I don't hate you. You're my friend."


"Also, if you may not remember, you know me since the day that me and the Toadstool family invaded Gensokyo and repeated every incident until the time we wanted to leave;"


After that, she shifted her attention towards Hikari, who stood between both.



"... So, I guess you're still here... My hopes of not seeing you again were getting too high..."


Then, the next thing she saw was Meimu.



"Another gap youkai... For the sake of the god that watches all worlds, what have I done to deserve this?"


"I... I want to stay..."


"Oh, Hikari asked you that. Are you sure of your decision, Maribel? No turning back?"


"Yes. I want to see more of this place. And I want to understand one thing: everything seems so real... if it's possible that I'm not dreaming, I want this answer."


Maribel stepped towards the rest of the group. She seemed determined to stay with them.



"Well, she made her decision. With that settled, I guess we have the fight only to take care of, right?"


"But first... Yuuka, get out."


With another spin, Yuuka materialized right next to Lilly.



"So how's it going to be? A 2v2?"


"Are you planning to fight as well?!"


"Yes. I can't let myself get rusty..."


"If it is, in fact, a 2 on 2, It's a good thing I have a partner unexpectedly."

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*Hikari folds her arms, holding her folding fan down and has a rather disappointed look*


("Why must everything here be solved through violence?")

*Meimu and the rest can tell that this is bothering Hikari, as she doesn't wish to fight.*




"If it is, in fact, a 2 on 2, It's a good thing I have a partner unexpectedly."



2v2 it is then. Alright Lily, let's do this old friend




"With the fight decided, who's gonna escort Maribel around?"

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"You idiots have no idea what you're doing."

Meimu took a brief moment to choose her next words. She had to be careful not to give away anything that would make the situation worse.


"I don't want to be the bad guy here, but I was given orders by Yu-....the mistress herself to escort Maribel back to the outside world. Under normal circumstances we wouldn't really mind an outsider to visit, but these are not ordinary circumstances. I already explained to SOME OF YOU why she is not allowed here.

Meimu looked towad Maribel


"Maribel Hearn....you are to be escorted to the outside world immediatly for your sake.....and the sake of the dream world you seek."

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*from far away, the Unlimited Force is watching the situation going on at the group*

dmohMl7.pngAm I drunk, or am I really seeing 3 Reimus?

6ZYkwTZ.pngNone of the both, the blond shrine maiden is Raina, but there is something weird about the purple-colored shrine maiden.

photo-5707.png?_r=1409670417She's not in any of the databases at all!

LkjqbZJ.pngWHAT?! That's impossible!

6ZYkwTZ.pngOr maybe she isn't naturally created...

LkjqbZJ.pngSo you want to say that she is a clone?

6ZYkwTZ.pngMaybe...it defintely does NOT look like NESTS is behind that, though, if that's really a clone.

dmohMl7.pngSo what exactly are the anomalies?

6ZYkwTZ.pngThe most important anomaly is Maribel Hearn being in Gensokyo way too early.

dmohMl7.pngToo early? What do you mean?

LkjqbZJ.pngShe is the Yukari of the past, for crying out loud.

dmohMl7.pngSay WHAT?!

LkjqbZJ.pngWhy yes. I really don't want any time paradoxes to happen.

6ZYkwTZ.pngBelieve me, nobody wants.

dmohMl7.pngThe portal anomalies are because of Hikari, right?

LkjqbZJ.pngNot only. I can sense Yukari's aura for some reasons.

6ZYkwTZ.pngDon't tell me that Yukari is hiding somewhere!

LkjqbZJ.pngActually, the aura seems to come from that purple-haired shrine maiden.

6ZYkwTZ.pngA gap youkai created by Yukari, perhaps?

LkjqbZJ.pngThat's a very likely possiblity.

dmohMl7.pngShall we interfere?

LkjqbZJ.pngNO! At least, not right now! It seems there's going to be a fight and I don't want the situation to become worse!

6ZYkwTZ.pngMakes sense.

*the Unlimited Force decided to continue with observing the situation*

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*from far away, the Unlimited Force is watching the situation going on at the group*

dmohMl7.pngAm I drunk, or am I really seeing 3 Reimus?

6ZYkwTZ.pngNone of the both, the blond shrine maiden is Raina, but there is something weird about the purple-colored shrine maiden.

photo-5707.png?_r=1409670417She's not in any of the databases at all!

LkjqbZJ.pngWHAT?! That's impossible!

6ZYkwTZ.pngOr maybe she isn't naturally created...

LkjqbZJ.pngSo you want to say that she is a clone?

6ZYkwTZ.pngMaybe...it defintely does NOT look like NESTS is behind that, though, if that's really a clone.

dmohMl7.pngSo what exactly are the anomalies?

6ZYkwTZ.pngThe most important anomaly is Maribel Hearn being in Gensokyo way too early.

dmohMl7.pngToo early? What do you mean?

LkjqbZJ.pngShe is the Yukari of the past, for crying out loud.

dmohMl7.pngSay WHAT?!

LkjqbZJ.pngWhy yes. I really don't want any time paradoxes to happen.

6ZYkwTZ.pngBelieve me, nobody wants.

dmohMl7.pngThe portal anomalies are because of Hikari, right?

LkjqbZJ.pngNot only. I can sense Yukari's aura for some reasons.

6ZYkwTZ.pngDon't tell me that Yukari is hiding somewhere!

LkjqbZJ.pngActually, the aura seems to come from that purple-haired shrine maiden.

6ZYkwTZ.pngA gap youkai created by Yukari, perhaps?

LkjqbZJ.pngThat's a very likely possiblity.

dmohMl7.pngShall we interfere?

LkjqbZJ.pngNO! At least, not right now! It seems there's going to be a fight and I don't want the situation to become worse!

6ZYkwTZ.pngMakes sense.

*the Unlimited Force decided to continue with observing the situation*

(please spoiler)


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BGM: Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land



"Alright then. Let's move!!"


Lilly dashed at Reimu and swinged her casket at her. Knowing how Reimu is a good fighter, Lilly would let go of her weapon and set out to close-combat.



"How cruel and fast. Not waiting for me is rude."


Yuuka dashed towards Hikari, shooting danmaku at her. The flower youkai knew that she was dealing with a Yukari-like person, so it was natural to be ready for anything.


Maribel watched afar from the battle. She was too focused on the battle going on to pay attention on anything.



"Why... why do they need to fight? For what reason?!"


Then, Meimu's voice was all that she could hear. Maribel looked at her, angry.



"That lady already asked me. And I told her I want to stay! So, could you please stop forcing me to leave?!


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dmohMl7.pngThat purple-haired Reimu-lookalike doesn't seem to be very friendly to Maribel...

6ZYkwTZ.pngYou know, what's weird? I totally have the feeling I have seen her already before, but I cannot remember from where.

LkjqbZJ.pngMaybe I could try to gain contact through telepating...at least that would be easy for me.

6ZYkwTZ.pngI say go for it.

LkjqbZJ.pngOkay, starting the telepathy process right now.

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"Hold on, I think we have some guests..."




"You mean additional ones?"






Sasuke's eyes change as he activates the Sharingan.




"They could cause trouble."




"You sure?"


Though while Raina expressed doubt, she had brought out a set of cards.

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Suddenly, YokuMan entered Sasuke's mind.


Don't be afraid, Sasuke Uchiha, we are actually trying to avoid trouble. The reason why I cannot talk to you directly is because we really don't want to accidently makes matters worse, because appearantly, there seems to be a fight going on already (refering to Reimu vs. Lily and Hikari vs. Yuuka).

BTW, I know your name, because we robots like to be organized and thus save informations in big databases, which every other robot can access.

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"Alright then. Let's move!!"


Lilly dashed at Reimu and swinged her casket at her. Knowing how Reimu is a good fighter, Lilly would let go of her weapon and set out to close-combat.


Hmm, close combat? Try me then. *Blocks Lily's attack with a Multi-layered barrier, with an explosive seal on the first layer about to detonate* I'm aware that close combat isn't my preferred choice of battle, but I have backup plans. *smiles as an explosion goes off* You told me not to hold back....

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*Hikari stands still, not even making an effort to dodge Yuuka's danmaku. Instead she simply extends her hand, extending her folding fan like a shield, which seems to block most of the danmaku. Those that do manage to hit her cause her to wince in pain, but she maintains her ground.*


"I see..."


*she sighs to herself*


"... If that's your plan, then do what you will, but do not expect any reaction from me."

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*Hikari stands still, not even making an effort to dodge Yuuka's danmaku. Instead she simply extends her hand, extending her folding fan like a shield, which seems to block most of the danmaku. Those that do manage to hit her cause her to wince in pain, but she maintains her ground.*


"I see..."


*she sighs to herself*


"... If that's your plan, then do what you will, but do not expect any reaction from me."


"Stand back. I'll deal with this myself."



"Hey wait! I don't think that's a good idea."

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Then, Meimu's voice was all that she could hear. Maribel looked at her, angry.



"That lady already asked me. And I told her I want to stay! So, could you please stop forcing me to leave?!


"That lady has no authority here and besides...that no longer is an option and obviously being a nice youkai isn't working."

Meimu she reached into her gap and pulled out what seemed to be a few cards.


"Fine then, a youkai is supposed to attack a human anyway. So if you won't leave quitely then that means you're willing to fight for your right to stay."

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Not so fast. *a portal made of dark energy appears, with TimeWeaver stepping out of it.* Huh, I finally got it. *sees familiar faces*

Oh hey Raina and Sasuke. Pretty cool right? One of my new powers. *brings his attention back to Maribel and Meimu* From the looks of it, you want a battle. I can provide with the challenge you seek. If you do want to fight me, I hope you're as strong as Assiette.

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Suddenly, YokuMan entered Sasuke's mind.


Don't be afraid, Sasuke Uchiha, we are actually trying to avoid trouble. The reason why I cannot talk to you directly is because we really don't want to accidently makes matters worse, because appearantly, there seems to be a fight going on already (refering to Reimu vs. Lily and Hikari vs. Yuuka).

BTW, I know your name, because we robots like to be organized and thus save informations in big databases, which every other robot can access.






Not so fast. *a portal made of dark energy appears, with TimeWeaver stepping out of it.* Huh, I finally got it. *sees familiar faces*

Oh hey Raina and Sasuke. Pretty cool right? One of my new powers. *brings his attention back to Maribel and Meimu* From the looks of it, you want a battle. I can provide with the challenge you seek. If you do want to fight me, I hope you're as strong as Assiette.




"Geez, everyone's got portals or gaps nowadays..."




"You're not getting gap powers."




"Awww... so, Timeweaver's got powers of his own now."


Raina thinks a bit.


"Think we can find our way to the Scarlet Devil Mansion?"








"I'll consider that a yes."


Raina flies off in the general direction of the SDM.

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The soldier leads LightFlare to a beautiful village. One seemingly cut of from the world around it. Beautiful and mysterious. As LightFlare walked through the village the locals stared at him. Many of them knew that LightFlare was no ordinary visitor...


The soldier takes LightFlare to a grand hall. The strongest warriors were already assembled and awaiting the arrival of their visistor. Among them was Neji. He payed close attention to LightFlare's movements as he approched the the clan leader.


Greetings. What brings you to our village?


I am LightFlare. Warrior in the path of light. I wish to train with Neji Hyuga. I am told he is a genius and has great understanding of the ways of balancing light and dark energy.


This is true. We, the Hyuga have mastered the art of balance. The power of Yin and Yang. We are a proud people and we are usually reluctant to share our secrets. But...I sense a nobility deep within you. But it's at war with a dark force that resides in you. And it seems amplified by some outside entity. You are here to remove it?


I believe that by mastering my abilities I will inturn defeat this curse.


Indeed. Why do you deserve to train under my nephew? You are obviously a great fighter but it takes more than just raw skill to have true balance. You need to be of sound mind.


I sense that you already know whether my mind is sound. I'm ready to be train. But are you ready to train me?


We shall see who is "truly" ready...


Neji...come forth!

*Neji steps forward*


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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*As Hikari sees Raina fly off to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she becomes more concerned. She turns her attention to Meimu, who is about to attack Maribel*


"Does a youkai create a time paradox that will result in more damage than keeping her here will do? Because that's what you're about to do..."


*Hikari then walks over to Maribel*


"If you want to know the reason why she wants you to leave so badly, I suggest you come with me."



Meanwhile, at the Scarlet Devil Masion:


*Remilia notices Meiling practicing styles of martial arts that she hasn't seen her do before. She finds this odd seeing as she would normally be dozing off.*




"China just what are you doing?"




"Practicing M'lady. Sensei will be proud when she comes here later."




"Sensei? China, what are you rambling about?"




"Oh my, isnt it obvious? It seems like someone has taken her under their wing to train her I would guess.." *she hides her smirk with her fan.

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Hakurei Shrine


Sasuke Uchiha had stayed at the Hakurei Shrine. The question was, what was he to do next?


"The potential for a time paradox, the battle with Reimu against Lily and Yuuka, Hikari's agenda, and the arrival of these robots and Timeweaver... a lot's happening. Just like back then..."


"So, Reimu, should I get involved, or is this your fight only?"


Scarlet Devil Mansion


Raina eventually found her way to the rather impressive Scarlet Devil Mansion.


Not resisting the urge, she then shouted "Hello!" toward the manor, to see if she got any reaction.

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Hakurei Shrine


Sasuke Uchiha had stayed at the Hakurei Shrine. The question was, what was he to do next?


"The potential for a time paradox, the battle with Reimu against Lily and Yuuka, Hikari's agenda, and the arrival of these robots and Timeweaver... a lot's happening. Just like back then..."


"So, Reimu, should I get involved, or is this your fight only?"

*Time walks next to Sasuke.* I think she's got her fight with Lily covered, but we might need to preoccupy Yuuka. Why don't you take a crack at it?

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Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine





Lilly stops her fighting and turns her attention to Maribel.



"... Go with Hikari. Somehow I have a little more of trust in her than the other one standing next to you."


She gave Meimu a cold scare and resumed her fight. Maribel nodded to Hikari, as an affirmation that she was willing to know why she wasn't supposed to be at Gensokyo.


BGM: Master of the Red Moon


Meanwhile from the skies above them, someone was watching all the spectacle. His name was Necrox Toadstool, one of Lilly's two brothers.



"The hell?! Is that Lilly fighting over there?!"


"Ugh... I can't believe it. We came to Gensokyo so we could relax. And the next thing I see is my sister going on those street brawls... I should head back to the Scarlet Devil Mansion and relax... but..."


Necrox summoned his scythe and his eyes shined at the fight.



"... I see that there are people going after her and only her. I'm not overprotective, like Magio is, but I don't like this in no sense possible..."


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Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine





Lilly stops her fighting and turns her attention to Maribel.



"... Go with Hikari. Somehow I have a little more of trust in her than the other one standing next to you."


She gave Meimu a cold scare and resumed her fight. Maribel nodded to Hikari, as an affirmation that she was willing to know why she wasn't supposed to be at Gensokyo.

*Reimu sees Lily unharmed by her last attack*


Heh, I can tell this will be an enjoyable battle...something I haven't experienced in a while. Show me what else you can do, Lily. If we indeed go far back, show me how much you have improved. *Reimu summons her Yin-Yang orbs.*

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