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"We do. However, there's not much time to stop by, so you'd best be quick with getting your food."

How soon are you leaving? Meh, screw it I'll find you. What's the fastest way to get there? I haven't eaten in a while. *stomach grumbles*

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Well, they say patience is a virtue, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to wait.

"Very well. Good luck," Hastur says before leaving and going to the ship. You are left at the Food Court. What do you want to eat?


Ships Docking Bay


Hastur arrives at the Docking Bay.




"So Cooler, is your crew prepared to launch?" Hastur asked.




"Of course."


"Alright. Let's go."


They board the ship.

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Wait, let me check my wallet. *checks his wallet only to find it empty* Dammit. Sorry I don't have any money at the moment *leaves the food court and begins to wander around. He suddenly hears the sound of a ship starting.*

Guess they're getting ready to leave....wait. SHIT!!! *finds the nearest exit and bolts toward the ship, just barely making it inside*

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* LightFlare focuses*

(I have to look deep...within myself)

*Grant continues walking toward Lightflare*

"I know your will has not been broken....so what do you intend to do?"

*At a closer distance, Grant immediately proceeded to do another ram charge toward Lightflare.*

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Mou'n doo.


Lawl, Americans are stoopid.



It seems like the battle is really heating up between gi guy and horn face. Some other plot is unfolding someplace else, but I feel TimeWeaver is involved, so I shan't get involved with that.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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*LightFlare maintains meditative state*


*As Lightflare made no attempt to dodge, counter or even guard against the ramming attack, he was promptly hit by it*


Do you have problems with your focus?

Then do yourself a favor and buy a Super Scope 6 today.

If you buy a Super Scope 6 now, then you will get a six pack of Mountain Dew. For free!

Mountain Dew - The Drink of Ultimate Focus

*Trini was then run over by a train. How does a train manage to be able to be in the middle of a desert with no apparent rail tracks? That question could probably be answered by because a gap youkai did it.*


"Perhaps I shouldn't try derailing a random train to hit people with until I'm more experienced in my gap abilities. I don't want to risk an accident..."

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*As Lightflare made no attempt to dodge, counter or even guard against the ramming attack, he was promptly hit by it*

*a direct hit...*


Not quite...

*LightFlare seemed to absorb blow*


A new energy surounded LightFlare. His normal light energy was infused with his inner darkness. It blended together as if LightFlare had become the living embodiment of Yin and Yang.

If I could see your face...Abel...I'm sure it would be one of disbelief. Maybe I still can...


*LightFlare strikes in an instant, crushing Grant's mask while simultaneously grabbing Grant's face*


*Electricity flows from LightFlare's hand into Grant's body disrupting his nervous system*


Watch closely...old friend...

But Grant was unable to watch anything as his body convulsed from shock...LightFlare leeped into the air...



LightFlare strikes Grant. The initial blow crushes Grant. It forms a Kanji that binds Grant to the ground

*LIGHTFLARE stands over Grant*


The "Ten" Kanji binds the heavens and the earth. It also binds all "ten" limbs of the human body. Yes...the physical man...only has five limbs. But the spirit man has five limbs as well. They...are also bound. You are unable to attack. As I have no desire to kill you...


This match...is over.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"What was that immense power just now?"





"You goddamn idiot. Are you so stupid that you forget where you are? We should be damn thankful right now that I had this underground area pretty damn well built, cause if it wasn't we would all be buried under the base right now!"


"As much as I want to know just how the hell you suddenly got an insane boost in power, priority one is getting Grant unbounded from this chi."

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*Trini was then run over by a train. How does a train manage to be able to be in the middle of a desert with no apparent rail tracks? That question could probably be answered by because a gap youkai did it.*


"Perhaps I shouldn't try derailing a random train to hit people with until I'm more experienced in my gap abilities. I don't want to risk an accident..."

However, as it turns out, it all was a dream devised by the DreamGear.

Suddenly, TrinitroMan wakes up, only to see that he is at his home sweet home, and nothing ever happened.

photo-5707.png?_r=1396106264Man, I should do something today. Wait, my TrinitroSenses are telling me that there is a rare talking Garchomp nearby.

*grabs Pokeballs*

Cor, this should be fun!

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Ren_Onodera_zps5226a061.png"What was that immense power just now?"akumaw.gif"....."!akumat.gif"You goddamn idiot. Are you so stupid that you forget where you are? We should be damn thankful right now that I had this underground area pretty damn well built, cause if it wasn't we would all be buried under the base right now!"akumaw.gif"As much as I want to know just how the hell you suddenly got an insane boost in power, priority one is getting Grant unbounded from this chi."

ryur.gifIn order to break the seal...I have to strike Grant.

*LightFlare kneels down...and thumps Grant on the forehead. *

ryuq.gif The seal...is broken.

*LightFlare extended hand...*


Stand tall my worthy opponent. You fought valiantly. It seems even in defeat you continue to teach me.

*LightFlare helps Grant up*


Up until now...I've always thought that using brute strength alone would prevail. That overpowering my opponent would "grant" me victory...no pun intended. But that's not always necessary.

*LightFlare flashes back to a distant memory*


My Sensei told me years ago...my potential was extraordinary. But I would never reach it unless I can control ALL my abilities. I didn't exactly know what he meant at the time. Years later I meet Abel. He was working for a young man named Kain. I saw him as a worthy adversary but was unable to best him in battle. He had no intention on killing me but advised me to accept my dark powers. It was then I begin training to use my dark abilities to the fullest. All this time I thought I had to change who I was in order to use them. But what he truly meant was that I had to become one with it. Until know me and my dark side were like to beings. I would subdue the other half and take it's form.


But that was wrong. I had to master my abilities without straying away from my humanity. Darkflare knew this all along. It is why he is able to walk around in his current state. He was initially dark but chose his own path allowing some light to remain within him.

ryuq.gif Young lady. Did you aquire the information you needed?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"I think I understand. A combination of the light and dark elements. Yes, in theory that would certainly be quite an incredible power to have if you can master it."


"There is one more thing I must confirm. Power like that does not come without a price and if I understand correctly then this would be the first time you've ever used this amount. Which means, your body is unlikely to be used to the toll it must take to unleash it. I would imagine that you're going to feel a lot of pain once your andrenaline wears off."

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"I think I understand. A combination of the light and dark elements. Yes, in theory that would certainly be quite an incredible power to have if you can master it."Ren_Onodera_zps5226a061.png

"There is one more thing I must confirm. Power like that does not come without a price and if I understand correctly then this would be the first time you've ever used this amount. Which means, your body is unlikely to be used to the toll it must take to unleash it. I would imagine that you're going to feel a lot of pain once your andrenaline wears off."

*LightFlare addresses Darkflare*


Yes...it is the first time ive I've used this much. I've used it to a small degree before, but could only gain some of my dark techniques and a minor level of its power. The only way I could access it fully...was to transform. I'm much closer than I was before...but It is unlikely that I h have truly mastered it.

*LightFlare addresses The Young Lady*


You are right about your assumption. I do feel fatigue slowly setting in. That power was a bit much and I've been fighting and traveling for quite some time. I feel I need a rest.

*LightFlare addresses Grant*


How bout it old friend. Rest now, and catch up on old times?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Wait, let me check my wallet. *checks his wallet only to find it empty* Dammit. Sorry I don't have any money at the moment *leaves the food court and begins to wander around. He suddenly hears the sound of a ship starting.*

Guess they're getting ready to leave....wait. SHIT!!! *finds the nearest exit and bolts toward the ship, just barely making it inside*


Barely making it in time, you get on the ship.


An unnamed extra is rather surprised, and informs the others that Timeweaver is aboard the ship.

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*LightFlare addresses Darkflare*


Yes...it is the first time ive I've used this much. I've used it to a small degree before, but could only gain some of my dark techniques and a minor level of its power. The only way I could access it fully...was to transform. I'm much closer than I was before...but It is unlikely that I h have truly mastered it.

*LightFlare addresses The Young Lady*


You are right about your assumption. I do feel fatigue slowly setting in. That power was a bit much and I've been fighting and traveling for quite some time. I feel I need a rest.

*LightFlare addresses Grant*


How bout it old friend. Rest now, and catch up on old times?


"So, it's a simple solution. all one has to do is exploit your own recklessness. there is the matter of being able to endure that powerful attack of yours, but if you can survive that you would be too exhausted to do much else. I suppose in the end, I would require some preparation if I were to decide to hunt you."

*Grant remained silent apparently still trying to take in what just happened.*


"Hate to interrupt this touching moment, but it might be better for both of you to have a physical check up first."

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Ren_Onodera_zps5226a061.png"So, it's a simple solution. all one has to do is exploit your own recklessness. there is the matter of being able to endure that powerful attack of yours, but if you can survive that you would be too exhausted to do much else. I suppose in the end, I would require some preparation if I were to decide to hunt you."*Grant remained silent apparently still trying to take in what just happened.*akumae.gif"Hate to interrupt this touching moment, but it might be better for both of you to have a physical check up first."

ryur.gifHunt...hmph. I'd USUALLY be excited about a women chasing me...


I suppose a check up is in order. You guys check for diseases as well? The way she's been eye balling me is making m wonder if in fact I was violated just now. Heh...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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*trying to catch his breath* Don't worry.....I'm with ....the commander. *falls to one knee. As he kneels, he hears the noise of a sword coming from his waist.* When did I even get this? And there's a note on it too. *it reads: these are my gifts to you. You should have received the sword by now. The other will arrive shortly. -.P* Well thank you, P.

Now, could you take me to the commander please?

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*trying to catch his breath* Don't worry.....I'm with ....the commander. *falls to one knee. As he kneels, he hears the noise of a sword coming from his waist.* When did I even get this? And there's a note on it too. *it reads: these are my gifts to you. You should have received the sword by now. The other will arrive shortly. -.P* Well thank you, P.

Now, could you take me to the commander please?


"Wll, if you're with the commander..., well, follow me."


The two of you soon arrive at the main bridge. A blue skinned blonde man with a very flamboyant purple and green uniform stops you.


"Who are you? Do you dare threaten Cooler?" he asks, his voice possessing a french accent.


"Stand down Salza," the Commander states.


"Well well, Timeweaver, I'm surprised you made it after all."

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"Wll, if you're with the commander..., well, follow me."


The two of you soon arrive at the main bridge. A blue skinned blonde man with a very flamboyant purple and green uniform stops you.


"Who are you? Do you dare threaten Cooler?" he asks, his voice possessing a french accent.


"Stand down Salza," the Commander states.


"Well well, Timeweaver, I'm surprised you made it after all."

I get you said you were leaving....but i didn't think you would be done so quick. I must admit, you're quite efficient. Not only that, but quite the arsenal of allies: Sasuke, Youmu, and even Lord Cooler *puts emphasis on lord, in an attempt to get back a Salza*. How did you two meet anyway?

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