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The Role-Play Paradise


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MechHisui-1.png"Very well. Please excuse me."*The mecha maid then heads off to do her duties.*akumae.gif"I have to ask. You always seem determined to find a good challenge, so have you found a point to it all? I mean....why do you fight? What do you hope to accomplish through the fight?"


I fight to improve myself. To protect others. I feel the it is the responsibility of those who's abilities will allow to use their skills directly(Creators) or indirectly(Evaluators) to improve themselves and those around them. Is it not a cause worth fighting for?

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*Darkflare is still holding his bowl of food.*


"Geeze, did you even taste your food at all? That was quick.*


"If you would like dessert, I advice that you make to the dining table post haste before the others finish the molten ice cream I have prepared. If you will excuse me, I must bring Mr. Grant his dinner."

*The mecha maid walks off deeper into the base. It should be noted that she was carrying quite a large portion of food.*

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*In the middle of the table was an big chunk of brownies with ice cream on top of them covered in hard chocolate and chocolate syrup. But it would not stay in once piece for long as the other members were frantically fighting to get a piece or two from it.*


"Well well. You and Grant have some history together? Now I'm very interested in this fight..."

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*In the middle of the table was an big chunk of brownies with ice cream on top of them covered in hard chocolate and chocolate syrup. But it would not stay in once piece for long as the other members were frantically fighting to get a piece or two from it.*akumaq.gif"Well well. You and Grant have some history together? Now I'm very interested in this fight..."


I admire his skill. He once told me that the only way to reach my full potential...was to accept the darkness within me. To harness it's power and use it to my advantage. That was years ago...but he was right. I didn't want to accept it then...but he wa right. It would be nice to show him how right he was...

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*The bottom floor has a significant different layout from the rest of the base. The interior looked far more like a cavern than any kind of building interior. The mecha maid can be seen returning from deeper inside with an empty tray passing by Lightflare without a word.*

*Straight ahead was the giant known as Grant sitting down in a meditative pose*

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Abel...or should I say "Mr Grant." Still diligent with your meditation I see. When the young lady mentioned your name, I couldn't help but wonder how you were doing. Although I suspect you already knew I was here. And in fact requested this yourself. It's a surprise that Darkflare had no idea we knew each other. Either that or he's playing dumb.


My vote's on the latter...

How have you been old friend? ryu-champ.jpg

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*teleports in front of DarkFlare house*

Damn, too bad my transporter wont transport me to the INSIDE of the building. It already was a chore to get inside the building the first time. :idontknowwhatthisone:


*Meimu gaps Trini into the desert again, this time taking away his transporter in the process.*



You haven't changed a bit, Abel. No nonsense. You've aligned yourself with a strong group of allies. I see now what Darkflare meant.


"I live and intend to die by the rules of the battlefield. Nothing more. .....something seems....different."

*The elevator door opens up as a well dressed green haired young woman stepped out and walked toward Darkflare, standing next to him as she watched the two warriors.*


"You know you can't interfere, Ren."

Ren simply smiled. "I merely intend to see for myself if he would make a worthy prey. I haven't had an interesting hunt in a while after all."

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