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Phew...that was an invigorating workout. I've fought multiple enemies before but that was pretty intense. How about a real challenge. An enemy that fights back. The bigger the better...


Oi, the targets may not have fought back, but there was still a purpose for this type of training. After all, in an actual battle, you have to be quick and precise as well. Besides..."


"A bigger opponent does not necessarily mean a better opponent. There is some truth to the saying 'The bigger they are, the harder they fall.'"


"Didn't expect you to be here, Mycale."


"And I was not expecting for us to have recruits."


"He's not a recruit. Just someone I'm giving a tour to."


"I take it then that you have informed your guest here that everything he sees here is to be taken to his grave and that if he dares to spill our secrets that we will be obligated to terminate him immediately?"


"I may not look it, but I wouldn't have considered this at all if I didn't have some trust in him."


"Sir Kiske may have been rather forgiving in your more questionable actions, but don't expect me to leave you off the hook quite as easily."


"Give me a friggin break..."

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"So he intends to build an army..." Hastur states, "If he intends to fight Laharl, then he would certainly need the army.""But if he obtains this army..." he pauses, before hitting a button. This button's purpose: to alert every member of the team to come to HQ.

However, as far as I know, no recruitments have been made. So if you wanted to call an assault, I'd say as soon as you possibly can. Now I have another question for you. And this may sound weird, but could you kill me? You'll see why I asked.

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Miss..."Mycale". I asure you that I won't jeopardize the integrity of this facility. Btw, you mentioned Sr. Kiske? He is quite skilled with his sword. I would like to formally meet him. I suspect you'll tell me that he is out on important business.


With that said, you seem to possess the keen eye of a skilled warrior. Tell me. What is your "relationship" with Darkflare?


Pardon my manners. Im Lightflare_Da_Realist. Warrior in the path of light. I've known Darkflare for some time. Once enemies, I've since learned to understand him and have even learned from him. More than he realizes. Maybe I'll get a chance to show him...and you, "exactly" what I mean.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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However, as far as I know, no recruitments have been made. So if you wanted to call an assault, I'd say as soon as you possibly can. Now I have another question for you. And this may sound weird, but could you kill me? You'll see why I asked.

"Alright," Hastur said, before firing a laser beam, killing Timeweaver right there.


At the HQ's entrance


The rest of the team arrived, prepared to do battle soon. A Moonrabbit, an American Miko, a 495-year old Vampire, a Magician, a Saiyan Prince, a Galactic Warlord, and a Gunner.

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*TimeWeaver's body begins to glow with a blinding light. When the light clears, Time is standing up again unharmed.*

Pretty cool right? That's one of the perks of being comic relief. Infinite revives until I receive a master, but that's literally it.

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Miss..."Mycale". I asure you that I won't jeopardize the integrity of this facility. Btw, you mentioned Sr. Kiske? He is quite skilled with his sword. I would like to formally meet him. I suspect you'll tell me that he is out on important business.

With that said, you seem to possess the keen eye of a skilled warrior. Tell me. What is your "relationship" with Darkflare?

Pardon my manners. Im Lightflare_Da_Realist. Warrior in the path of light. I've known Darkflare for some time. Once enemies, I've since learned to understand him and have even learned from him. More than he realizes. Maybe I'll get a chance to show him...and you, "exactly" what I mean.


"This group should consider themselves fortunate to have someone like Kiske as an ally. It's a shame he's unable to continue his duties as second in command due to his duties on Illyria.


"Tch. Who would have taught he would be a king? He said he would help us whenever he could, but I think it might be best for him to resign."


"Certainly a far better asset than his idiot robot clone."

*Outside of the room a robotic voice screaming "I HEARD THAT!" could be heard.*


"Our relationship is strictly professional. I merely offer my combat abilities in exchange for payment, much like everyone else on this team. You said your name was Lightflare? Are you rela-"




"Rather quick to the point there."

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oh there is a point to this conflict...

I destroy you and thus i Feel better. Then i move on to bigger targets.


*speaking from afar*

What does that prove? You want to defeat someone who wishes not to fight back; it's as bad as beating someone when they're down. I will not fight you because the conflict is pointless in my eyes, and fighting for personal gain and to feed your own ego is not something I wish to allow you to indulge yourself with. 


Bah! I'm not staying here any longer. The tension is far too high for my liking. *flies off*

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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*speaking from afar*

What does that prove? You want to defeat someone who wishes not to fight back; it's as bad as beating someone when they're down. I will not fight you because the conflict is pointless in my eyes, and fighting for personal gain and to feed your own ego is not something I wish to allow you to indulge yourself with. 


Bah! I'm not staying here any longer. The tension is far too high for my liking. *flies off*


This is what happens when one loses everything they hold dear..

But you're no fun, I'll find a better target.


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Garchomps doesnt fly U:

Good that i already defeated Lightflare like 10 Random Threads ago.

Now i can live peacefully retired on my Dojo teaching kids how to cook cereal like a badass.

You know you didn't win... :troll:

Mycale_zps34bb36ab.png"This group should consider themselves fortunate to have someone like Kiske as an ally. It's a shame he's unable to continue his duties as second in command due to his duties on Illyria.akumaw.gif"Tch. Who would have taught he would be a king? He said he would help us whenever he could, but I think it might be best for him to resign."Mycale_zps34bb36ab.png"Certainly a far better asset than his idiot robot clone."*Outside of the room a robotic voice screaming "I HEARD THAT!" could be heard.*Mycale_zps34bb36ab.png"Our relationship is strictly professional. I merely offer my combat abilities in exchange for payment, much like everyone else on this team. You said your name was Lightflare? Are you rela-"akumae.gif"No."Mycale_zps34bb36ab.png"Rather quick to the point there."

ryue.gifLol! Dorkflare...you act as if it would be so BAD if we were related!


So Mycale...you made a good point about the size of the opponent. I've fought many who were twice your size, yet with only about a 3rd of your potential.

ryur.gifDarkflare you old goat! What's up with all the Lady's?! You running a brothel or what?!


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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*A robotic voice outside of the room could then be heard saying "I WISH HE DID!"*




"Herr Light, I would advise you choose your words more carefully or there will be grave consequences."


"Besides, I do have guys working with me as well. Do you honestly think a man like Kiske would want to associate himself with a whorehouse to begin with?"

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akumat.gif"I AIN'T RUNNING NO GODDAMN WHOREHOUSE AROUND HERE!"*A robotic voice outside of the room could then be heard saying "I WISH HE DID!"*akumat.gif"SHUT UP ROBO-KY!"Mycale_zps34bb36ab.png"Herr Light, I would advise you choose your words more carefully or there will be grave consequences."akumat.gif"Besides, I do have guys working with me as well. Do you honestly think a man like Kiske would want to associate himself with a whorehouse to begin with?"


Take it easy guys. I was just teasing Darkflare, Mycale. You don't strike me as the "seductive" type anyway.


So Ky has a a clone as well. He seems rather amusing. I'd like a match with him perhaps. Probably more of a challenge than Mycale.


Or am I wrong?


I have to admit you've done well for yourself, my worthy rival. How is suchan establishment funded?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"....what do you mean by that?"

*The robot voice from outside the room could be heard saying "IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE FLAT."*


"....excuse me."

*The witch proceeds to step out of the room. Not soon after the battle sounds of the witch's magic striking the unfortunate robot could be heard outside.*


"Even if I didn't told you that I didn't want you fighting my comrades now, you're going to have to take a rain check regardless for both of them. ....Bloody hell, you're awful speaking to women, are you?"

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*TimeWeaver's body begins to glow with a blinding light. When the light clears, Time is standing up again unharmed.*

Pretty cool right? That's one of the perks of being comic relief. Infinite revives until I receive a master, but that's literally it.


"Ah, yes. Quite interesting."

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....Bloody hell, you're awful speaking to women, are you?"


It's "aren't you"...and im not too concerned. Although I do apologize to you for offending your comrade. So...about that next challenge. I was thinking instead of multiple targets...how about one exceptionally difficult target.


Wuttah yah say?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"Really, you're going to get on my case about the way I speak?"


"One exceptionally tough target. The problem with that is that could be anything. A particular opponent may not be hard for you as another kind. You're better off finding an actual opponent."


"Oh right, you were asking how all this was funded? Over the years, we've taken on some tough bounties and we've placed pretty well on tournaments to get prize money. On top of that, some of our richer members put some investments into us and well...we ARE mercenaries. We get the ocassional escort or bodyguard job here and there. The reputation we've built means we come highly recommended. I suppose it also helps that we've never been such a big group to begin with."


"Hmm....I did say I didn't want you fighting my comrades, but I might make an exception for a certain someone. If only because I know he will definitely not mind, as well as needing some warp up for a mission he'll be in soon."

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"Really, you're going to get on my case about the way I speak?"akumae.gif

"One exceptionally tough target. The problem with that is that could be anything. A particular opponent may not be hard for you as another kind. You're better off finding an actual opponent."akumaq.gif

"Oh right, you were asking how all this was funded? Over the years, we've taken on some tough bounties and we've placed pretty well on tournaments to get prize money. On top of that, some of our richer members put some investments into us and well...we ARE mercenaries. We get the ocassional escort or bodyguard job here and there. The reputation we've built means we come highly recommended. I suppose it also helps that we've never been such a big group to begin with."akumae.gif

"Hmm....I did say I didn't want you fighting my comrades, but I might make an exception for a certain someone. If only because I know he will definitely not mind, as well as needing some warp up for a mission he'll be in soon."


Sounds good...bring'em out.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"You should be more careful about what you wish for. You might end up regretting it one of these days. Anyway, foll-"


"Excuse me sirs, but perhaps you would like to have something before you continue your training?"

*Much like last time, the mecha maid's appearance was rather sudden. One has to wonder how she manages to sneak undetected.*

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"My apologies, but I don't know you enough to suggest an appropriate meal. If you would be so kind to tell me then I will do my best to prepare it. Please choose quickly however, I must prepare the meals of everyone else as well."


"I wouldn't expect something incredibly spectacular, but what she makes is fairly good."


"Just don't pick anything too fancy, I really doubt we have something like that around here."

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MechHisui-1.png"My apologies, but I don't know you enough to suggest an appropriate meal. If you would be so kind to tell me then I will do my best to prepare it. Please choose quickly however, I must prepare the meals of everyone else as well."akumae.gif"I wouldn't expect something incredibly spectacular, but what she makes is fairly good."akumaw.gif"Just don't pick anything too fancy, I really doubt we have something like that around here."


Can't be any worse than what I eat during my travels. Italian perhaps...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"Very well. Please excuse me."

*The mecha maid then heads off to do her duties.*


"I have to ask. You always seem determined to find a good challenge, so have you found a point to it all? I mean....why do you fight? What do you hope to accomplish through the fight?"

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