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Caren Ortensia released by shiroto (05/07/2014)

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Caren's face looks like she is being hypnotised hypnosis-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862


And that Yamichan........her hair is longer than her body!  I want to see her do air jumps.......


Is it me...or all she could do is tackling opponent with taunt button?


 a  攻撃
 b  攻撃
 c  攻撃
 x  攻撃
 y  攻撃
 z  攻撃
 start 攻撃


 移動攻撃・前方            :start
 移動攻撃・後方            :4+start

 サソリのハラワタ            :a
 オルガン小曲 第6億番 ハ短調        :b
 ロウソクたちが踊る            :c
 マタイによる福音書28章08節        :x
 マルコによる福音書16章09節        :y
 ヨハネによる福音書20章16節        :z

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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