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Yey a new Kid Goku :joyful:



hey Boss MF ripped it down 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 



Cruz predicted all of this then

                                                            Youtoba (Youtube)(Other Links in There) Facebook (Warning)


Need a new link boss!



This is the only kid goku that is right on the button to the show. Like you pulled him right out of the earliest episodes.



This is the only kid goku that is right on the button to the show. Like you pulled him right out of the earliest episodes.


With the exception of his "Penetrate" Which is mid Dragon Ball.


Yes this is by far the most "Youngest" version of Goku.

Martial Arts is all he knows.

With the exception of the Kamehameha.


I also want to implement Flying in a sense, as a double jump he would hover using his tail like he would in the anime at points.

Not long term, but literally hovering.

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I also want to implement Flying in a sense, as a double jump he would hover using his tail like he would in the anime at points.

Not long term, but literally hovering.


Adding his 筋斗雲 Nimbus will be very nice! 

And I remember he once used his tail to float for short time in the air, like a helicopter.



And, Boss Ryon, your updated Kid Goku once again inspires me very much!


Love you and your updated Kid Goku!  6f428754.gif

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

  • 4 weeks later...

I like the Oozaru move, we can control him.


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