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Terry Bogard by KoopaKoot Released (09/03/2014)


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Always nice to see new SNK characters that use it's original SNK sprite been made.


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Because we needed one that didn't suck.

My only complaint is that it's trucker Terry and not Garou Terry.

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So. Is this a Terry from Fatal Fury or a Terry from another SNK game? And in regards to Terry being made again, I honestly don't see why people are complaining. He's not made nearly as much as Rugal or Ryu are.


Just chillaxin' on the beaches of South Island and chuggin' down your Coca-Cola.

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So. Is this a Terry from Fatal Fury or a Terry from another SNK game? And in regards to Terry being made again, I honestly don't see why people are complaining. He's not made nearly as much as Rugal or Ryu are.

It's KOF Terry.

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Might wanna recalibrate that flux capacitor on your DeLorean, buddy.. Or are you using a TARDIS?

i have problems at MFG with the timezone on the threads basically went random.

See: http://prntscr.com/2zrvkx

I posted this like 11 hours ago 

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It's obviously in DD/MM/YYYY format.  March 9th is quite possible without time travel.


In other news, great.  Another freaking KOF2k(whatever) Terry.  Can we have a SVC-ish Terry that doesn't suck.  The only one that exists has incorrectly imported sprites (which is ironic since it's the same guy that RIPPED them) and a shit Power Dunk.

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It's obviously in DD/MM/YYYY format.  March 9th is quite possible without time travel.


In other news, great.  Another freaking KOF2k(whatever) Terry.  Can we have a SVC-ish Terry that doesn't suck.  The only one that exists has incorrectly imported sprites (which is ironic since it's the same guy that RIPPED them) and a shit Power Dunk.

That has nothing to do with this char lol

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Sure it does.

I'm just that disappointed. I'm pretty sure I've had a Terry with this exact moveset before. The only difference is that it uses the SVC stance and his gloves are black.

Considering that SvC Terry is based on KOF Terry....

And this Terry's gloves are black too.

Seriously, you people need to accept that certain characters will be made more often than others and that the lesser made ones may include your favorite character(s).

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