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as of now I only have a few groups. Here are there description.


Author - Person who re-create characters for mugen.
Creator - Person who creates original work for mugen.
Evaluator - Person whom test's mugen works, and supplies constructive critisim.

Administrator - A person with Administrative power and voice.
Global Moderator - Keeps the entire forum on check.
Moderator - Keeps his or her assigned area on check.


now I need to know. Who should fit into 1 group.


C.A.N, is definately gonna be a Evaluator.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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Did you know you are the highest level member?


your Lv.44, Im Lv. 41.

:hmm: Go figure...it's based on posts isn't it? I see that I have 4400+ posts. You currently have 4100+ post. That means Brock and Ryoucchi might be higher than me.


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-Rimu: Author cuz he made chars and stages from source.

-DJHANNIBALROYCE: Author same reasons as above plus both already made like 4 chars and like 6 stages and all decent so that sounds perfect.

-Genesis: Evaluator he test stages and addons for some of us and bring good and detailed feeback he rarely release something but helps with the Graphics part i think this rank should work for him just for now.


plus both already made like 4 chars and like 6 stages so that sounds perfect.

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But didn't Royce release possessed Pokemon trainer? Those sprites were (mostly

) custom

And he's currently doing heartless ken, so perhaps creator suits him better? Not to mention the things he does create have original gameplay, nothing like the source games

If Rimu doesn't get Author, he at least deserves evaluator, ive seen some detailed feedback from him

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1-But didn't Royce release possessed Pokemon trainer? Those sprites were (mostly

) custom And he's currently doing heartless ken, so perhaps creator suits him better?

2- Not to mention the things he does create have original gameplay, nothing like the source games

3-If Rimu doesn't get Author, he at least deserves evaluator, ive seen some detailed feedback from him


1- Opps sorry forgot about the sprite part AGREE.


2- I say that based on the graphics used has a game source.


3- If Rimu doesnt get Author you can ban Genesis and me from MFFA.

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