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So you're in a community about a fighting game engine and not once did you ever know what Blazblue was despite having been around for years now.


I also observed something similar:


"Hey what game is this MUGEN stage from?"

"This is CVS desert stage.  You don't know about CVS!?"

"No, I have never seen and heard of CVS."


CVS series was a 200x fighting game product.  Fighting game players born in the late 70's and the 80's should have at least known about CVS series.

However, younger ones like the 90's may not know about CVS series at all.  If it is a Flappy Bird MUGEN stage then probably they wouldn't ask the same questions. 


Are MUGEN contents getting old, to the point that younger MUGEN fans don't care about old-school MUGEN stuff?


Going back to the Blazblue Alucard case.  I think there is a chance that a Blazblue non-intensive player might not care much about other characters, even their names, besides their mains.

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dood i have blazblue for my xbox 360


just not any of the newer ones.


Yo you are better than me.  I don't have $$$ to buy PSP/3DS/PS3/XBox so I have no access to BlazBlue at all.


All I can do to know more about BlazBlue is, go to visit http://www.blazblue.com/ and watch some BlazBlue YouTube videos.

My hands cannot feel BlazBlue but at least my eyes can.

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Chinese people have a saying:  「大難不死,必有後福」 = "if you had an accident that nearly killed you and you survived, then luck will be with you"

A British woman dreamed to be an artist but her drawing skill sucked big time.  Even her teacher advised her to give up.  30 years later, the woman had an accident that nearly broke her skull.  After recovery she began to be able to draw like a Pro!  Her doctor said she was suffering from "Acquired Savant Syndrome".  Only in her case the side effect was "made her a professional drawer".  It seems the above Chinese saying fits her case.


Now she keeps drawing at least four (4) pictures everyday because she is afraid of losing that "accident after-luck".  Some doctors say the "gift" won't be taken away from her.


A picture she drew before her accident:



Some pictures she drew after her accident:



This is the British woman in the story:

tVyIgpx.jpg  => Pip Taylor


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I read someone doesn't like small towns.


So I bet he/she/it must not like this extra-small town:




              "A town of four (4)"

              Welcome to the smallest town in Australia complete with its own motel, train station, general store, four-star restaurant,

              pub and just four residents.

              The Queensland town of Cooladdi is located 560 miles west of Brisbane and a 90-minute drive from the nearest other

              settlement Charleville.

              But living happily in isolation is Laurel Seymour Smith, 64, her daughter Roxanne and son-in-law Gavin Muller and their

              daughter Christie.

              In its heyday when it was a major rail centre Cooladdi boasted a school, butcher shop, post office, store and police

              station accommodating 270 residents.

              More information here: 


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