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Everything posted by Kanbei

  1. i've have a new look on Wolf, guys I don't wanna lose him or Falco now. :(
  2. VICTORY... IS MY DESTINY. Now, let's hope he gets nerfed. Loving the new metal pads. Oh look a refence to Brawl's SSE.
  3. I'm pretty sure ganon isn't getting cut. I thought they would cut Toon Link but Smash bros didn't want him leave. So I'm sure Ganon's gonna stay.
  4. You know what I saw the video on there I just thought it was a screenshot oops. but aside from my foolishness they look wonderful.
  5. Cool these lifebars look great will we see a video on these soon?
  6. Yeah I found them in the specials area in the command. I have the look harder next time. -_-
  7. Sorry for double posting, but Fei Fei is a beta, she have no supers. :(
  8. Takamaru - From the game The Mysterious Murasame (NES), The game takes place in Edo period Japan ruled by the fourth shogun Tokugawa Ietsuna. Murasame Castle, located somewhere in Japan, houses a gigantic stone statue known as Murasame. The people lived peacefully until one stormy night, when a shining golden object fell onto the castle from the sky. Deafening shrieks arose from the castle, and the shining object is later revealed to be an alien creature who gives life to the stone statue Murasame and takes over the castle. The alien creature extends its power to four other neighboring castles, giving the daimyo lords each an evil sphere of power. The lords are taken over by the alien's evil power, and use the spheres to summon ninja armies and monsters to attack villagers. Hearing of these strange occurrences, the shogunate sends Takamaru, a samurai apprentice, on a secret mission to investigate the castle. As Takamaru, the player must infiltrate the four castles to defeat each castle lord, before going on to face the alien entity itself. In short it was Zelda's cousin but harder difficulty. Does that clear things up for ya? ROFL oh yeah Kamiya
  9. Cool I just palyed DDND this past week (after my cousin's bothered me to play it.) I'm glad someone made Fei Fei she my favorite in that game.
  10. Oh I know, I'm just saying I was not expecting it to be a fire emblem themed character intro. lol
  11. Funny I posted Chrom quote then this happened. lol I swear I didn't predict this the shit was random. lol
  12. You're not invincible! Monado Enchant! ~ Shulk This is Shulk, the man protagonist. But besides pretty boy, I'm calling it now. They will confirm a Veteran and Newcomer, at least I hope... Indeed, I didn't see him as an assist trophy so maybe, but keep in mind brawl did have unlockable assist trophies. So he might be an unlockable one again.
  13. ANYTHING CAN CHANGE!!!! ~ Chrom Um the Capcom reps are finished I don't think where getting another third party.
  14. Good luck Ryon I wish your parents weren't so mean to your family. But hey you gotta keep going and move on.
  15. Yeah okay so here is the issue I'm having. My character I'm working on is having a strange issue, I was trying to make him get a second hit when the opponent bounces off the wall, however when he hits the wall its only counts that hit and the air combo but not the launch it just won't chain with it. Any tips? My code, Sorry for it being so large. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Launcher Heavy [Statedef 410] type = C movetype= A physics = C juggle = 3 poweradd= 15 ctrl = 0 anim = 410 sprpriority = 2 [State 410, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 1 value = 0, 0 [State 410, 2] type = HitDef trigger1 = Time = 0 trigger1 = p2bodydist X < 40 attr = C, NA damage = 24 priority = 3 animtype = Hard hitflag = MAF guardflag = L pausetime = 6,6 sparkno = S6000 guard.sparkno = S16000 sparkxy = -10,-42 hitsound = S1, 2 guardsound = S1, 3 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 17 ground.hittime = 17 air.hittime = 17 guard.ctrltime = 17 ground.velocity = -8,-6.2 guard.velocity = -7 air.velocity = -2,-1 airguard.velocity = -5, -4 fall = 1 p2stateno = 411 p2facing = 1 [State 410, 4] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 11 ctrl = 1 ;------------------ ;custom launch gethit state [Statedef 411] type = A movetype= H physics = N velset = 0,0 [State 411, Anim] type = ChangeAnim2 trigger1 = 1 value = 411 [State 411, State] type = ChangeState trigger1 = HitShakeOver = 1 value = 412 ;------------------ ;custom launch gethit state 2 [Statedef 412] type = A movetype= H physics = N [State 412, Velocity] type = HitVelSet trigger1 = Time = 0 x = 1 y = 1 [State 412, Gravity] type = VelAdd trigger1 = 1 y = .45 [State 412, No scroll] type = ScreenBound triggerall = Pos y < -15 trigger1 = BackEdgeBodyDist < 65 trigger2 = FrontEdgeBodyDist < 65 value = 1 movecamera = 0,1 [State 412, Hit wall] type = ChangeState triggerall = Pos y < -15 trigger1 = BackEdgeBodyDist <= 20 trigger2 = FrontEdgeBodyDist <= 20 value = 413 [State 413, HitAdd] type = HitAdd triggerall = Pos y < -15 trigger1 = BackEdgeBodyDist <= 20 trigger2 = FrontEdgeBodyDist <= 20 value = 1 persistent = 0 [State 413, TargetLifeAdd] type = TargetLifeAdd triggerall = Pos y < -15 trigger1 = BackEdgeBodyDist <= 20 trigger2 = FrontEdgeBodyDist <= 20 value = -20 kill = 1 persistent = 0 [State 412, Hit ground] type = SelfState trigger1 = (Vel y > 0) && (Pos y >= 0) value = 5100 ;------------------ ; custom launch gethit state - hit wall [Statedef 413] type = A movetype= H physics = N [State 413, HitAdd] type = HitAdd trigger1 = !time value = 1 persistent = 0 [State 413, TargetLifeAdd] type = TargetLifeAdd trigger1 = !time value = -20 kill = 1 persistent = 0 [State 3390, PlaySnd] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = time = 0 value = S5000,(random%5) channel = 0 freqmul = 1.0 loop = 0 pan = 0 volumescale = 255 [State 413, Turn] type = Turn trigger1 = (Time = 0) && (FrontEdgeBodyDist <= 30) [State 413, Pos] type = PosAdd trigger1 = Time = 0 x = 15 - BackEdgeBodyDist [State 413, Stop moving] type = PosFreeze trigger1 = 1 x = 1 y = 1 [State 413, No scroll] type = ScreenBound trigger1 = 1 value = 1 movecamera = 0,1 [State 413, Spark] type = Explod trigger1 = Time = 0 anim = F72 pos = 0, floor (screenpos y) - 30 postype = back sprpriority = 3 [State 413, Anim] type = ChangeAnim2 trigger1 = Time = 0 value = 413 [State 413, Sound] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 0 value = F7,0 [State 413, State] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 414 ;------------------ ; a custom gethit launch state - bounce off wall [Statedef 414] type = A movetype= H physics = N [State 414, Vel Y] type = VelSet trigger1 = Time = 0 y = -7.6 [State 414, Vel X] type = VelSet trigger1 = Time = 0 x = 3.0 [State 414, Turn] type = Turn trigger1 = (Time = 0) && (BackEdgeDist < 30) [State 414, Gravity] type = VelAdd trigger1 = 1 y = .35 [State 414, Anim 5050] ;Self falling animation type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Time = 0 trigger1 = !SelfAnimExist(5052) value = 5050 [State 414, Anim 5052] ;Self falling animation (diagup type) type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Time = 0 trigger1 = SelfAnimExist(5052) value = 5052 [State 414, Anim 5060] ;Coming down - normal type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Vel Y > -2 trigger1 = Anim = 5050 trigger1 = SelfAnimExist(5060) persistent = 0 value = 5060 [State 414, Anim 5062] ;Coming down - diagup type type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = Vel Y > -2 trigger1 = Anim = 5052 trigger1 = SelfAnimExist(5062) persistent = 0 value = 5062 [State 414, Hit ground] type = SelfState trigger1 = (Vel y > 0) && (Pos y >= 0) value = 5100
  16. I dunno it doesn't look too much like Ghosts n' Ghouls.
  17. Oh you gave whitebeard english dub? Cool gonna try him out.
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