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Everything posted by C.R.O.M.verydannyboy

  1. lol many thanks my dude!!!!!!! request fufilled!!
  2. thee was a hires m.bison awhile back that had the wtf porn sprites awhile back that came out. the links for him are dead on the guild, so any help would be greatly appreciated!! if it's still here and i just didn't notice it , just point me in the right direction and thanks!!
  3. no prob!! i thought i had it up before , but the 2 shared links i had expired. now i just need to find those ps2 exclusives for xi like osaka ....
  4. japan high school at night for kof 2k2um http://www.mediafire.com/download/2daddcea8szeemz/japan_school_night_2k2_um.zip
  5. many thanks on the update!! i remember your kill and black k and a few others!! keep up the great work!!
  6. didn't see this coming. and i'm a sucker for kof style characters too . downloading!!!!
  7. i'm scheming on dj hero for the wii (yes i still play mines) i saw it for dirt cheap for 55 dollars at JnL games in chinatown (NYC) i'm also waiting to cop the new splinter cell : blacklist and painkiller
  8. ok i finally got to it!! here's my two cents on demitri: so far the issues that i came across were the occasional clone during fire fights . when you hit demitri out the bat super (a no no), the bats stay him for a sec. those were the only two major things i saw. animation is fluid. i love the pissed off look he has on cfj. and looking forward to the chain combos to be fully intact . so i'll wait for the next release cuz we needed a cfj demitri . kunf fu man left his behind on the production floor but kudos for you for going in on this..
  9. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol jk great stage man!! i used this tune for this stage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRmJAmyomAc keep up the great work!!!!
  10. thanks to that awesome throwback to many of our childhoods !! now we can battle and have a hamburger with an undead ronald regan!! thanks brock!!
  11. gotta throw d12's fight music to this lol!! great stage man
  12. thanks a bunch guys and my apologies for the late reply . this overtime at work is bananas lol!!! i might as well see if i can get away with playing mugen at the pc on the job!! request fufilled!!
  13. i'm trying to look for this edit of cvs geese that has assists as well an attack where he pistol whips you with a revolver (kinda looks like a 38). thanks for any help he has hair like mitsurugi from soul calibur and a scruffy beard and still has the same clothes as geese but with a dark green color for the default palette . i think he was based of an old anime character....
  14. awwwww crap!!!! as soon as i was ready to put in feedback, UPDATE!!!!!!! LOL ok no prob, i'll grab him again and just put my feedback in with the new build.
  15. i use the airship bgm from mvc2. it fits in a strange way lol
  16. this was a surprise indeed .. will download and will give my thoughts on the first build as soon as ai can.... he was one of the very few good things that came out of capccom fighting evolution(?!)
  17. no problem and i see photobucket is being fagazey with me right now lol.
  18. there's a program on this site: http://www.emit.jp/dgca/dgca.html
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