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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. Yo that's tight! Thanks for the love homie! You still gonna use the CM PUNK stage?
  2. LOOOOOL! I should have known an advent CVS fan such as yourself would appreciate a screenpacks like this. Lol!
  3. LOOOL!!! I almost fell out of my chair!!
  4. I noticed the tracks skipped from track 13 to track 15. Did you accidently skip that number or did you forget to add track 14?
  5. Yoooooo!!! I am DEFINENITLY getting these! Is there ANYTHING Gundam related you can't get your hands on!?!
  6. Thanks man! Some might mistake the title as just a "cheap cliche." But I know full well what "swag" really means and I certainly wouldn't use it unless I fealt my work was deserving of such a "bold" title choice. But I feel where you're coming from...
  7. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=2baf5f750dc42103#cid=2BAF5F750DC42103&id=2BAF5F750DC42103%21103 [COMMENT] Update. I added randomselect icons, cleaned up my "SWAG"(LOOOOL!!) on the Select Sreen and put the "vs" logo in layer 1 on the Vs Screen. Enjoy...
  8. Yea, this forum is awesome! My laptop shows the "active" level of the forums I'm in: Mugen-Infantry-very low Mugenguild-moderate MUGEN FREE FOR ALL-VERY ACTIVE!!! Hey! Computers don't lie...
  9. No doubt, homie. I do this for all my "Thorough Breed Mugen Peeps", ya dig!? I got some updates coming real soon...
  10. Nice!!! I had this one, too. It's original yet universal at the same time. It's got a nice size roster but not to large. AND it supports regular ports so you can just plug and play. SWAG-NIFICENT!!!
  11. Thanks, Yuyu! What part of the title? The title screen or just the title itself?
  12. Lol! That Vs is getting to yah!? Thanks for testing and thanks for the feedback, Brock! Ya know, I'm considering making a custom port version...
  13. I had this screenpack! It's one of my top five all time favorite screenpacks! It inspired my Street Mugen screenpacks! I lost it when my hardrive busted. This must be my lucky day...
  14. Wait! What?! I don't see anything?! Is it just me?
  15. I was going to use that same word somewhere! That and "Swag-nificent!" Lol!
  16. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=2baf5f750dc42103#cid=2BAF5F750DC42103&id=2BAF5F750DC42103%21103 [COMMENT] What's good, fam! Got some new screenpack love for ya! This screenpack was inspired by characters that have CVS gameplay, sprites or both. So in this case, "swag" means "gameplay." It's got original sprites, a rocking bgm, fonts and even lifebars. Btw, I gotta thank TheShinHado for these awesome lifebars. They made this screenpack complete. Thanks alot, homie! Well, that's all I've got to say about. I'll let the screenies tell the rest. Enjoy...
  17. Thanks Ryon! Speaking of codes, ever since you said all your characters were coded from kfm, I've been thinking about going into character creation. I won't release anything soon, I gotta study first for a while. In the meantime, I'll be upgrading my stage skills and dropping a hot screenpack on yall every now and then... Thanks, Brock! I try to do things a little different each time. I've been told that I'm a fast learner. Hopefully that will still be the case when I DO decide to dedicate some time to character creation. I've got a lot of idea's...
  18. That explains it... Trinity won't let me download it. I need him and Bulleta by Koopakoot! UuuUUuggggg!!!
  19. All this does is take me to my own account. How do I get to the character?
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