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Posts posted by YochiIsC00lest333

  1. About that second Pachirisu by Weegee/Some Guy 2000 (Weegee's first Pachirisu was made under his "(The) Emolga" alias) whose link is dead, I finally retrieved (perhaps) the unmodified original (as files are dated 2014 and 2015):
    Found this (perhaps) unmodified SG2000's Pachirisu on AK1 Forum (I was behind the uploading this Pachirisu to this forum, by the way), but since there is a requirement that guests cannot download anything from there, I reuploaded it.

  2. 1 hour ago, PlasmoidThunder said:

    Also no, I apparently do not have Some Guy 2000's Pachirisu hosted for whatever reason

    Welp, guess we'll have to wait for someone who will upload SG2000's Pachirisu (completely unaltered) unless you have this Pachirisu in your MUGEN files (but I doubt you kept this Pachirisu in your computer)

  3. On 3/24/2022 at 11:42 AM, GreenShieldy said:

    The link to Some Guy 2000's Pachirisu is dead.

    I've got you covered (well, kind of):
    Though here it uses my own slightly altered sound file since its winpose was originally mute as PlaySnd controller in state 18 tries to find the winpose sound but the sound itself is in different index number (group number was intact). The Constants file was also somewhat modified by me but I don't remember what I changed here.
    (maybe the Uncle Plas himself still have SG2000/Weegee's second Pachirisu, but I'm not sure)

  4. I forgot to say that Weegeeisgoingtokillm/SomeGuy2000(?) edited my Plusle some years ago (made most likely in 2018-2019, as file dates say 2018). Oh boy, in my honest opinion, that one is a more brutal (and a bit more glitchy) than the original version:
    Here's list of changes I could find by myself:


    Player with has been decreased, probably due to its small size
    Standing Light Attack has x axis velocity added. Because of this, it can be infinite combo if you keep spamming that move.
    Jumping will automatically use Aerial Light Attack
    Landing a hit with Standing Medium Attack will automatically use Standing Heavy Attack
    Using slow projectile move causes Plusle to use projectile super if Plusle has more than 1000 power (1 power bar)

    Using Light Skull Bash move causes Plusle to use Crouching Light Attack, causing it go lower than the usual ground position
    Plusle can randomly counterattack when blocking
    Has a Brutal AI similar to other Weegee creations, meaning that beating this Plusle can be painful.
    Its supers/hypers has NotHitBy flag. (Noticed about this in December 13, 2021)

    Also, I am suspecting that one of MUGEN betting websites, SpriteClub, uses this edit of Plusle due to it being in 3rd Division of said betting website.
    And also, there's an edit of PichuMario's Pichu, also made by Weegee back in few years ago, by removing Shun Goku Satsu move and also making a bit more glitchier and even more brutal. Hosted on that site where 10 MB is the limit, so I reuploaded him to MEGA (with some alterations to the archive; the character itself was not modified by me at all):

    I am pretty much surprised you missed these two edits.

  5. On 11/2/2021 at 4:14 PM, KingdomWorld37 said:

    Hey Yochi, How's the Sonic and Pokemon full game so far?

    Currently on hold. I might hope that I can finish my SvP game after some time, but my interest to Sonic was low, so currently my hands can't reach the further development. Currently I'm working on a different MUGEN full game, which is solely related to Pokemon OCs.

  6. Lemme tell you something about: Mike Obrecht did not make Cartoon Mortal Kombat characters, as he instead made same characters with sprites taken from the original three Mortal Kombat games. The characters with Mike Obrecht as authorname in this collection is actually unknown creators' work that is a spriteswap of Mike Obrecht's MK Ninja characters, including Obrecht's own MK Ninja OC: Slash.
    Also, few canon MK characters who were MUGENized with cartoon-styled sprites are missing in this collection (maybe due to it's just work in progress collection remake?), like, for example, Frost. And Requiem's authorname should be Angelm & MKRequiem (as written in def file; its proper def file should be Requiem_tag.def as Requiem.def loads this character with no moves and Ermac's name), but I might be wrong.

  7. 3 hours ago, PlasmoidThunder said:

    Probably around the time he released his first set of Pokémon.

    I never saw this evidence before until Pokemon II was released.
    Also, if I recall correctly, all of his old Pokemon were updated when he released Pokemon II, like Pikachu does not say the line from the character he was edited off (SFIII Ryu to be exact. Ax's Pokemon characters are not spriteswaps, as far as I know, but they're more like edits of Ryu with the leftover sprites that will never show in Ax's games, but they will show if the characters are outside Ax's said games or even grabbed by a character that is not Ax's Pokemon) nor he flashes in red in his "intro".
    Yet also Ax now works in that site we had to blacklist I guess. He originally worked on Mugen Multiverse before moving to the site with the initials of MA.

  8. On 7/17/2021 at 12:49 PM, PlasmoidThunder said:

    At some point I'll add the remaining characters from Ax's game.

    If you didn't exctract Mimkyu from that game before, you might use my upload of it from my MEGA:
    I also read the "readme" file (quoted because it's not called a readme file) of Pokemon II game itself, and I found the reason the reason why AxKing puts owner's name (in Pokemon's case, it's Nintendo) instead of his own name (tl;dr obviously) :


    Q: Why do your characters say Nintendo as the author and not your name?

    A: I don't like to take credit since I personally belive it to be pointless. My internet username is not my actual real name so who cares who the author is really. pride has no place in mugen and unforutnately it tends to ruin it for everybody who just wanna play the stupid game. I promise you nobody cares about the author so I leave it as Nintendo because in truth they are the only true owners of these intellectual properties and no matter how much work went into it from you personally it doesn't change the fact that you're in a sense stealing (without permission) and in many cases even profitting from it which again is hypocritical to me to tell others this is mine don't steal and then go ahead and steal what isn't yours to begin with. Just be honest about being dishonest lol Besides you can't sue stolen property that says it's yours XD If Nintendo wants to sue themselves then be my guest LOL I have no interest in being recognized or being credited. It means nothing to me and people who care about that are nothing to me. Protest all you want & besides I'm retiring anyway so never gonna care anyway and never will in the future for sure. If I gave you credit at some point it was because I felt sorry/bad for you for caring about something soo stupid and trivial. 

    Also if I do add names to a credits roll it is merely done so just to pad out a game that traditionally have end credits and well I just need names to fill up that part. That is not to say there weren't actual contributors but in my opinion everyone is a contributor in many ways so it's pointless to name names in the first place when you think about it. 

    As a matter of fact I should have just made up a bunch of names that belong to nobody real lol I totally missed that opportunity lol Now I regret my actions XD


  9. @Richard 89 what about AxKing's other Pokemon characters, such as Mimikyu, for example? AxKing only uploads to [REDACTED] now, and... (continued in spoiler)


    none of the guests can download because their (AxKing's characters') file size exceeds 10 MB limit for guests there.


  10. On 6/5/2021 at 1:33 AM, PlasmoidThunder said:


    Let's hope that someone would reupload those characters that AxKing made to MEGA. I still know that I got softbanned there (UPD: I was now moved to Purgatory role by the admins now on that site) and thus I'm still waiting when those are reuploaded outside that site.

  11. AxKing/AxSeeker/Ax released more of his Pokemon characters (fun fact: he credits himself as "Nintendo" as always, since he does not know that author field is the field where you put your name as the one who MUGENized this character, not the name of who made it in official non-MUGEN media) while also updating few old ones, but unfortunately, all of them are hosted on now site of hatred with the acronym of MA, and all of them exceed max size limit for guests (their size is 20-24 MB, which is more than twice as max 10 MB).

  12. On 4/24/2021 at 6:42 PM, PlasmoidThunder said:

    Added Vivid (Oshawott) by *checks notes* MLPYellowSavis & TheWonderSymbioteAndSpinToMUGEN.

    For some strange reason, TWSASTM misspelt Vuvid's name as Vivid, while MLPYellowSavis officially named this Oshawott recolor as Vuvid.

    There's also original MLPYellowSavis' Vuvid before TWSASTM made his version using MLPYS' colors as a reference, but unfortunately, the original MLPYS' Vuvid can't be found anywhere, not even on YouTube (in YT it gives nothing related to MUGEN videos with Vuvid the Oshawott recolor).

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