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Everything posted by DarkWolf13

  1. Ax... I can't believe what you just said about people erasing Jonamite's Link as soon as your version comes out ... I'm sorry I have to say this and this is DEFINITELY NOT ME to go out like this... but you are one big jerk ass f*** who obviously don't give a damn about other people's hard works/creations. That was the most UNFORGIVABLE statement you made! In all my time on a MUGEN forum I have NEVER seen such a wit-less, cold, jerkass statement from someone like you! I may have the ability to make and release a character in a matter of hours but I will never say something like "Mine is better so people will never play yours again"! I look forward to see what the Boss has to say about your statement.
  2. The Tri-Force Slash seems perfect as a Hyper attack... I didn't play the LoZ games though... but still.
  3. I've managed to not only convert the Mugen Fighting Jam Lifebar for 1280x720 MUGEN, I went out my way to make custom ports for the lifebar. This one has the Street Fighter Alpha PowerBars. In the images I posted... I was using the Darkstalkers 3 powerbars at the time I took those snapshots. Enjoy Images: Download the fight.def here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/4v98aj8fo1w140p/CapcomFightingJam-SFACustomfile.zip Download the ports here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/s5xlfwq9okra911/MFJ_Custom_Ports.zip I made 382 ports. I had a huge roster...
  4. I tested him out... this is outstanding!! He's fun to play and to fight against! Best MvC styled Talbain here! Thanks for sharing this one!
  5. It looks like the story is somewhat of a remix of the first game because the ending was similar to the first except the fact that you had to fight Bowser. I don't like how the boss battles go... why Kamek as a mid-boss in every world and why 3 hits for every boss? I wonder why there is no Piranha Plant boss this time... There was Naval Piranha in World 3 in the first game and Big Bungee Piranha in the second game in World 2.
  6. Character updated. He has a Lv 3 Hyper now and fixed his damage values and Attack stat (Don't think I'm talking Pokemon here cuz I'm not). This hyper is similar to Garuru Fury due to same startup and charge animation but in the success animation sequence, this hyper deals far more damage. For a character with 1000 Life and 100 Defense... they'll lose around or close to 50% of their max life.
  7. I really hope so but I bet I those two will be in the game... they're too popular to be ignored.
  8. I hope they'll make you play an amount of matches in order to battle a character that will be playable if you defeat him/her.
  9. I'm already fully satisfied. I managed to bring everyone from Black2 to X version. Just missing Slakoth is all. My trial already ended for Bank but I won't be needing it until the next game.
  10. Updated Strabimon. The dizzy stars were too high. And will be updating him again with a couple of new attacks and possibly a new hyper attack due to the spritesheet getting updated.
  11. Matt's right... teambuilding is half the fun... the other half comes from trying them out in battle.
  12. I don't care who I use as long I can manage them easily in terms of controls. In case of female fighters, I don't care as long as fanboys don't overuse the fan-service portion of them. I found Morrigan the easiest to play with because I get a lot of practice with her moves and combos and the shocking fact that she appeared in MvC1 when it came out with a couple of attacks I've never seen her use before such as Soul Eraser and Silhouette Blade. That's what started my favoritism towards Morrigan in the MvC Games... my big bro hated fighting me when I play as Morrigan.
  13. Everyone has a style of mugenizing characters. As long they've been successfully mugenized. As the Boss says, Ax prefers unfinished and beta level characters... I like to keep mine fine & balanced but I have characters that are unbalanced too but I don't care because the way they fight are acceptable to me. And I'm gonna say this... I made a BUNCH of Namco X Capcom characters but I never released them because they don't even have a single attack on them... they are more likely punching bags that... shoot yellow bullets... they guard, they jump (Which they shouldn't in source game but this is MUGEN) and they have their sprites for custom states... plus voices if they have them in the source game. Now back on topic... let's just leave AxSeeker alone and let him do his stuff. He could be busy like the rest of us.
  14. Here's an idea... let's have a mod close this so no further word about this will get in.
  15. Preview: Pal 2: Pal 3: Pal 4: Pal 5: Pal 6: Pal 7: Pal 8: Pal 9: Pal 10: Pal 11: Pal 12: Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/sbr748481cso84u/Dark_Wolf_XM-77_Palettes.zip
  16. At least I didn't have to do hundreds of matches just to get the characters.
  17. Goodness... and it took me less than a day to decently make a character... maybe because the characters I make aren't in CPS2 format...
  18. Character updated and changed how his Garuru Fury Hyper goes. Warning: In Simul, if WereGarurumon is hitting a target with Garuru Fury, the target's partner can stop him by hitting him thus disarming the attack. This is good if you're fighting the CPU one but this also allows WereGarurumon to hit both targets since the other can get caught in his punching/kicking range. Haven't tried it yet but I think it could happen. I'm gonna test and see if it's true. Edited: Yes, he can hit more than one target if the other is in his hit range but if they're behind and too close to WereGarurumon, they'll be hit and the hitstun leaves them unable to move for around 100 ticks if not struck again afterwards. Once 100 ticks has passed they'll fall. If the second target gets in range in front of WereGarurumon, they'll take the same beatdown as the main one.
  19. I say a majority or Street Fighter and KOF characters have been made numerous times. Most knowingly Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Kyo, Iori, and Terry.
  20. I hope they designed the enemies the same way they designed the characters like in Brawl when I play the sub-space emissary.
  21. Fixed. And character has been reuploaded. The link remains the same.
  22. Strabimon from Digimon has been mugenized and got converted with Mouser's MvC2 coding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdiV6Rp_uUo Credits to: -KisiroKitsune -AnxJak -ralord -Frost/FrostRaven32 -TheRealSin -Mouser (For the coding layout) He has no projectile attacks and uses Strider Hiryu's voice from MvC and NxC. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ks9sg5j0vbcqxey/MvC2_Strabimon.zip
  23. This is very interesting... So UMVC3 characters are finally getting mugenized. I'll get him as soon as I arrive home.
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