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Riku Minato

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Everything posted by Riku Minato

  1. @Cook4251 Yes matee it is thank you so much and sharing this character and AI Patch.
  2. Hey everyone long time No chat eh......Anyways I looking and searching this character (I don't know what is the name of the owner of this character) with AI Patched but unfortunately It's gone and I can't find it anymore, Is anyone have this character with a tough decent AI patch? I really great appreciate if you/your have it.Thank you in advance....
  3. @GarchompMatt Hello matee I'm sorry for what I said last time . Anyways as usual my request and this one matee....
  4. As always its amazing eh, you did good job I download this update character and it's worth to play her.....Anyways hopefully in future updates you update her AI this time she's gonna tough.....Keep up matee
  5. Monkey D. Luffy by RAHLONNIR - 1 Yukari Yakumo by Ricepigeon - 2 Segata Sanshiro by MvC Champ - 1 Lilith by Yamori X - 1
  6. Linn Kurosawa by TIN SSJ3 Son Gokou by SANKITI Shin Mr.Karate by JIN Shin Akuma by POTS
  7. Question: I was wondering why you didn't do a DL a whole hour of videos for BGM matee?!I'm sorry just curious..... and don't worry if I find a good theme song for my BGM stage for Mugen I'll find a good videos that contains 30 mins/short.
  8. @GarchompMatt Ok I post short/30 minutes videos matee thanks to inform. Anyways thanks matee.
  9. @GarchompMatt Howdy it's been a while eh, since not posting this excellent BGM service......Anyways as usual my Request and this one.......
  10. Hello Guys/Gals If any chance you/your'e have good AI patch of Arina I'll great appreciate, Anyways thanks in advance.
  11. Eminem Ft. Namolla Family - 25 To Life (Remix Version) Remix made by someone, The original songs are 25 to Life by Eminem and I'm Yesterday by Namolla Family Better Than The Original.
  12. Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire - Vs. Gokou Custom Battle Character by Mixeli
  13. I see so......hopefully it make AI for this character and thanks @Ryoucchi -chan
  14. @Ryoucchi Is this including AI Patched?.....Anyways looks great sprites.
  15. @GarchompMatt thank you again.......As always my request and this one matee......
  16. @GarchompMatt thank you so much your the man.....My Request always and this one matee........
  17. @GarchompMatt Thanks matee......anyway as always my request. and this one matee....
  18. @GarchompMatt thank you matee.....My request as usual. and this one matee.....
  19. Have anyone this character named Goentiz with a decent AI patched.....I'll appreciated if you have it thanks in advance.
  20. Old and classic anime but Goodies. Ashita No Joe 2 (2nd Opening Theme) - Midnight Blues Ashita No Joe 2 (2nd Ending Theme) - Endless Beyond the Darkness Old and classic anime but Goodies. Ashita No Joe 2 (2nd Opening Theme) - Midnight Blues Ashita No Joe 2 (2nd Ending Theme) - Endless Beyond the Darkness
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