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The Unexpected Visitor

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Everything posted by The Unexpected Visitor

  1. Yeah something tells me it must be the AI because there's no way she is able to walk cancel out of her being hit. Likely faulty state detection. EDIT: It is the AI which is causing this: Toru after recovering gains control as the launcher tells her to regain control. As she does Juggy is still in an attacking state and Toru tries to guard. However, the guard state is changed in the following way: Without the AI, the behaviour is normal, however, if the AI is active, she checks whether the opponent is on the ground or in the air, if it is in the air, she'll block high, if it's not, she'll block low. HOWEVER, given the binarity of this it overrides airbone status she had while falling, which causes her walking detection to trigger: Since it checks whether she's not in the air, and she'll have falsely set the ground flag whilist in mid air, she'll walk in the air and even sink through the floor due to her y-velocity not being reset. I'll notify the AI creator ASAP
  2. AI Patch has arrived courtesy of ejanho! Video : Download : https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=C0173D3A69BE074B&id=C0173D3A69BE074B%21153 Note though, that she becomes 1.0+ only using it, but I am pretty sure all of you use it.
  3. Keeping things consistent with Kugami Toru! https://www.mediafire.com/?v097n5y0b7d9e3d What's been changed: -See readme under the first section Future Plans: -Open Paypal account for taking BMT down. -Probably nothing Screenshot: or you can just see this vid for some basic action of her. :J Courtesy of Xander. Keep in mind though, the vid is outdated.
  4. Changing movetype to I by using statetypeset after the active frames of an attack happen. :P For example, let's say your animation contains 5 frames, on the 3rd there's the red hitbox, then the fourth and fifth one don't have them, to prevent counterbuffs triggering improperly and also helping opponent AIs not to block when not needed: [state Mark them] type = StateTypeSet trigger1 = Animelemtime(4)>=0 movetype = I
  5. Some of them weren't even MUGEN inside jokes...
  6. This already spells disaster for you in this forum, I'm sorry, but you really need a sarcasm detector with you.
  7. Pgrs111MAGEN is that you? Downloading and testing
  8. Descruptiun: MAAAAAAN, all the time i was doing nothing, I spent into this char, many people requested old Daniel to be released... like 5 or 7 but that's relative, I always rejected them not because they were annoying, no no, I rejected them because I KNEW they deserved better... I originally wanted to gift it like I did previously on April 1st, they rejected it because they are kids but you know, gotta have patience with them because I'm a totally cool guy :) Which is why I remade the old version of my character!! Full with mames and dude mugen and even counter effects because these TOTALLY make a character. I also added reffies to em ef gee and and also contains bamham city bonus content includes FUCK YOU. There's also dinos and invincibility because balance of course. he also has 3 power bars because relevancy and 35 defence and 112 attack I learned a ton about MUGEN dude balance is amazing. Also includes counters with TOTALLY their properties no just the counter text, fuck extra hitstun FUCK COUNTERBUFFS DOWNLODZ ZOMG: https://www.mediafire.com/?qzbl6k0lr06rk71 scrinshet: Final word: He's BARELY recognizable from his old self at all, just you download to find out.
  9. Assumming you're not using simul mode. Let's say the damage in your hitdefs is like this: damage = X,Y change it into this damage = ceil(X*ifelse(enemynear,name="ridley's name",.25,1)),ceil(Y*ifelse(enemynear,name="ridley's name",.25,1)) I'm sure there's better ways to achieve this (target redirection perhaps) but they wouldn't work for the first hit
  10. I sincerely get annoyed a ton, specially at stupid mistakes. Even worse when I get a bullshit death.
  11. Why don't you two take it into a PM or something by now?
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