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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. Man! why can this be a full series... that was awesome! :-D
  2. here is the recent and final trailer: The game will be released in the next few days...
  3. I have nothing against peoples opinions im just advising folks not to get too stress-out on the matter knowing the recent events that been happening. If people want to talk about politics or any other subject then im ok with that as long as it dosn't cause any negative-vibes towards others thats the whole point...
  4. Thanks... ...also yeah you right Rice best to move this to general Discussion (Random) section. It makes better sense.. [Edit post] Done...
  5. Awesome collection Ryoucchi... :-D to be honest i never played this fighting game... was this from the old arcades long ago?
  6. Even if it is or not it best for people not to stress their selfs on about it and not bragging to much about political matters on forums like this that mainly focuses on Gaming. It dosn't represent MFFA that way if you know what i mean....
  7. I just want to tell everyone as well as every MFFA member who lives in the U.S.: We all understand the recent past presidential election had upset alot of us but we shouldn't stress on it any ways that causes others to feel discomfort about it especially towards members and new members internationally. At this point we should not put our thoughts on politics and focus more on other important things like our neighbors, friends and families. We can also keep our minds off by communicating and doing more positive activities like MUGEN, Video games, etc. For the folks who are still stress about it I suggest you put your minds at ease by meditating/praying and think on more positive aspects to make things better for yourself and others. Keep in mind we should not let political matters interrupt our current lives even if things go for the better or worse. Overall we need to keep moving on and stop stressing our selfs on this matter. As I said before let us focus more on other things to keep this Mugen community strong. Thank you - Galvatron
  8. Nice progress...:-) I think giving him some strikers (his partners from PM64, PM-TTYD, and PM-wiiu) would give him a nice touch.
  9. Oh wow... they really data mined the game liked that already huh..... :-P well this is kind of messed up knowing thier is now a less chance for D/P/PL remake.... well it dosn't bother me much since i retired....
  10. I see this guy starting his own SFM series.... LOL!!....
  11. Nice! good luck with this project.. Im surprise their sprites available from that game already.. :-P one thing for sure when you do this character make sure you re-size him to be normal height in mugen. also are you planning on giving him moves base from the past paper mario games??
  12. Thats cool too to keep him source accurate. Either way i know he is going to be an awesome character.
  13. {see's demo vid} Nice progress so far man! If you decide to give him some voices I suggest using: Gouken (SF series) Gen (SF series) , or Tung-Fu-rue (FF/Snk series) keep it up! and make sure you take your time on this character.
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