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Everything posted by Remzy

  1. She was mentioned to be private some time ago but that may have changed
  2. I could care less what the graphics look like, If it plays good then I'm in
  3. Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?n74moy7y8cvc4va
  4. What is even happening in that preview...?
  5. Ejanho recently edited some AI into her. Vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=MNFZnVnxGTk&app=desktop Link: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=C0173D3A69BE074B!335&cid=C0173D3A69BE074B&group=0
  6. Great release, Kohaku. I look forward for your next creation.
  7. Huh didn't expect anything from Summon Night (except Aty) to have been made.
  8. Nice, I like Kohaku's creations, wonder how well she plays.
  9. Yeah, theres been a bug that deletes topics for some reason.
  10. well no duh huh, I mean really that's the only version that's available.
  11. Hm, auto ai, hopefully someone could patch this
  12. I'd still like to see screen shots on the characters.
  13. No, this post is ok, while some people don't necessarily like these type of edits there are others that do, and there isn't really a rule regarding what kind of characters can be posted here so it's fine as is.
  14. Remzy


    Are any of them good?
  15. Huh, interesting to see an Elsword character be converted, hope to see more in its completion.
  16. Nice, I like a lot of Kohaku's creations, can't wait to try her out.
  17. Looking for the Halloween Showtime stage by Darek but I can't find it, any help?
  18. I fight, but I also enjoy watching some ai fights.
  19. I remember having a version of her that did stupid high damage, wonder what happened there.
  20. Great work, Websta.
  21. That was me who requested it.
  22. Nice, was looking forward to his release.
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