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Posts posted by Basara-kun

  1. debug1.png


    Oh yeah, this is true
    Another release outta-nowhere, this time for a stage... and with a story. Originally there were plans to make CF2 for both SNES and Sega 32X, but the latter was cancelled, only leaving the SNES version we all know. But in these years a prototype was found with some functional chars and a "CF2" background, that was in early stages of production.


    Well, I just got inspired and I converted it in a stage, ideal for training and with a retro look, like your fighters are inside an old computer or something 🥳 I hope you like it, maybe I could add it if you want this as the "training stage" for the Beta 2 of my fullgame, who knows. And yes, before you ask, there's a version for 1.0 already included on the file, but there's no music, sorry...


    Sorry for inconveniences, we are working on it
    Stages -> ClayFighter Series

  2. Wow, I got so abandoned this thread, sorry guys u_u these are my actual advances right now:


    1. ClayFighter chars

    I just got focused only in CF since I decided to go forward my project of ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare. Now that I released the Beta 1, I can get easier with this and focus in other projects, but anyway I'll still clay bother you this year anyway =P By now, reworking on Boogerman (making more mass-production sprites) as well adding 2 new projects on the list: Sarge (originally CF2 Hoppy as secret character, but reworking as I did with Ice and Butch) and Kung Pow (editing Some Guy's KP to convert him in one of the IC chars)


    2. Dan Hibiki

    Talking with my fellow Guild guys in their Discord channel, I got the idea again of rework him. As I said, I just barely have all basics, normal punches and kicks and of course the taunts (being the rolling taunts the only specials I made of him XD), so maybe it's time to finish him once for all so you can get a more accurate Dan for MUGEN (except in clsns, I HATE Capcom's clsns, so don't expect accurate stuff in that department), including poses, damages, movement and all that stuff


    3. More SPvTW chars??

    Well, with the comeback of Ultra Fatality (sponsored by Ryon) with his SPvTW chars, that makes me reignite my fever for these chars, so maybe I'm gonne rework on Kim Pine (I got barely the basics on her but I didn't nothing more since then) and start Stephen Stills, since I wanted the Sex Bob-Omb in MUGEN made by me since years ago, but I got abandoned the idea until now, so maybe 2023 would be the year to these 3 come finally to MUGEN (or at least one of them) by yours truly 😉 


    The others I got there and I hope to get some of them too to show/tell yoiu, but by now, I got these ones on my mind, expect advances of some of them probably just CF stuff soon =D

  3. karate1.pngkarate2.png

    Oh yeah, as you read XD this is another of those outta-nowhere releases I should do when I found some good sprites and I say "hmmm, this could be a MUGEN char, let's try". So, I made it in one day just to make something different. This is the second character I made from Atari 2600 along with E.T., but this one can make you more fight than the green one, I assure you 😜 







    No WinM shots since Win10 screwed it so I used M1.0 for these ones


    Also I include his stage from the game, made lazily in Cybaster's Stage Tool so you can fight him in his own 2-bit arena



    And here's my first character of 2023, I hope to make much more, not just from ClayFighter as you could think 😉 enjoy this piece of relic...


    Round 1, fight!!
    Characters -> Classics

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