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Everything posted by Wargame-kun

  1. lol this is awesome duck
  2. damn it dizz!! you're good at this seriously (man someone edit and make them 640x480)
  3. ugh judging on the screenshot those sprites is bad... a very bad franken spriting...
  4. Gonzo's has 02 gameplay (hold start they older kof gameplay + custom) Kamekaze's has XIII gameplay others warusaki3 for CVS gameplay Hero for POTS like style gameplay Vyn for CVS in Ex mode gameplay
  5. told ya there are single images judging on the screenshot (since the props are missing)
  6. expect for the worst of that and yea i manage to dealt with rei's characters SBX characters too (Except for Keiji) is a hell to deal with specially oda and yea it gonna be more hell if you put the ai patch for date , yukimura and kojuro (barely won using teh maid Kohaku) (as if i know kenshin has a ai patch too)
  7. lol i guess you haven't beat his ass yet... while others like me able to beat him with an ease ^This
  8. ^ i guess its a no for that i smell of 32bit image to get those stages
  9. lol dont mind her if you are using a female character seriously...
  10. in a word of ignore dont mind your imouto wth she's doing to pissed you off
  11. ^ lol he means that when he use a female char thats her older sister reaction...
  12. not until we see the vid of him i expect this is one sided tourney due to cheapie participants
  13. when i saw chuck norris on the list..... tck it seems that cheapie gonna win this....
  14. ^ lol well in my case mostly i used is female char but i often use male char but i choose i prefer both genders why? they are fun to used and as long their gameplay is good (and balance too also)
  15. most important of the character is being made is the damn gameplay yea sure the sprites are cool when it comes to gameplay turn out to be bad (only those jerk ass collectors will get this!) unlike the other one the sprites is a bit ok when it comes to gameplay is good/great (most of the people like me will get that for those casual players who likes balance very much!)
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