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Sir Ghostler

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Posts posted by Sir Ghostler

  1. 7 hours ago, Zemilia said:

    Just a quick feedback, since I noticed something weird:

    -Comparing one of the preview images, the door on the far right has this weird transparent/reflective effect going on.



    I must have accidentally added trans to the door when I updated that version.... I guess I was too tired when I did so. Anyway, the 1.0 version has been updated and this has been corrected.


    7 hours ago, Staubhold said:

    For a first stage really nice. Good one.


    One suggestion...

     - for the big rock on the right side of the stage use the The BlackJack Method, so that the rock will appear normal, but will be transparent when a character passes behind it.


    Thanks. I'll look into adding this in soon, I can't access MFG right now.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Remzy said:

    Great stage Ghost, made a video with it.



    Thanks for the awesome video, Remzy. Glad you like the stage, man.


    16 minutes ago, SSBK65 said:

    It looks marvelous for your 1st stage, I like it, nice job GK.


    Thanks. For my first stage, I'm pretty proud and happy with it.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Phantom Blood said:


    - Damn nice stage

    - Plus point for multiple version/size


    negative in my eyes


    - Had to add shadow

    characters didn't feel like they were standing there on the floor without it



    Ah damn, I must have forgotten to re-add the shadows. Thanks a bunch for pointing that out, I'll fix it right away.


    Thanks for the compliment. 


    57 minutes ago, MorbidJoe said:

    looks great gonna test it when i have the chance


    49 minutes ago, Mʀ. Stᴇal-Yoᴜʀ-Waifᴜ said:

    OH WOW. Styx!


    Thanks guys.

  4. I'm saddened that you want to quit, but I understand your feelings. Once you lose the spark, it can be hard, sometimes impossible, to get it back. I personally know how it feels. I'm also disappointed that you won't be bringing back Tier-1, but again, I understand why.


    Take care, man. You were one of the first people I met and really got to know since I first joined and became active in the many various MUGEN forums and I see you as one of my closest friends. Happy new year to you as well, and I wish you good luck with what you decide to do next.

  5. 3 hours ago, CROM Lando said:

    Had started this a while ago but was different (Skin tone especially since was using a base ) . Referenced her model for a anime design of my Son Mom and just decided to go in depth more to finish the look.  Character concept for my future android adventure/3d fighting game .  Wanted to do more add on details but imma keep it a tad simpler for the 3d cell/toon shade model next year.  Actually might add another ponytail to her and just one other add on and slim her eyes just a wee bit. Not sure tho.

    RED Ryha

    Wanted to finally finish her since i got stuff to do on my commercial works and helps around mugen. Still gonna finish my Image Comic sprite run but cut in half how many since i am gonna be major busy soon. I wanna do a Megaman maverick and got one in mind to complete in a full sprite sheet and code or get it coded. Got 4 mugen wips and 3 will be finished and release either 2 of 3 next year. Peace folks! 


    YO, she looks great, Lando!


    I think her legs are a little too thin just above the kneejoints though, maybe increase the width of them by a couple of pixels. The outline of her breasts and the yellow V line on the neck of the hoodie are a little rough too.


    Great work here, man.

  6. Got some feedback for you:

    - Her small portrait is misaligned.

    - The footstep sounds during her walk animations aren't timed correctly. They play too frequently.

    - The frame advantages for her attacks is generally inconsistent and broken.

         - S.LP is 1 on hit and -9 on block, S.MP is -14 on block, S.HP is -6 on block.

         - C.LP is 4 on hit and -8 on block, C.MP is -29 on hit and -38 on block, C.HP is -6 on block.

    - The hitboxes for the following normals need fixing:













    - Her auto-combo (LP, LP, LP) does WAY to much damage at 375.

    - Her grab attempt takes 30 frames/ticks to actually grab. This is ample time for the opponent to jump or dash away or simply hit her out of it.

    - Though her S.MP is meant to hit 4 times, the last 2 hits don't combo allowing the opponent to block halfway through. Also, not all the hits can land with the opponent in the corner due to pushback.

    - Her super, after hitting however many hits, ends with her laying on the ground even after the opponent has recovered, leaving her open.


    - A lot of her animations are generally too slow or have awkward timing to them.

    - Her voice is kinda bad and hard to hear most of the time.

    - Some sprites could do with some improvements with their aligning.

    - This is just me, but I really don't like how all of her air attacks and standing MP and HP knock the opponent over.

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