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Posts posted by Werewood

  1. Heck.  When I first saw the topic title, I was like, "what the........how come so many people quitting MUGEN'ing recently!?".

    Then I read the topic post and then am like, "phew, just a leaving for a short journey."


    So, have fun with your journey to Florida, and enjoy your MUGEN game during that!  :bye:

  2. The "High Score Girl" manga, by Square Enix, may face a termination due to a lawsuit between SNK and Square Enix!





    It is said that in "High Score Girl", Square Enix has used some KOF contents not officially authorized by SNK.


    SNK's claim:

    Square Enix's response:


    "High Score Girl" fans woe............

  3. You're making a Bern?! Please let me beta test her!


    @Ryochi & Bjay:

    Yes I am making Bern...she is about 30% done for now (heck those fragments thingy is sooooooooooooooo hard to mugenize).

    But, I am still using Boomer's OMK MUGEN template, and I foresee my Bern will surely make MUGEN1.0 lag more than my Beato and Lia......so I decide to throw my Bern WIP away and give up using Boomer's OMK MUGEN template and will try to look for another available OMK MUGEN template.


    As for Lia, I was thinking to make a "lighter" patch after seeing your test result.  But after a few minutes I gave up the idea -- simply because no matter what I try, Boomer's OMK MUGEN template still produces lag in MUGEN1.0.

    Thus, the only way for me is to re-do her from the ground up - not using Boomer's anymore.

    I hesitate to ask Yu-Toharu and baggy for their permission for me to use theirs as the base, because I don't want to use their "select partner" part.

    I am thinking to ask Websta for his permission for me to use his and as the base.

    So, if you think using Websta's OMK MUGEN template is a good idea then I will go ask him for his permission.

  4. @Ryochi & Bjay:

    I was thinking to make a "lighter" patch after seeing your test result.  But after a few minutes I gave up the idea -- simply because no matter what I try, Boomer's OMK MUGEN template still produces lag in MUGEN1.0.

    Thus, the only way for me is to re-do her from the ground up - not using Boomer's anymore.

    I hesitate to ask Yu-Toharu and baggy for their permission for me to use theirs as the base, because I don't want to use their "select partner" part.

    I am thinking to ask Websta for his permission for me to use his and as the base.

    So, if you think using Websta's OMK MUGEN template is a good idea then I will go ask him for his permission.

  5. By seeing a recent Status Updates of NapoleonJonamite, I think it might not be a bad idea to bring out a discussion subject about:
    "non-fighting-game in MUGEN" vs "fighting-game in MUGEN"
    In My Humble Opinion:
    A) mugenizing non-fighting-game stuff
       + more fun, a big window of creativity development
       +/- perhaps more challenging, as raw materials are usually limited
       - the line between success and failure is thin (kind of a big risk)
    B) mugenizing fighting-game stuff
       + having access to certain amount of available resources, depending on how popular one's choice is
       + gameplay systems mixing is welcomed in some cases
       + some people accept custom and/or edited stuff; both approaches can lead to some sort of success or failure
       + one can be a MUGEN legend if being able to make everybody's fighting game
          cross-over MUGEN source-accuracy dreams come true
       +/- one must be almost like the source game maker in order to mugenize source-accuracy perfectly
       - if trying to go for source-accuracy then there is not much creativity element at all (aka boring, I mean the process...)
    I myself don't see anything wrong about making non-fighting-game stuff for MUGEN.
    In last year of 2013, I mugenized a character from an old arcade action game called "Vigilante":

    I love this arcade action very much and I would like to see it in MUGEN but no one has not yet convert it to MUGEN so I had to DIY.  Since the source materials were so limited, I had to do some extra works like Franken-spriting and adding strikers and even the hero's girlfriend interaction.  It was a challenge to me since ripping sprites and sounds from MAME is always hard as heck.  But I really enjoyed the MUGEN making process of that.  Of course, the outcome quality was another story, but at least it pleased me as its author. 
    I remember when I was still in MUGEN Infantry (MI), some MUGEN dude told me, "hey, why the hell did you convert some non-fighting-game stuff to MUGEN?  it was just an awful idea and execution!"   Not hard to imagine, I had fought against that MUGEN dude and wasted some MI forum space.
    Other examples:
    - Boss Ryon's was from a classic action game, many MFFA'ers like it because it contains Boss Ryon's MUGEN creativity and nice execution
    - DJ HANNIBALROYCE's was from a classic action game, it takes SNES MUGEN to the next level
    - BaganSmashBros' was from a classic action game, really shows off BaganSmashBros' love towards Metroid and his MUGEN authoring skill
    - Big O Ilusionista's was from a classic action game, I don't need to repeat mentioning its awesomeness and epicness
    Now, something about the usual fighting-game stuff for MUGEN.
    I am not going to talk about "MUGEN source-accuracy" because I am not allowed to do so.
    The custom and edited ones in MUGEN, undoubtedly most fighting game players are mostly familiar with these categories, because these come from the fighting games they have been playing all the times.  Of course, not all custom and edited ones in MUGEN are widely welcomed and accepted by everybody.
    Some examples being mentioned here:
    - Boss Ryon's from Capcom Fighting Jam, plays very solid and it shows cool use of the RemapPal MUGEN state controller
    - PotS' and all his successors' MUGEN characters, a collection of these already can make a decent MUGEN full game because these share a similar style and standard (high standard here)
    - SxVector's a popular female character with a popular gameplay system, this is the essence of custom + edit
    - M3's a popular female character with a new gameplay system, this is the essence of custom + edit
    - Xasor's I call it "extreme custom + edit" that turned out so cool
    - Gladiacloud & Beximus' I call it "legendary custom + edit" because Legendary Wings is so legendary:

    "non-fighting-game in MUGEN" vs "fighting-game in MUGEN".........both worlds have fans.........
    So, please make your vote I want to know what do you think about "non-fighting-game in MUGEN" vs "fighting-game in MUGEN".
    Thank you for your time.
    P.S.  The following message is for NapoleonJonamite ONLY:

    My MUGEN experience:

    * getting constantly e-bashed and e-bullied is 100000000 times worse than getting no comments/replies/feedbacks/praises/fans/$$$/cakes/whatever *

  6. @Thunderstudent:

    >> My hard drive died on me and killed my Mugen collection. So now I must start rebuilding from the beginning.

    Is it a fate that no one can escape from at least one (1) HDD death time?  Someone told me using RAM drive is more reliable.....yet I am not sure what he meant..........and you should have already known how handy MFFA database is when it comes to your "MUGEN rebuilding" task.  :=D:

    >> my favorite character for Mugen is Raiden from Mortal Kombat

    My favorite MK game is MKII and my favorite MK charater for MUGEN is MK2 Shang Tsung by juano16! 

    He has made my MUGEN MKII dream come true! :cry:

  7. So, what is some good food in my countries/cities?
    I live in China and Chinese people like to enjoy some "tea times" at some "tea restaurants".
    "Tea restaurants" offer not just tea but also good leisure food.
    One kind of Chinese food that is commonly used for accompanying Chinese tea at "tea restaurants" is:  Dim Sum (中式點心):
    Dim Sum (中式點心) is a nice food serving for either one person or more than one  persons.
    One typical serving is usually put in a special container called Chinese Steamer (蒸籠):
    lCNAsCK.jpg  * it consists of a base container and a lid cover
    Actually its design allows one to stack up as many Chinese Steamers (蒸籠) as one wants:
    hhlUVlD.jpg * when one is enjoying the top one, the rest at the bottom still keeps warm
    Now, some Dim Sum (中式點心) I would like to introduce here:
    - Shrimp Dumplings (蝦餃)


    * flexible skin made of gluten-free flour, wrapping some shrimp piece, meat piece, and bamboo shoot that can neutralize the fishy taste of the shrimp
    - Barbecued Pork (叉燒)


    * using a fork-like too, grill some pork in a B.B.Q. style, adding some honey to bring out special chewing texture of the pork (most people like pork with good amount of fat, I myself prefer pork with less fat)
    - Turnip Cake (蘿蔔糕)


    * scrape some Turnip into very small silk-like pieces, adding some dried shrimp pieces, Chinese mushroom shattered pieces, and Chinese sausage cuts, usually put into steamers or fried pans (I like steamed ones more :)
    - Steamed Bun Stuffed with Juicy Pork (小籠包)


    * skin made of wheat flour wrapping inside there are pork and the more important soup, the soup is the soul of this Dim Sum (中式點心), one has to be careful when trying to swallowing the whole thing at the same time, because the soup inside the wrapping is hot~
    * his Dim Sum (中式點心) design has standard in the making - a fixed number of folds with the wrapping skin
    - Soya Bean Custard (豆腐花)


    * a dessert now!  Tofu made of Soya Bean, mixing with some Gypsum, can serve as some Chinese Jelly!
      one has to add some solid/liquid sugar when enjoying that, because merely the content there is not much sweet taste
    Dim Sum (中式點心) has many many types and kinds, the ones I listed above (some are my favorites) are just a very small portion.
    Chinese culture pays big time attention to "shape" (形).  If you know about Chinese text and even Chinese Kung-Fu then you may have also already known, that many Chinese text and even Chinese Kung-Fu are based on "shapes" (形).
    As a result, some Chinese food like Dim Sum (中式點心) can be made in different "shapes" (形) too:
    Oh about the "tea times" at some "tea restaurants", the tea serving is commonly used to give a neutralization to the Dim Sum (中式點心) because most Dim Sum (中式點心) is full of fat meat and oils.
    Have you tried some Dim Sum (中式點心) in your China Town yet?

  8. I am aware of Tail Concerto Battle's existence; albeit, I am unable to play it (due to a unicode error, or something of the like).


    Have you tried to set your PC Windows system locale to Japanese?


    Mine is set like that in order for me to run most Japanese games like Ougon Musou Kyoku CROSS:




    By the way, do you like/dislike this home-made Tail Concerto Battle?

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