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Everything posted by StoneKeep

  1. place add AI patch by Zecruss for Cerenas' Sihon =)
  2. broken Link(((
  3. please, add Cyclone by Kong
  4. Nice Work)))
  5. O Ilusionista, Work in Progress is Killer Croc? When the release?
  6. Mitsuru Kirijo Broken Link (((
  7. http://www.4shared.com/rar/Vk10ZtZIba/Venusain.html?
  8. broken link((
  9. its okey)))
  10. https://yadi.sk/i/InRO0delnP5v2
  11. broken link
  12. please add link Stage)))
  13. Ryoucchi, thank you
  14. Mini Fix http://rghost.ru/8FyDSPPN7
  15. I played in the arcade mode, it has no equal
  16. Aoshi 24, I want to take it in his game, but he is weak (in my game)
  17. Aoshi24, How can I activate, Boss AI for SHISHIO MAKOTO?
  18. Hale R@CE Caesar, Who is next?
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