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Everything posted by Kazagami

  1. http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/20830-sonic-machine-by-d%C3%B1o/
  2. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] http://1drv.ms/247n3dl [COMMENTS] By JedahUK.
  3. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] http://www.mediafire.com/download/4cajgmqhbqw9gwr/FF-Mary.rar
  4. Thanks man. Wasnt intended as release at first, but eventually i took time to clean it up and adding little touch-ups. I'm glad that it gives you inspiration! No problem mate! Enjoy the release.
  5. Made within a night while i'm still suffering from creative block. For 1.0 and up. Animation, music and widescreen .def included.
  6. i mean it will only work properly in winmugen in 1.0 it will only fit 320x240. its not standard res that everyone uses for 1.0
  7. http://www.mediafire.com/download/xmmv696hvm7hg7m/p4_lifebar.zip Winmugen only though.
  8. Long story short, i wanted to change the color of a certain's stage shadow. The elecbyte document stated the colors are determined by r,g,b value. I wanted to make it brownish-color, so i set it to 111, 80, 47 In palette editor / photoshop, it shows a brown-ish color but when i set it in the stage, the result is exact opposite of what i wanted. Instead of brown-ish, i got dark blue-ish shadow. Anybody care to explain how the r,g,b value for stage shadow works? It confused me greatly.
  9. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] http://www.dorgol.mugenimperiolatino.com/
  10. Click the author names below the images to download! Red text means a character is offline. CHARACTER SELECT - PLAYERS Sonic Blast Man: DJ HANNIBALROYCE CHARACTER SELECT - OPPONENTS Grunt || Dagger Punk || Green Fu || Mr. Bearded Thick Man || Mr. Grey Puncher || Mr. Slapper Thin Man all made by Joey Faust STAGE SELECT Sonic Blastman: Stage 1 & Sonic Blastman 2: Stage 2 by Vegaz Parelli Sonic Blastman: Stage 1 Boss by Ryoucchi & Toaster Sonic Blast Jet by Mabskmk Rocking City by OldGamer RESOURCE SELECT Sonic Blastman 2 Sprite Rips
  11. Scruffy Dragon isnt an author name, it's a name of a MUGEN group consisting of many authors
  12. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] http://starlight.scruffydragon.com/
  13. Good job compiling them all, my bro. S19x has 2 more stages: http://www.mediafire.com/download/bi8atys87utd3t1/Neptunia+Dream.rar http://www.mediafire.com/download/5ybihq4y9wqucie/graveyard_gyoukai_beta.rar
  14. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] http://1drv.ms/1SEYoZW
  15. Awesome stuff once again, bro. Love the cameos.
  16. I found his SA-X somewhere https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0gxi0w4j7yhsfd/sa-x.zip?dl=0
  17. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Release Thread Phoenix was updated also.
  18. Didnt you check the MB collection. http://www.mediafire.com/download/becadpc112qr3w4/UMVC_RedArcueid_Rel%28FULL%29.zip
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