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The Magic Toaster

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Everything posted by The Magic Toaster

  1. Download Here. A well felt achieved success in recreating the feeling Ryoucchi and i got when we made out JRPG Castle stage where we tried to being out as much detail into the stage as we possibly could. Took a couple of weeks but its finally done and we hope you all enjoy our stage. Big thanks to N. for creating a cheat for sprite ripping from Tengai since that produced the idea in the first place and half the stage itself. Other credits: Don Drago, AMZAK, Nyoibou, Electro, Roque, Tatsu, and Loganir for sprites used. Winmugen+ and 1.0, animated, no superjump. Includes alternate def for "people-less" version and 850x480 resolution.
  2. Ruby is basically Scarlet. Its based off a glitch for Kitana from MK 2.
  3. [Preview] [Download] http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/hong-meiling-released-reimu-aoko-tohno-updated-162511.0.html Reimu, Aoko & Shiki Tohno were also updated.
  4. You have to get a external system open for it to take the pictures. I prefer using SnagIt(http://www.techsmith.com/snagit.html?gclid=Cj0KEQjwnZShBRDfxqzr55rcyMEBEiQA1iRNPwllt4zMhRpY988GWcTCLjvLEX56I5tK9tYlTKweW00aAvig8P8HAQ)
  5. 1. Did you make a savestate on the attack you wanted? 2. Did you check with the palettes? If thats not the case for either try TIM2View. Though, it may not work since its more along the line for tiles.
  6. V-Ram works fine. Its quite easy to use its just tends to be a long process. May i ask, what game are you ripping from anyways? Certain games are harder to rip from then others.
  7. Interesting. I'll take a look and let ya know.
  8. [Preview] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6_T46EaN-I&list=UU0-lz8bBuKGRJ90lZkeFbRw [Download] http://michaelarmaros.web.fc2.com/meiling-ma.html
  9. [Preview] Nekketsu Oyako: The Big Whale - Act 2 ???: Chaos Dimension [Download] The Big Whale: http://www.mediafire.com/download/scuw71dwb14auiy/The+Big+Whale+-+Act+2.rar Chaos Dimension: http://www.mediafire.com/download/lcwu496517wmk41/Chaos+Dimension.rar [Comment] Just 2 stages that Ryoucchi & me decided to do in our free time. The Big Whale is from Nekketsu Oyako which is a little known PS1 beat'em up & that doujin stage is from some odd fighting game with the whole cast being bears. Other Shit: Compatibility: Win+ & 1.0 Superjump: No Animated: Just on The Big Whale
  10. Its not needed when you can clearly see that the link goes to the MFG page for it with all the release notes n' stuff.
  11. [Preview] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlilQCjIRW4&list=UUSzb1an-jbAwj4y5ip-VcWA http://youtu.be/JLPO-hZqj6A [Download] Gravitational Center B-025X: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9sicfz5u9m7fhmt/Gravitational+Center+B-025X.rar Tropical Ruins Morning: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ckqc2vz3xcmmkqq/Tropical+Ruins+Moring.rar [Credits] Ryo2005,Cirio,Caddie Dark Saviour, Excham, Yusuke, MajicCD, Zasuk3 Uchiha, IORIKYO & Master Yoda. Other Shit: Compatibility: Win+ & 1.0 Animation: Yes Super Jump: No
  12. Dosent matter. It does what its suppose to but anyways onto a bigger issue. >Using any other stage other then Cenobites Having Nanami just pop up and scratching her head on every other stage makes it impossible to use. Obviously, you need to fix this and make it so it operates with other stages. It dosent need to be the same exact stage. >Skipping the intro when the it starts Completely breaks it. Dosent work at all. >Wolfs At some points it spawned too little wolves, at the most just 3 and then it breaks. When i actually got it to work it just spawned them way too much to the point where you dont even have the ability to do anything about it at all. It still breaks even after this. You should really have taken a look at these issues and review how to make a character that operates as a minigame a bit better because this is just bad all around with these issues. You need to redo practically all of it.
  13. >Custom You do realize there is no such thing as custom with minigames? If it operates exactly like the game then its especially as a bonus game it isnt custom. If it was custom then you might as well not put it as a Asura buster Minigame. You might as well label it something else.
  14. Risotto, the next time you post news post a screenshot too. Not everyone has the ability to go onto Niconico.
  15. [Preview] [Download] http://hitotume.iza-yoi.net/hunar.html
  16. Nope. Even if it was you wouldnt get much since she was a joke character with just 1 attack.
  17. [Preview] http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24213660 [Download] http://michaelarmaros.web.fc2.com/sakuya-ma.html
  18. if you want to know the author of a character go ask in the request section.
  19. Dont double post next time just edit your original post. The password is mugen. It should have been inputted already for you so i dont see your issue anyways.
  20. [Preview] http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24195060?via=thumb_watch [Download] http://mugenblack.genin.jp/index.html
  21. [Preview] http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24108722 [Download] https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=93d1b8a3663aafab&id=93D1B8A3663AAFAB!176
  22. [Preview] http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm24109039 [Download] https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=3AB66F1D6B2F66E4&id=3AB66F1D6B2F66E4!129
  23. [Preview] [Download] https://yadi.sk/d/-HH-bzAhWhsxr Alternate Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qqv76xbk33alcd2/Ibuki+Farengeit.rar
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