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Everything posted by Emaserranista

  1. More cesarsombra's stuff: Amazing Man Black Hand Stargirl. At least Black Hand looks "fine".
  2. New addition: Omni-Man (JUS style) by Josebueno
  3. He's now in the collection. I also found this version of Catwoman which seems to be an alpha or early beta from that DCvsMarvel game from SD. Is likely an edited version of the Madcook's one, according to the .def, made by Excursion. And guess who's still making unplayable and horrible crap? You said Cesarsombra, you were right Blackrock, Cyclotron and Deathbolt join the collection as well.
  4. Collection updated with: Psylocke by Delweyns (CVS) And from the MMV halloween release: Cannonball by Somm & Shining Living Laser by Crosspotts (alpha) Man Wolf by Gartanham Whirlwind by Fede de 10 & Shining And The Slug (minigame) by Bigpimp, Vity.Vistys, Vovanilkto & Shining.
  5. Gartanham released Man Wolf from Marvel as part of the halloween event on MMV. Edit with different sounds, animations and specials of his Sabrewulf. https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AMxAwWj4OJ3t4YU&id=EBB6FEF88FA7DF60!501&cid=EBB6FEF88FA7DF60&parId=root&parQt=sharedby&parCid=3F2FAEB01E3CDE18&action=defaultclick https://mugenmultiverse.forumotion.com/t15807-man-wolf-marvel-released-link-download
  6. Collection updated again. I should say I never imagined seeing Jared Leto's Joker in mugen until now xD
  7. The thing with the clones is easy to fix, it occurs because you're calling for animations you don't have. For example, this is from the crouch HP (but the same problem can be found with the other aformentioned movements): [Statedef 421] type = A movetype = A physics = N anim = 224 sprpriority = 2 velset = 0,0 juggle = 2 ctrl = 0 And then the helper following the hitdef: [State 421, Helper] type = Helper trigger1 = MoveHit = 1 stateno = 223 postype = p2 pos = 0,-60 bindtime = 1 ownpal = 1 id = 223 name = "Sucker Hit" persistent = 0 ignorehitpause = 1 You don't have the animation number 224 in your air file, that's why after performing the attack the character clones itself, and the same goes with statedef 223 which is absent from your cns, so there is no reference for the helper animation (and no id for helper 223 in the cmd too). I'd also suggest don't using too many helpers for the basic attacks and using explods instead, since they're easier to configure, but that's up to you.
  8. Bad spriteswap of some Johny Cage with sprites not cleaned up properly, all of them have a purple box.
  9. Added the updated version of Ka-zar (also I keep the old one for collection purposes) and during the past weeks I've making some quick edits to the collection, fixing broken links here and there and added a section for pocket characters.
  10. If you're using Photoshop you need to delete the background before changing the image to indexed (it's better if you delete the bg, then copy the rest of the image to a new one and change to index colour) then make sure that your first colour is the same as the bg (Normally 0,255,0 for the green one).
  11. O Ilusionista's site has the downloads fixed and working again, so Ivan Ooze can be gotten there http://brazilmugenteam.com/download/ivan-ooze/
  12. Thanks for the backup and the character. New chars: the old version of Batman by Magus (I think); this one is from 2006, without the tag system and a super less than the other one, found in a winmugen compilation in AK1 Eradicator by DerWerwolf, edit of superman Beyond Ganthet by Emerald Knight, pocket character Gangbuster by Cesarsombra Weaponers of Qward by Pseudoingles, bonus game. And most of the Teen Titans Cartoon chars relocated under DC Classics, since I found out the sprites were ripped from a 2003's flash game.
  13. Which one? SailorMaRs1030’s or J.Lee's ? Because I alredy left a link for the second one here.
  14. This one? https://www.mediafire.com/file/jzoxraterj54y4p/athena970.rar/file
  15. Update: Black Adam DCEU (edit of Dr.Doom & Trexrell's made by Naza15 and Yolomate) Samurai by Carpa5, a different version which doesn't float, so it goes in the main section of characters. Still crap. Superman New 52 edited by leofer93.
  16. It's a cool edit but the file is huge as shit. Added.
  17. I didn't notice the other link was down. Thanks.
  18. I know Vellrath released those sprites as open source a long time ago, so I'm not sure if he would be the author of the characters. For what I get after looking into the files, the guy who did the most with them now is Derwerwolf, who in the case of Samurai just spriteswaped Red Tornado and El Dorado seems to be also a spriteswap but from his own character of Superman Prime. Nevertheless I added both. I don't know about Apache Chief tho, it seems the char has different sounds from the original which still uses Apocalypse' voice but they can barely being heard (at least for me, after setting the volume to the max, the only difference I find is just a voice line). Edit: after checking a bit the characters and looking into the codes then I noticed El Dorado has different specials attacks than Superman Prime so I wouldnt say it's still a spriteswap at all but a new character.
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