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Posts posted by HelloMyNameIsAAA

  1. 23 minutes ago, aequals1 said:

    How many more pokemon/pokemon-associated chars and stages do you plan to add to this list? 



    As soon as MUGEN authors make new Pokémon chars.


    This collection has nearly every Pokémon related stuff for MUGEN ever released, good or bad.


    ''This is my first attempt at making M.U.G.E.N characters. With the help of many tutorials and advice from veteran creators, I was able to make something functional. Special thanks to Gumhoy & Brergrsart from Spriteclub, and the entire community in general.


    This character was originally made for the purpose of Ai vs AI spectacle fights on the streaming website called Spriteclub: https://mugen.spriteclub.tv


    Nymphaea is a character from a game called Flower Knight Girl. She is a very simply character with one-button attacks. She wasn't meant to be a sophisticated fighting character, and I simply wanted to add her in a M.U.G.E.N format and for AI battles. As such, her AI is probably quite unfair for such a simple character.


    Download Link: http://tstorage.info/djcqjzzd57yw


    I'm okay with edits and redistribution. If you do decide to do that, it would be nice if you could send a little recognition my way. Even just a small name credit would do, or a link to this channel.''

  3. Actual quote from The_None.


    ''I can hear you thinking "wait didn't some Japanese creator that you used to make fun of did this character before?" and well yes indeed he did, and I just felt like burying the hatchet and rebuilding one of GooGoo64's creations. As flawed as they are on a technical level they sure did display quite a bit of creativity and I wanted to give the latter justice with doing something far more productive than these videos I used to do a long time ago.''


    Glad that he back off the hatred that was happening 10 years ago just to create something absolutely hysterical for MUGEN.


  4. Brergrsart


    All ripped from Vargskelethor's Hardcore Friday Super Metal Almost Criminally Violent Ultra Swedish Meatball Royal Rumble fangame. Like almost all his chars, they are mostly created for comedy-relief.




    SpriteClub: Link




    Vinewrestle: Link



    Windows Destruction: Link



    Crundle Quest V - The Crystals of Gingledoof: Link



    Trip and Grace's Doritos Hell: Link



    Takeshi's Challenge: Link



    Akina Pass: Link



    Peaceful Skeleton Realm: Link



    Days of Ruin (Nuked Norway) : Link



    The Dudes Train: Link



    Dwarf Fortress: Link



    Japanese Guantanamo Bay: Link



    Duane's Dance Club: Link



    The Race for the White House: Link



    The Town of Bedrock: Link



  5. Oh baby a triple ! Oh yeah !








    Dank Lord Ganondorf:


    This version of Ganondorf was a request made by a friend of mine a very long time ago. I only got to him recently because I finally found a set of Ganondorf sprites I could use for it.


    This Ganondorf is a hybrid mix of his Smash Bros. moveset, a traditional 2D Fighting Game control scheme, and m e m e s (I hope that' what you're here for). I tried my best to incorporate my usual style of characters into the slow-but-powerful playstyle of Ganondorf, and also try to put the feeling of raw power into landing his moves. There is also an assist trophy mechanic that allows you to summon an assist at random, which ranges from kind of useful to "Oh lord this was a stupid idea why did I code this it's beautiful."


    Not much else to say about Dank Lord Ganondorf but "download him and see for yourself. Move list is here.




    I made Ingrid after seeing a character on SpriteClub with a clunky element fusion mechanic. It involved some complicated stuff like leveling up an element by using the attack it represents more and I thought it would be cool to design an entire character around that mechanic, but keep it simpler. So I designed Spellcutie to function similarly to Ed from Street Fighter V where instead of the standard inputs, you would only need to press certain buttons together to perform a special move. With this, I created a system not too different from Magicka (a game which I unfortunately haven't gotten around to playing yet) where you mix elements together to make new attacks.


    There are six elements that Spellcutie utilizes in her attacks, Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth, Wind and Metal. Each of them are assigned to a button. By combining two elements together (ie pressing two buttons at once), a new spell is formed. There are a few fun features for Spellcutie involve elements interacting, such as water boosting the power of lightning moves, or metal spells being affected by magnetism to name a few. Try out all sorts of different combinations of spells and see what cool things happen! The movelist is here.




    That's right. His name is just Neku. Not this "Ridiculous Dank" shit. Just plain-ass normal every day, no question about it, no "Flock of," no "clown," not named after a trading card, not named after a meme, not named after the character's defining gimmick. No long names, seemingly unrelated names, punctuation. Simple, ordinary, unembellished, unmistakable, crystal clear, as frank as Frank West, as blunt as a Snowwolf OHKO. One word, it's mother fucking, God damn, sons of bitchin' fuck, fuck, fuckin', Neku.


    ...aaaand it's one of the first characters I ever started in my MUGEN career. After I created Spin To, I wanted to create a character I wanted to see in MUGEN since I first touched MUGEN (which was many years ago, before I even made Santos). In other words this is one of my earlier works, so you won't see much memery here. I wanted to make him source accurate to The World Ends With You, but also wanted him to have a control scheme that still resembled a traditional fighting game (Sort of like if Neku somehow was put into a Vs Capcom game). I started this project on September 12th, 2015, and through several periods of on and off development, I had to stop due to lack of sprites until a few weeks ago, where I found the rest of the sprites I needed to realize this "dream" of mine. His attacks are all various pins he uses in the game, and he has an assist system that calls on one of his three partners. He only has one super, his "Fusion" attack, but based on the button input and the amount of meter you have, it can become one of ten attacks. The move list is here.

    (Try using Joshua's Lvl 3 Fusion on a Final Fantasy VII Character like Cloud because I couldn't resist putting at least one joke in this character)




    Dank Lord Ganondorf: Here (Reduced sff patch here

    Spellcutie: Here

    Neku: Here

  6. Vargskelethor's Hardcore Friday Super Metal Almost Criminally Violent Ultra Swedish Meatball Royal Rumble




    Brergrsart (The other characters except Uncle Joel, Bulk Borgan and ????? ?????? ????? were done by various people)




    The game was put together in MUGEN, so I had characters made by other authors in there (credited in the movelists), but I hand-created the Joel character from scratch. This was made as a tribute to his streams, but I figure I'd release it for the public to enjoy as well.






  7. Uncle Joel and Bulk Bogan released by Brergrsart (12-28-17)







    Bulk Bogan


    A Character from Joel's HardTime streams. He was created for Vargskelethor's Hardcore Friday Super Metal Almost Criminally Violent Ultra Swedish Meatball Royal Rumble MASSACRE!. He's an edit I made from Mass's Hawk. The original moveset and AI is largely the same, but modified slightly to be less hyper aggressive. In addition to his original moveset, Bulk Bogan is given various items from HardTime to use as weapons, as well as his sanity mechanic that makes him go berserk when at full meter. Instead of losing control of the character while it wildy attacks, he gains increased damage and """super armor,""" as well as some proprieties in his items being changed. 


    Uncle Joel


    I have been a big fan of Joel from Vinsauce for a while now. I've been watching his streams for a few years, and can proudly say I was there for when he discovered Grand Dad. After seeing his MUGEN streams, I thought it'd be cool if someone made a character based on Joel and put him in a game, but never really started on it since I didn't have enough faith in my abilities. Fast forward to July of 2017 and the desire to create him comes back. I don't remember what exactly spurred me to finally work on him again, but when I saw the sprites of Michael Roa Valdamjong from Melty Blood, I instantly thought to myself: "That's Joel!" And so, the project began.


     Uncle Joel is designed to be the main character of Vargskelethor's Hardcore Friday Super Metal Almost Criminally Violent Ultra Swedish Meatball Royal Rumble MASSACRE! While I completed this game months ago, I kept it unreleased in hope that Joel would play it on stream and that I would release it the day of the stream. However, I haven't gotten a reply regarding the game yet, so here he is. (The game can be found here)


    Uncle Joel was designed to be a shotoclone that was also in his own way unique. So that way Joel could instantly pick up his controls and be comfortable with playing as him. All of his attacks are based off moments from his streams, and he has special interactions with certain characters that are frequently mentioned/shown on stream.




    Bulk Bogan: Here  Uncle Joel: Here


  8. For some reasons, I like writing about random stuff. This is why I want to talk about something that happened 10 years ago, the JudgeSpearer era in Youtube.


    Remember that despite I Iook into forums and Youtube videos in order to find sources, there is a possibility that I could be wrong in certain subjects. This is why you colud threat those essays as any MUGEN creations, as those could receive feedbacks for possible improvements.


    Anyways, let's finish this small introduction and begin with the subject, which is possibly the main cause why I know MUGEN for so long (almost 10 years). I call it...


    The JudgeSpear Youtube Community



    Youtube was a revolutionary item for the Internet. With this website, anyone could easily create a random video and posted it to be shown to the general public.  It wasn't owned by Google, whose ownership caused pain and chaos ! It was also clear that Youtube would be used to showcase various MUGEN fights. There was one user that was not necessary a masterpiece, but somewhat memorable enough to be talked about; Judgespear  He was mostly present form 2006 to 2009. He created a lot of MUGEN videos, and some of them, such as his Homer vs. Peter, gained at least 1 million views. In case you are wondering, the linked video was an archive whose original got taked down by a copyright strike long ago that took down all JudgeSpear videos ! This is a proof that Youtube wasn't a paradise back then.  During the early Youtube, JudgeSpear codified the typical MUGEN series, and inspired a lot of other users to copy its style. He did have a forum based around him, called JSMugen, which sadly got removed form the Internet. To understand why JudgeSpear got a community based around him, I am going to talk it in general and the fads it spawned.


    The VariousMUGEN Series

    MUGEN Teams


    Most MUGEN Youtubers used a small set of characters and create a team around  them. They like to nickname their members such as ''The Chef, The Beserker'' and the likes.


    You can do a lot of things with your team members as long it is done inside MUGEN. Usually,  the most common video showcased 1vs1 matches that featured a player controlled team member, fighting a troublesome opponent.


    They usually have a title like this: ((Video Author) (Player controlled character) (Serial Number) (Character that he fights against)). Here is an example.



    Obviously, such videos aren't limited to 1vs1. Team members fight alongside allies for 2vs2 or turns based goodness, make a run in Survival mode, or is featured in other specialized MUGEN series such as those described below.


    Another interesting thing about MUGEN teams is that some video creators  initiate their new members, like in some sort of indian ritual. The newcomers fought a designated character, which lost, and become a full-fledged member for future uses.


    Cheap Character Beatdown


    MUGEN players really don't like getting beat unfairly. This is why we like to give them a taste of his own medicine, by destroying them in one of the most famous series of this era.  A character, designated as a ''cheap buster'' , defeats various overpowered characters. They have problems such as rage-inducing AI, bloated stats, unblockable attacks, spammable specials, always dodges/counter your moves, beeping your microwave and anything else that could piss off human players. A famous ''cheap buster'' is Metool, a mook from the Megaman series, which can protect itself perfectly from all attacks by hiding inside its signature helmet, and can summon a giant Metool, which is generally a OHKO, complete with an alarm sound and a flashing OWN3D! . When you heard that siren, somebody is going to be down !


    Retarded Character  Beatdown


    This way another popular MUGEN series but curiously enough, wasn't started by Judgespear himself. It possibly has its roots in an Ampchu video in a fight against Actarus's Peter Griffin, He is described as "more retarded that Omega Tiger Woods", the latter is a a legit joke character. It doesn't take a genius that various people started doing "Retard Beatdowns". It is basically whay it says on the tin. We bascially beat up poorly-made characters. Unlike the "Cheap Beatdowns" videos, you probably won't need to use a powerful character like Metool to beat those retards, as they mostly lacks AI, but since some of them have bloated stats to compensate the abscence of a brain, you keep it in some special cases.


    Everyone hates "X



    There is always some catharsis fun when seeing various fictional characters performing a powerful attack against hated suckers. This is the whole premise of the "Everyone hates X" videos. It started in a blooper video when JudgeSpear tried to do an survival run with Homer Simpson. He fought against CCI's Prince Vegeta, and taunted him because Saiyans really don't like having their pride damaged by a fat guy. Cue Vegeta responding with an barrage of attacks, culminating with a final flash, hilariously ending his run.  People find it funny so JudgeSpear and his fans started their own videos starring Homer Simpson, usualy taunting a random fighter. He then unleash a Special or Hyper against him, defeating him. While Homer is usually picked, they have done the same fate against cheap characters, retardeds, and so on.


    Alternatively, they have done the same fate against logos which are punching bags, because said company were invovled in copyright strikes against MUGEN Youtubers.


    They are also some lesser memes, such as the "Spin attack" fad, or those "Special Challenges", but they don't need a special treatement. Also a common thing about MUGEN videos is that their authors often put an small intro before the fight. You do fell 2008 Youtube when watching these !


    And now for some criticism


    While the JudgeSpear community have taken a huge part of the MUGEN community in Youtube, not everything is pure white and have its detractors. These  two thread, regardeless of context, definively show some disdains against this sub-community. Too bad I couldn`t explore the JSMugen for clues because it no longer exists.  Anyways, by judging the MugenGuild thread  and the various videos in Youtube I could possibly find some explainations.


    Too many characters from popular media


    Because MUGEN allows everyone to create all kinds of fighters, it is become obvious that some creator would recreate characters from popular media such those from Nintendo or Sega  games or from popular TV shows such as The Simpson or Family Guy. It is also not a surprise that those fighters become extremely popular in MUGEN videos, as they are very appealing to a younger audience. That do not means that they are not necessary well-made or even good. This is the case with Warner's  Homer Simpson (or most of his creation, but I will probably tell its history later), which was originally an Iori spriteswap, and has to be edited by JudgeSpear himself in order for it to feel less than a spriteswap. If you look at his MUGEN's intro (See above), you would see, Homer, Peter, Jigglypuff and Chansey from Pokémon, Goku and Perfect Cell from DBZ, Yoshi and Predator Warrior.  More that half of the characters shown in this intro are popular characters from mainstream media. The rest consisted of Kung Fu Man, Iori Yagami, Amingo from MvC, Elena from the Street Fighter III, and Johnny Maximum from World Heroes. Other Youtubers would try to use more, well, characters from fighting games or something obscure, but they would still use at least some fan-favorites of Homer Simpson fame.  Maybe this is good for attraction but popular characters does not really represent MUGEN as a whole.


    Even today most popular MUGEN videos featured characters that were popular in the past. Other videos included fighters from big fandoms (Undertale, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic...) and NSFW stuff. We don't change a winning formula.


    Too much character bashing


    Character bashing is extremely present in the MUGEN community. They don't play well and are very glitchy, but I will mainly focus on the "Cheap Character Beating " fad that was present during the JudgeSpear era. The basic idea was solid. We use lethal joke characters, such as Metool or Dopefish, to defeat broken fighters. JudgeSpear himself said that this series was comedic and not to be taken seriously. Then, everyone and its pet goldfish are doing their own "cheap characters basing" series, effectively turning it into "bashing character you didn't beat" and losing much of its comedic value. It doesn't help that they use cheap characters, or cheap tactics, to  lend them to victory. We have a very obvious case of hypocrisiy. Add that years later with the birth of SaltyBet, where cheap characters are seen somewhat favorably because they can put a good fight and often destroy the oppresion.  Today, doing this sort of video is the equivalent of beating a dead horse.


    A character being cheap doesn't mean it is not well made. Heck, most of its problems would be "removed" it you purge its AI. The most know case of this is Reu, the author who made the Evil duo, and the original Dragon Claw. They are very good, but they have very aggresive AI and they got Metool's wrath because of that. It took his fucking death for his characters to be beloved and respected by all. There are probably more examples but they are debatable. Also, most cheap characters are made because of rule of cool, rule of funny, or just for the sake of watch mode.


    For the case of "retarded characters", there isn't much to say because if you put garbage on the Internet, you could be critisized for it. Today, it is mostly done by kids with the intent to bash each other, leading to popcorn grabbing. A more well made recent series is "Dumanios takes out the trash", for starter.


    Sometimes, someone don't like seeing their beloved characters getting beat, and it will lead to...


    ...loads of drama.


    The MUGEN community has its fair share of drama that are mostly done in public in hope of getting attention. Not even the JudgeSpear community is safe from this.  It held a banlist that forbid usage of cheap characters for team creation, unless that character that it is a cheap buster, and there is debates regarding if a specific character should be put on the banlist or not, and this cause problems if it has a huge following. Other subject of discords included various talks about ethics and moral issues regarding MUGEN works, but these are shared among other communities, and could still be an issue today. A drama regarding a specific character was Choiyer's Haruhi Suzimaya. She is near-cheap, but is widely used by some users and apparently has a lot of haters. Then, she got an update that added questionable moves and greatly added fuel to the fire. When people bash Haruhi or even just defeating her in a fair match, there will be some fanboys or fangirls who shouts profanities, clashing with those enjoying the beating, causing some flame wars.


    MUGEN dramas were one of the reason why JudgeSpear quit the community, besides copyright strikes against him, as probably seen in this quote. Apparently, JudgeSpear himself has a lot of haters, probably due to massive overexposure, and it is also one reason why people hate its fandom. He admitted to have bad behaviors, especially against trolls, as seen in the MugenGuild thread.


    And this is one reason why I've been away from MUGEN for a while... too many damn haters who bash on each other for no reason. It's gotten beyond ridiculous.



    I seriously fell that this part could be much bigger, as dramas affected all MUGEN communites. Good information are welcome.

    Conclusion ?


    Maybe this is something that should be forgotten but there are people who heard about JudgeSpear but doesn't know who he is. In general, the JudgeSpear Youtube community is a denser and wackier approach of MUGEN but got too big for various veterans' taste. While it was a popular way to showcase MUGEN videos, it could be done without having it in your own computer as the engine could be used for simulating popular match-ups that weren't flash animations from Newgrounds. Maybe a huge community based around the thought of a single person wasn't the best thing for MUGEN but it did introduce the engine to a bigger audience before SaltyBet, fandoms and modern gaming channels did the same. Some of its fads still persist today becauase they worked before. As a kid, I used to watch a lot of JudgeSpear videos, and this is probably why I inform you about it, and that talking about something that was the thing 10 years ago  probably leads to nostalgia for some of us.


    Fell free to talk about the JudgeSpear community if you want.


    @ HelloMyNameIsAAA




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