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Everything posted by O R I O N

  1. this looks very interesting will be giving this one a try.
  2. this looks good ...your stuff is always top tier. definitely downloading
  3. now that the game (Mayonaka Arena) is out. I wonder if people will make more stages from it.... nice work btw
  4. i wish she had kof xiii sprites... she is one of my main characters. I really cant believe she isnt in the newer games. Appreciate the share though.
  5. you should give that to superdragon to use for his cvs taki ... if its still being worked on that is...
  6. yo i like what i see man . I love using K'. He is my main in KOF. Your character reminds me a bit of unleashed terry. I like the custom moves and the hitsparks. It really makes me think of KOD (K Overdrive) which is a bunch of styles packed into one char. Just some questions - does your K have a diagonal projectile? Some K's have a move where they can jump and kick the fireball in downward diagonal. its a good aerial keep away and can be a good setup for combos. also can your K air dash right (both forward and backward)? Could you add a guilt gear burst move? kinda if K takes a ton of damage he can sort of burst with energy to break out of a combo. I dont know why but i really want chars to have that... tired of getting stuck with in an infinite combo and cant do shit. its flashy which is good i like it , but i hope its not OP to the point where it becomes gimmicky. so i sort of see ryon's point... I wish these moves were used with the KOF13 K sprite but thats just me. Hope to see more progress. Cant wait for a final release.
  7. here are some websites (i personally like to use): http://www.animefreak.tv/book http://justanimedubbed.tv/ i also watch cartoons too not so much anime
  8. K' is my main for KOF. this is one edit i will definitely enjoy using.
  9. we already have a few KOF XIII chars... you could "borrow" the hitsparks from them if the author gives permission and doesnt mind Or you can download the KOf XIII sprites and get the hitsparks from there. Just a thought. thanx for the stage.
  10. i havent seen a stage like that before and im interested in getting it. could you provide a download link? Also your shion looks very good. Perhaps you can use KOFXIII hitsparks?Other than that very nice progress cant wait to see final result
  11. never mind it works ..internet is screwy since i use multiple networks in different places...
  12. (mediafire) link is down on your web page. I also am a big fan of your works...these OMK stages are incredible.
  13. yes yes yes you are a legend exshadow
  14. file scan detected malware... the terry is coded weird so pushing a single button does a super combo automatically. the robert is missing a few sprites and his local cord is off which makes him smaller than the Terry. Not bad for Beta, but not worth a download yet. I think the previous Terry was more enjoyable to use terry doesnt do burning knuckle wf?!
  15. could you reupload ? the links are dead everywhere.
  16. Can someone please respond ? I tried searching on my own, but to no avail. Any help appreciated. Doing this as a last resort. Will someone please let me know whether this is downloadable?
  17. not bad for a first char...still needs to remove kungfuman's intro and fix some of the kungfu man sprite swaps..some of the button configurations are a little bit awkward (to me). Cant wait to see more ...looks like you used Mai Shiranui as a base. This is good; not worth a download (yet). I cant wait unitl its finished. maybe i will edit some of this and post it...
  18. sorry i am going to bump this since i have no idea whether the stage is available or not.
  19. do you have a link for that stage or is it private?
  20. GRAMMAR NAZI MODE ACTIVATED: The title of your thread is misspelled ; it should be spelled scenario.
  21. very nice vector just like all your other work. cant wait to see this in mugen. Keep it up bro, youre an inspiration.
  22. i will download this one and give feedback as for your other OMK chars they are excellent ( i cant really tell you about accuracy since i dont have the source game )..but despite not having the having the source game; I can say that your characters are fun to play with but also dont seem to have any bugs (or at least i couldnt detect them). My recommendation is perhaps put together a move list? I dont know how to execute more of the complicated moves... Also please finish the AI, they just stand there when computer controlled, im pretty sure they chars can kick some major ass.
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