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Everything posted by gui0007

  1. Added Skullcrusher by DxWho.
  2. Added Vallah, Kabuki Jo, Grox and the new versions of Ahau Kin and Anubis by DxWho.
  3. Added Chae Lee and the new version of Thermia, both by DxWho.
  4. PREVIEW DOWNLOAD Google Drive INFO Original Topic FAQ From the ReadMe: Q: Who is this character? A: She is the fighter Class from Dungeon Fighter Online (AKA Dungeon & Fighter) Q: What should I expect from this character? A: Gameplay similar to the King Of Fighters series with some mechanics from other series thrown in. There are 4 modes which change what Special and Super moves you can do and also have some minor effect on some basic attacks. Combo-ing is quite lenient, I encourage you to experiment. Q: Can I use code from this character? A: Yes you can. Feel free to poke around and use whatever you want. If you could credit me in your works that use my code as well that'd be appreciated.
  5. And here is Team Ikari Warriors trailer! Clark looks so fucking great! And the theme is neat!
  6. New link to Yaten's Nicotine Caffeine: http://ux.getuploader.com/mugen009/download/309/caffeine_nicotine.rar (password is mugen) And don't forget that NRF made a SS2 Hanzo. New link to Yaten's Nicotine Caffeine: http://ux.getuploader.com/mugen009/download/309/caffeine_nicotine.rar (password is mugen) And don't forget that NRF made a SS2 Hanzo.
  7. EPISODE 173 Well, despite the forum troubles, it's back! ENJOY!
  8. Pretty this. But anyway, since that sometimes i have able to enter the forum, there are a lot of new stuff! Antonov's Trailer Story Trailer!! :D Team China Trailer! Meitenkun looks funny, Shun'ei looks pretty neat and i can't wait to play with Tung once again! Also, SNK Lover get some of the OST from the game!
  9. NICE! :D Here's a better logo. ;)
  10. Yep, as i said before, and also 41 updated some of your KOF XIII chars and released Goenitz XIII.
  11. My favorite Last Blade stage!! :D Thanks bruh!
  12. Hehe, yep. :P Well, i really enjoy Angel, her moves are neat! But her voice... UGH! KOD looks BADASS! Ramon's moves are kinda weird, idk. I think that they kinda messed up with him.
  13. Don't pay more attention for Jirobou and let's get back on topic please!
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