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Everything posted by gui0007

  1. Doctor Robotnik by FlavioCamarao - 1 Sheborg by tem(A) - 1 Alena by Noctis - 1 Mio Akiyama by Dizzy - 1 Mod Edit: Mio Akiyama by Dizzy already won CotM for August 2015. Any characters that previously won CotM has been blacklisted for nominations.
  2. Here's the current version. Borg117 is working on a next update now.
  3. (FINALLY!) BIG UPDATE TIME! Added 30 NEW EDITS, including SheBorg by tem(A)!
  4. The author is the SVP's creator himself, Hirohiro. ;)
  5. Yep, but i guess that @Basara-kun will do something about that since he's working in the major update of the MFG Database. :)
  6. @rhiggatwat He did this kind of attitude with me when he remove my Global Mod status from MMV and with many others. A bunch of lies, and always about him. But the worst thing is that some people is in Volzzilla's side, like Borewood.
  7. Nice job bruh! :D Not really a clone. In KOF 2003 reveals that Kusanagi is created by Chizuru to test the fighters skills in the tournament. I believe that he's valid for this collection.
  8. Added chars from the new version of KOFE. Also added the game itself and the WIPS.
  9. Phew, after some hard work, here is the KOF 2002 collection remade and complete! :D I'm close to finish the Zelda collection, also i'll start the KOF 2002 UM collection right now. Them, time to work! >:)
  10. Robotnik from Sonic SatAM by Flavio Camaro. http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/28394-dr-robotnik-released-by-flaviocamaro-52116/
  11. Oh, have no idea that is a password. :P But i find another link, no need password. https://mega.nz/#!phJFnSLD!XWvoCb7qO2BF6B5xtHOspjuqgy7t-CHzBfLsmP3zJ_E
  12. One more. :) Sheld's Athena: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=1C5F8E9B035CAA21!276&cid=1C5F8E9B035CAA21
  13. Thanks Ex. :) My mugen (in that case, i used the default one) had some difficulty to run the stage. :P
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