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Everything posted by Websta

  1. Sooooooo 3D... I'm soooo gonna get this. As soon as I have a 3DS, whenever that is.
  2. If you're intending on using ichigo as a base, you're going to have to do a ton of editing.
  3. My brain just exploded by that stage! Where can I get it? Or is it a W.I.P
  4. I remember this stage from a while back. Plus I love the song that goes with this dance
  5. I've watched that movie like 10 times already (I know, I'm crazy) Gonna download this
  6. I thought it was gonna be Yuki from ngbc. Since I saw a XIII style sprite of him. Anyways, thanks for the share.
  7. Lol, Blaz-chan I knew you were cute :P
  8. Character has updated. Link updated.
  9. Took me long enough to get this done. Move list and credits in the readme. Hope you enjoy. Link updated: 12/21/2012 lol http://www.sendspace.com/file/uxekzx
  10. Alright so Akari is about complete now, last thing to add in is the A.I and maybe some more testing. Hopefully I'll be able to release her later today or by tomorrow.
  11. Lol Phantom, still with the snow. Either way, hope this guy is accurate to 96;97;98 or whatever version he is. Thanks for the share.
  12. So thaaaaaaats where Laharl went. Hope have a safe trip and that you come back in one piece lol
  13. Lol, continuing the snowy theme. Thanks for sharing Phantom
  14. I like how you chose a christmas stage for the screenshot Phantom. Also, thanks for the share
  15. I'm not gonna lie... I read the title as "Panty New Sprite". By the way, that sprite needs a lot of work.
  16. Sounds like a good plan to me, gotta save the past for the future after all.
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