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  1. Ryon's post in 1 Button 3+ hit combo was marked as the answer   
    Lucky for you! I have a tutorial on this!

  2. Ryon's post in Force closing problem gets even worse, and resizing lifebars was marked as the answer   
    From the way it sounds it MAY be your computer, I've never heard of such a severe situation where multiple characters crash mugen without warning or coding errors.
    as for lifebars.
    if its made for 720p, its made for 720p, the only way to make it work in 480p is to completely recode them.
  3. Ryon's post in No Return to Standing Position from Others, Even with Required Anims. was marked as the answer   
    i am assuming she is fine now?
  4. Ryon's post in Mugen Error was marked as the answer   
    that random 7804 could be the error.
    remove it and try it?
  5. Ryon's post in VS screen problem was marked as the answer   
    its in your system.def located in the data folder.
    i don't know if it has another name but is the file that is related to your screenpack.
    scroll down till you see
    [selectBG ]
    and look for the animated dragon logo things.
    I THINK. the creator accidentally put it to layerno = 1 in the code
    if it does say layerno = 1, just change it to 0, or remove it.
  6. Ryon's post in A sound/music question was marked as the answer   
    well first you need to open up the characters and screenpack sound files in fighter factory that you want.
    and "save as" or extract them from the character.
    after you save them, open up the common.snd file located in data folder.
    now you simple add the hit sounds in there to whatever group you want. or simple replace the default kfm sound files with your own.
    problem is you need to edit all of your characters to play those sounds.
    next, for kamek is rather the same thing.
  7. Ryon's post in Problem when helper coming in end edge screen was marked as the answer   
    cornerpush is making it act funny. set corner push to 0.
    airguard.velocity = 0,0 ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0 air.cornerpush.veloff = 0 down.cornerpush.veloff = 0 guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0 airguard.cornerpush.veloff = 0 IT SHOULD LOOK LIKE THIS!
    [State 210, 3] type = HitDef trigger1 = time >=0 attr = S, SP damage = 3,4 animtype = light hitflag = MAF guardflag = MA pausetime = 3,12 sparkxy = -5, -25 hitsound = S5,4 guardsound = S6,0 ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 12 ground.hittime = 17 ground.velocity = -50 air.velocity = -50,-5 getpower = 5,5 sparkno = S3007 guard.sparkno = S2006 fall = 1 fall.recover = 0 palfx.time = 20 palfx.add = 40,-70,-200 palfx.mul = 256,256,256 palfx.sinadd = 40,30,0,10 palfx.color = 256 airguard.velocity = 0,0 ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0 air.cornerpush.veloff = 0 down.cornerpush.veloff = 0 guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0 airguard.cornerpush.veloff = 0
  8. Ryon's post in More screenpack stuff was marked as the answer   
    well there not meant for portraits.
    but at the VERY least.
    open fight.def in the mugen data folder, OR in the mugen1 folder depending on where your lifebars files are located.
    now look for [Face]
    it should look like this.
    ;----------------------------------------------------------- [Face] ;Player 1 p1.pos    = 0,0 p1.face.spr = 9000,0 p1.face.facing = 1 p1.face.offset = 0,0 ;Player 2 p2.pos    = 1280,0 p2.face.spr = 9000,0 p2.face.facing = -1 p2.face.offset = 0,0
  9. Ryon's post in Sff2png Help was marked as the answer   
    use FF3
    it allows you to open SFF2 and save a SFFv2.
    Never use Fighter Factory Ultimate.
    In FF3, just save as in the sprite tab and it gives you the option for mugen 1.0, or mugen 1.1, both of them are sff2.
    but ONLY mugen 1.1 supports 24bit images.
  10. Ryon's post in How remove other sprites than get in the way of editing was marked as the answer   
    your ripping from the gameboy advance.
    Visual Boy Advance has layer options.
    PROBLEM is.
    Majority of the time the words are the same layer as the characters.
    but there are about 8 layers so you MAY be able to get what you need.
  11. Ryon's post in Is it possible to patch a Molebox? was marked as the answer   
    as far as i know.
    you would need to re-molebox and update the download link.
  12. Ryon's post in MUGEN Dialogues was marked as the answer   
    thats a custom win screen for a character, coded in there win pose.
    if you want intro fight talks.
    like this.
    then its merely a explod at the intro states, and in the explod you could do the motion of moving in and out using the x axis.
  13. Ryon's post in need help making invisible characters. was marked as the answer   
    ok invisible would be
    [state -2,assertspecial]
    type = assertspecial
    trigger1 = 1
    flag = invisible
    thats INVISIBLE
    if you want transparent do this.
    [state -2, Transparent]
    type = trans
    trigger1 = 1
    trans = add1
  14. Ryon's post in Screenpack trouble not counting combo hits or showing them was marked as the answer   
    he figured out the issue he had 2
    basically the first 1 was overwriting the second, and the first had no codes.
  15. Ryon's post in Character stuck in stand state during intro? was marked as the answer   
    wait wait wait.
    You have a state 191 IN your common1.cns AND your character.cns file?
    if thats the case the 191 in the common1 is being read not the one in the character.
    remove the 191 from the common1.cns.
  16. Ryon's post in How to code MetaWorld was marked as the answer   
    OH. you just put the stage sprites into the character, and code it using a helper and explods or a bunch of explods.
    down side is, if your stage is smaller than the actual stage, it will still show the actual stage.
  17. Ryon's post in How Can I Code Throws? Pls Explain! was marked as the answer   
    since you asked about those 2 things.
    TargetBind , should be placed within the PLAYERS state, and it will "bind" the OPPONENT to whatever position you set, it can be tricky but it can also be fun.
    BindToTarget, Is a code for use in HELPERS, to bind the HELPER TO THE OPPONENT.
    You could also bind the player to the opponent but that's just kinda awkward.
  18. Ryon's post in 2-in-1 character help. was marked as the answer   
    mugen only reasons 1 set of files for that stuff (sff, snd, etc)
    you could do a iori with "another" mode, based on pal.
    but technically speaking Another Iori has a longer jacket and in such requires his own sprites.
    I personally hate when people ask these questions about combining 2 characters into 1.
    you basically have to recode the character.
    all sprites from both characters need to be in the SFF. snds and whatever else might have to be there as well.
    you gotta transfer/add all of the 2nd characters animations manually to the 1st character.
    its a literal mess that would drive even the mugen gods insane.
  19. Ryon's post in Debug Flood Troubles was marked as the answer   
    ok so 1.
    please do not use templates.
    do not copy codes either.
    your problem is your common2.cns
    in state 0 , your stand
    you have alot of "ishelper" codes. WHICH is completely illogical because your character is not a helper, so there asking if its a helper but since it doesnt exist, it debugs out.
    also at the bottom of it, you have some changestate codes (for AI) that are asking for helpernum(3000) which does not exist.
    remove it.
  20. Ryon's post in Characters Shadow was marked as the answer   
    the blinking is done within the character itself, its coded that way.
    the color of the shadow, is done within the stage.
    stage creators code them that way.
  21. Ryon's post in Var stuff help was marked as the answer   
    ooook. thats .... barely good.
    Ok so you need to decide which var will mean and do what.
    Var 10 = Weapon Changes
    and each number added to it will be a different attack.
    for instances.
    Var(10) = 0 ; Off
    Var(10) = 1 : Ice Beam
    Var(10) = 2 : Plasma Beam
    and so on...
    Then on your taunt state, you basically use a varadd code.
    [State 195, VarAdd] type = VarAdd trigger1 = !time v = 10 value = 1 This basically add's 1 to variable 10, every time you enter the taunt state. which in turn would change your attack.
    now in your command file your -1 state, which redirects your commands to states. your change state for that command (im gonna use Z)
    Will look like the top, OR if you want to be efficient with your code, you can use the 2nd code below.
    ; First Method using lots of change states ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Arm Cannon Ice [State -1, Arm Cannon] type = ChangeState value = 1000 triggerall = var(10) = 1 triggerall = command = ""Z" trigger1 = statetype != A trigger1 = ctrl ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Arm Cannon Plasma [State -1, Arm Cannon] type = ChangeState value = 1010 triggerall = var(10) = 2 triggerall = command = ""Z" trigger1 = statetype != A trigger1 = ctrl ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Arm Cannon Wave [State -1, Arm Cannon] type = ChangeState value = 1020 triggerall = var(10) = 3 triggerall = command = ""Z" trigger1 = statetype != A trigger1 = ctrl And So on.
    I'll show you the other method later. I gtg for now.
  22. Ryon's post in Back Dash Help was marked as the answer   
    This is from my Knight character.
    Put this in your CNS, just above 170 Lose.
    ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Run backwards [Statedef 105] type    = S physics = S anim = 105 sprpriority = 1 [State 100, 1] type = VelSet trigger1 = 1 x = const(velocity.run.back.x) [State 100, 2] ;Prevent run from canceling into walk type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = NoWalk [State 100, 3] ;Prevent from turning type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = NoAutoTurn [State 100, 4] type = ChangeState trigger1 = command != "holdback" value = 0
  23. Ryon's post in Auto combo doesn't count hits, how to make moves count as hits? was marked as the answer   
    oh and to answer the other questions.
    2 hitdefs, with 2 different triggers will work.
    2 hitdefs with same 2 triggers will not work.
  24. Ryon's post in Need a coder help was marked as the answer   
    trigger1 = time = #
    replace number with the number of ticks.
    animelem is the beginning tick of that FRAME.
    time is the tick of any frame regardless of Frame.
  25. Ryon's post in How to make combo statements/Danger appear for screenpack? was marked as the answer   
    that would involve coding a helper in the common1.cns to trigger when either players HP is low.
    and to have the sprites within the fightfx.air/sff.
    I know the concept, not the actual coding.
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