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[WiiU/3DS/NS] Super Smash Bros

~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

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You guys are missing the point about buying a console. I'm buying a Wii U not just for Smash! I'm buying the console for these cool games the reasons will be next to the titles! Mass Effect 3: New missions and things added! Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition: All dlc is free and included! Warriors Orochi 3 hyper : Wifi VS mode along 2 new chars, and many more stages added! Assassin's Creed 3 : Extra Missions added! Battlefield *Untitled*: I love that series! Lego City: Under Cover: Lego games are the best! Pikmin 3: C'mon its Pikmin the greatest game ever made by Nintendo! and the list goes on! Basically what i am saying here is the Wii U is worth the money expensive or not!

Where you can download my old MUGEN stuff

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