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Recent Purchases


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Just as the name states, show off your recent purchases in this thread.

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First off, a pair of Sony MDR ZX100's that I got for around $20. Not the best in terms of quality, but definitely worth the $20.

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GTA Trilogy Boxed set. Great deal for $20, especially since they still had San Andreas as a Greatest Hits title for the exact same price.

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And the Movie Friday for about $3. I thought it was a funny movie and I had some left over cash that day so I decided to buy it.


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So earlier today I got paid. I go and finally buy my own wii motion plus. I head home thinking "I can finally finish skyward sword" I get home and the damn power cord is missing.

"...love spreads like fire touching all in its path, leaving a few more smiles and happiness as the aftermath." ~Senpai, AKA Michael Haye

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