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Peta's Pokemon Black & Blue Version


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Honestly, I could almost forgive PETA for Super Chick Sisters, or other Anti-Mario games, or that Anti-Cooking Mama game, or whatever other games they made. But now they've gone too far. ...And yet, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Honestly, I feel like going on a huge rant involving PETA. Me, I personally like animals. Well duh, I'm a furry. And for this reason, I completely loathe PETA. I feel that PETA is one of the reasons that animal lovers of all types are so heavily demonized these days. The stereotype that all animal lovers are misanthropic ***holes who wish for the extinction of the human race seems to be really common to me these days. I cannot tell you how many people I meet online who act like animal lovers are mostly like this. And besides this, I notice a lot of people who act like animal cruelty should be one of the human races many pleasures. And then there are all those people who call themselves animal lovers, yet they support just about everything that involves killing them and rarely act like they even remotely care about any animal other than the human race, who might I add also act like their better than any real animal lovers. But the main reason I hate PETA is because not only do I feel they fuel this stereotype that animal lovers are misanthropic, retarded, sheltered individuals, but that they rarely do anything that actually helps animals, and more often than not do they generally cause acts that result in animals dying over animals getting saved. Also, that PETA pushes out the idea that humans are such awful creatures, which is really annoying. Yes, the human race has it's flaws, but we can overcome these flaws better than any other creature. We have our good times and bad times, and the present era may not be all that grand, but it could very well be better in the future. So tl/dr, I strongly dislike PETA because I care about animals, human and non-human, and that I feel that PETA is a contributor to the stereotype that animal lovers are evil.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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I just dont understand how PETA hasnt been sued. Parody or not,these are clear depictions of the characters and use the names,gamestyle,etc. idk i'd sue since Pokemon hasnt bothered anyone :|

Falls under fair use, as long as they're not making money off of it which last time I checked PETA was a non-profit organization, the court can't touch 'em.


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you know,i found it ironic that pikachu said that to ash,considering he's basically been ash's parakeet,always sitting on his shoulder and never in a pokeball.

and not only that,i was kind of confused as to which Unova region we were playing in.when i saw cheren,i thought this was a black and white 2 parody.but when i saw ash,i was confused..

Are you implying that PETA actually does research when doing something like this?


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Are you implying that PETA actually does research when doing something like this?

no,absolutely not.i'm not implying they do,i'm just saying if your gonna do something like this,i'm saying they should.regardless,i found it amusing for the minutes of gameplay i was offered.perhaps someone should make a full fledged sequel.

Who are you, again?


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