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Hey guys, its been along time since I posted anything over here so I decided to show you guys what I have been up to as of late.

I have been working on the TMNT from the SNES Tournament Fighters game that was released in the early 90's

Why you may ask? Well because I always wanted to shape them into the way I wanted to, and now with mugen I can.

Now Let's get down to the story of the Turtles: Originally the turtles don't have any kind of powers, and they are just butt kickin' humanoid looking turtles. But however, I am a fan of the Original 80's TMNT and the 03 TMNT and in that series came Season 5 "Ninja Tribunal" arc.

See link on more info : http://en.wikipedia....003)_(season_5)

In that season the turtles started training with the mysterious Ninja Tribunal ninja group, experimenting with new powers and weapons. And it is with that season that led me to come up with the idea of giving them special powers and bringing them to life in mugen

Now the powers for each turtle is not the same as they were on the show. But however after thinking really closely on it, I think I have managed to give the right power to the right turtle

Note : My purpose of showing you guys this is to give you a glimpse on what's to come. Now also Every special move and hyper move is not shown here in the screen shots. Those are merely to show off their powers and give you a sample of what they can do.

Respectable Feedback/Ideas are welcome and will be taken into consideration

Thank you for your time,

R@CE 4Fever

Leonardo - The Elemental Power Of Ice

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Leonardo Shining Cutter

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Leonardo's Rotto Cutter

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Leonardo's Endless Screw

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Leonardo's Level 1 Hyper : Super Shining Cutter

Raphael - The Elemental Power Of Fire

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Raphael's Fire Shot

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Raphael's Blaze Streak Kick

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Raphael's Flame Impaler

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Raphael's Blaze Streak Somersault Kick

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Raphael's Level 1 Hyper : Super Fire Shot

Michelangelo - The Power Of The Ogre

(Mystic Ki Arts/Earth Bending/Enhanced Speed, Strength and Agility)

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Mikey's Dragon Breath

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Mikey's Ogre Kick

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Mikey's Chuckin'

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Mikey's Wood Bender

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Mikey's Level 1 Hyper Super Dragon Breath

Donatello - The Elemental Power Of Wind/Air

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Don's Wind Gust

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Don's Hyaku Retsu Tsuki

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Don's Tornado Attack

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Don's Super Wind Gust

Gameplay consists of:

6 Button Layout

Ground & Air Chaining



Normal Attacks can chain into Special & Hyper Attacks

Special Attacks can chain into Hyper Attacks


Power Charge

Damage Dampering

Dashing Forward & Back


Hitfall Recovery

Mugen 1.0 AI

Each Turtle is also equipped with their very own custom made voice-overs made by me R@CE 45, and will fit their unique personalities.

Stay tuned for the release

They will be 1.0 only as well

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Wow they look awsome.

i like what you did there, giving the turtles new

powers, and it fit's them really well

i can't wait for more updates for your turtles dude

you rock man.

Hahahaa! thanks man! Yes I thought hard on those powers I'd give them. The one that gave me the most trouble was Mikey. And Donatello, well I wasn't going to give him wind at first. I was thinking of some kind of mystic power but I decided to go with wind.

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Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

i've been waitin' on seein' tha startin' stages of this 'ject; i still remember you sayin' back at Sic that you had somethin' big in mind for tha Turtles, & this is truly big, on a grand scale my dude! bein' tha Turtle fan that i am [just saw tha new series that debut'd this weekend about 6 times! good to see an edge was added to Mikey's chucks], i luv what i see so far [good shit there god, especially on my boi Raph xD!], & i look forward to watchin'em get shaped into outstandin' warriors by your hand. Posted Image

btw: i'm diggin' tha hell outta that Scotty P-styled stage & those LBs, do ya boi a favor & run dem shitz



Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

i've been waitin' on seein' tha startin' stages of this 'ject; i still remember you sayin' back at Sic that you had somethin' big in mind for tha Turtles, & this is truly big, on a grand scale my dude! bein' tha Turtle fan that i am [just saw tha new series that debut'd this weekend about 6 times! good to see an edge was added to Mikey's chucks], i luv what i see so far [good shit there god, especially on my boi Raph xD!], & i look forward to watchin'em get shaped into outstandin' warriors by your hand. Posted Image

btw: i'm diggin' tha hell outta that Scotty P-styled stage & those LBs, do ya boi a favor & run dem shitz


Wow! Well thanks for following me up to this point! Its people like yourself that make me making things for mugen all worth while! But yeah see man, I told you I had big plans...... The R@CE said it and so now the R@CE will deliver lol!

Wish I could get newly custom sprites added on so some of them. But I would need a very awesome spriter for that to happen....oh well

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Looking forward to these releases

This ACTUALLY LOOKS GOOD!!! I'm impressed. Nice stuff

Btw dont take my first comment the wrong way, it's just rare to see things like this. Good luck in finishing!

Thanks! I got more in store for you guys, just keep coming back,You never know what The R@CE will have up next.....lol

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Looking forward to see more of it. Very interesting idea - to make turtles based on 5th season. I actually liked this season, altho that "tengu shredder" was fucked and retarded. They kinda change the concept for him, forgetting that shredder is a ninja-master who rules foot clan, instead making him demonic fatass overlord-sauron, infecting the city, meh :p By the way - do you plan to change turtles' weapons to what they had in season 5? Any plans on giving them their dragon transformations as a super?

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Looking forward to see more of it. Very interesting idea - to make turtles based on 5th season. I actually liked this season, altho that "tengu shredder" was fucked and retarded. They kinda change the concept for him, forgetting that shredder is a ninja-master who rules foot clan, instead making him demonic fatass overlord-sauron, infecting the city, meh :p

By the way - do you plan to change turtles' weapons to what they had in season 5? Any plans on giving them their dragon transformations as a super?

Thanks man, I'm glad your liking what i have so far! :-)

Nahhhhhh although that would be awesome, i merely used the idea of them having special powers as a means to give me a jump on what to do with them. But even though i did that, i won't be doing them exactly how they were in that season.

I am not a spriter nor do I feel like waiting on someone to resprite their weapons. I didnt want to go too far into that season 5. Just a lil bit. Its more of an explanation rather than me trying to do them exactly how they were in the show.

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Whoa!! Totally Awesome Dude!!!

But seriously, this looks fantastic!

Thanks man, I appreciate it! I just got a friend of mine to sprite some more nunchuck motions for Mikey so he can chuck those weapons of his even more. Hopefully they will be done soon so IU can code them in. gotta have Mikey kickin tail in style! LOL!

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oh wow R@CE sharing stuff on MFFA, man we are Growing by leaps & Bounds , ive been Following u on Guild as Well ,like my Brother Noside there , these looks amazing, thanks so much for posting & joining up with us, really hope u enjoy your stay with us


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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They are? I dont recall there being a Train stage when i played the Scott Pilgrim game.

i maybe wrong, but the sprites scream that look from the SP game


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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OMG THE EDIT MASTER IS HERE :O Welcome to are forum I got mostly all your character and now this is happening i love to see these character release soon :D and side note DO think if ok by you that is if u can re release cable once again that only character I dont have from you D: PLEASE pretty PLEASE :bow:

Lucky Star GIF photo: Lucky Star moeqv2.gif
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i desperately needz that stage!!! & i've already kut tha perfect BGM for that joint:

Urban Rush Groove


some1's gotta run dem shitz, NAOH!! *stares at R@ce*

& runnin' those LBs woudn't hurt either.....



Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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Awesome Bro! I like what i see in the screenshots!

+1 for you!


You shoukd try new palettes too....Just a sugestion.

Good luck!

Thanks alot man! And yes I am going to have new palletes set in :-)

oh wow R@CE sharing stuff on MFFA, man we are Growing by leaps & Bounds , ive been Following u on Guild as Well ,like my Brother Noside there , these looks amazing, thanks so much for posting & joining up with us, really hope u enjoy your stay with us

Thanks and its nothing at all bro! I'm glad you guys are happy that I'm here! You guys have been very good to me since I joined over here, and of course I decided to post over here, I FREAKIN LOVE THIS PLACE!!! You guys rock too by the way. I would have been psoting my stuff over here but I haven't made anything for mugen in like a year so, I decided to get off my butt and work on something and share....

Always liked Ryon and his stuff by the way..... so.... it all worked out fine as to me joining up over here on the site.

These look Great. Btw, what stage were you using to showcase these characters?

The xxTMNTxx stage by Exshadow..... It got released like 2 years ago I think.

OMG THE EDIT MASTER IS HERE :O Welcome to are forum I got mostly all your character and now this is happening i love to see these character release soon :D and side note DO think if ok by you that is if u can re release cable once again that only character I dont have from you D: PLEASE pretty PLEASE :bow:

thanks, I'm glad you like my chars! But I wish you would have sent me a pm asking about this rather than ask me on here because this has nothing to do with cable...,,,

Hmmm....... I normally don't do this but.... I can't leave a fan ignored.....so.... with that said here ya go

Old Cable Edit that I don't like anymore & also that doesn't come any close as to what I can do now :


Now I did that as a 1 time thing, so I hope no one comes back in here asking me for more of my old stuff that I don't like cus MugenFreeForAll pretty much has all of my old stuff.....

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