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Hulk & Guile Filtered Released by IMT

Lord Batros

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u know how we always said going off topic is a ok on here..........maybe we should think about changing that lmfao :=D:


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Dude, i'm mostly disapointed with this whole situation. You know, they simply decide to make a FILTER MONTH, god, IMT is each day diving even more into the quantity over quality idea. You know, with this whole LETS FILTER vibe of then, they would be making MAD PALLET SWAP fest, toying with the concept of different attacks/same sprites that Capcom and SNK love. Hell, Shadow Lady from MVC is still one of the characters I love the most in the game because of the creative and strange use of her sprites (Thank You MGMURROW for the kick in the balls with that one). Everytime I see a pallete swap nowadays, it mostly belong to some shotokan, kula, len or SNK bosses. Some are very good might i say, but why there is never a edit of Blanka, Goro Daemon, MK Characters that don't belong into the 3 Ninja categories. Hell, there is the AGP, that make such a crazy proposal, that make the whole idea funny as hell (Like the Projectile) even though it only uses Gouki as a base. I remenber there being a Edit of Dee Jay in the pre-history of MUGEN, hell, DEE JAY, can you grasp that, even this guy got into the fun. I know that this means that they would need to work more then just "extract the SFF, pass the filter in every image, import the SFF, release" but hell, they have people there that code the most atrocious things without any know how or beta testing because of pure lazyness (I hate Kong everyday, specialy because he doesn't know any special move that don't is a quarter circle), so it don't mean they have that much more trouble pulling this s**t than what they are already doing. They would not be great characters I admit, but at least, they would turn something funnier then sprite swaps.

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rofl can't tell if trolling or not but that was basically like huuuuur herp a derp like a dumb expression.

Oh...I thought it was like a growl. Heh...but yeah I was messing yah.

u know how we always said going off topic is a ok on here..........maybe we should think about changing that lmfao :=D:

I honestly was thiking the same thing. I'm partly to blame for this "off topic fiasco!" :bow:


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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no you're not Realest. this fun MFFA pastime predated your joinin' here my friend, & shall continue on; it's 1 of tha things that make this place so great [as long as it's in control.....ish :awesome ]!

dammit ZB, stop puttin' shit in folks heads, you gon' phukk it up for e'rybody!


Berserk, unfortunately some folks are lazy as hell when it comes to edits, but it can't be help'd i reckon. oh btw, i believe i saw that Infinite did indeed do edits of both Blanka & Goro, you might wanna go peep'em out at his site.

& Laura,

please don't spew your "greater-than-thou" opinion right now when it come to Infinite edits, i don't feel like hurlin' this early in tha day :confuse:


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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I know about then, and love then completely, INFINITY is a very competent guy, but he just does a MVC styled thing whit most of then. I'm dreaming of someday finding a Shadow Beast in the same style of the amazing Shadow Sumo, this sort of out of common edits make my day. Hell, some time in the past (read 4 years in the past and before I got into a University) I even tried creating a ELEMENTAL DHALSIM based on the whole concept that the RYU from MVC used. The whole idea of the attacks where written down and i even came with some crazy shit. But thanks to my lack of time nowadays, i've never had that much time to learn programing on mugen. (I'm a system analyst btw) But on my free time I draw and edit sprites just for fun.

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Dude, i'm mostly disapointed with this whole situation.

You know, they simply decide to make a FILTER MONTH, god, IMT is each day diving even more into the quantity over quality idea.

You know, with this whole LETS FILTER vibe of then, they would be making MAD PALLET SWAP fest, toying with the concept of different attacks/same sprites that Capcom and SNK love. Hell, Shadow Lady from MVC is still one of the characters I love the most in the game because of the creative and strange use of her sprites (Thank You MGMURROW for the kick in the balls with that one).

Everytime I see a pallete swap nowadays, it mostly belong to some shotokan, kula, len or SNK bosses. Some are very good might i say, but why there is never a edit of Blanka, Goro Daemon, MK Characters that don't belong into the 3 Ninja categories. Hell, there is the AGP, that make such a crazy proposal, that make the whole idea funny as hell (Like the Projectile) even though it only uses Gouki as a base. I remenber there being a Edit of Dee Jay in the pre-history of MUGEN, hell, DEE JAY, can you grasp that, even this guy got into the fun.

I know that this means that they would need to work more then just "extract the SFF, pass the filter in every image, import the SFF, release" but hell, they have people there that code the most atrocious things without any know how or beta testing because of pure lazyness (I hate Kong everyday, specialy because he doesn't know any special move that don't is a quarter circle), so it don't mean they have that much more trouble pulling this s**t than what they are already doing.

They would not be great characters I admit, but at least, they would turn something funnier then sprite swaps.

...Breathe. ...Breathe.

...But seriously, you raise some great points. A lot of IMT's characters have potential to be better, but they pay no regard to polish or bug-fixes, and in the end, most of the characters coming out of that sight are pretty flawed. I remember trying out Kong's Cyberbots characters. ...They were so jam-packed with bugs, that it basically insulted the fans of one of the most underrated fighting games Capcom has ever made. Let's see...

1: They blow up when they win.

2: When their arms are torn off, they just boomerang back to the body.

3: Misplaced win-poses.

4: Cheap spammy AI (Regardless of difficulty.)

5: Unless they're the first on a team in team mode, they cannot deal damage.

6: Worst of all, harder difficulties can NOT be killed. ...Not even with the F1 key.

I know people get at me for defending a certain MUGEN character that happens to use an IMT template, and honestly I'd rather just agree to disagree. But honestly, that was one of the less-flawed characters I've seen from IMT. I've played my fair-share of Infinity MUGEN Characters, and I can tell you just as anyone that most of the characters there are not worth the download. Again, they had potential, but most of them lack the fine-tuning needed to make a good character.

And now with this whole filtering craze. Honestly, I think they're just grasping at straws.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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Very true Mugourth, and i'm a very patient guy to problematic chars. I had the trouble to fix every single nijikaku character in my folder and every time i see a character with batshit insane commands (read a guile landing a sonic boom with qcf+p or a wolverine doing a shoryuken attack with qcb+p) i go on and fix the moves commands and reorder with some slight fixes to the commands priority to work correctly. But hell, when i downloaded the Cyberbots chars from kong, i simply snapped and promised myself to never download anything made by kong ever again. But even though, there is a very large number of programmers there, some being at least above average, and a real few of really good guys, but most of the time it looks like the whole community of IMT seen to insert their heads into their asses and become unreachable to criticism.

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Very true Mugourth, and i'm a very patient guy to problematic chars.

I had the trouble to fix every single nijikaku character in my folder and every time i see a character with batshit insane commands (read a guile landing a sonic boom with qcf+p or a wolverine doing a shoryuken attack with qcb+p) i go on and fix the moves commands and reorder with some slight fixes to the commands priority to work correctly.

But hell, when i downloaded the Cyberbots chars from kong, i simply snapped and promised myself to never download anything made by kong ever again.

But even though, there is a very large number of programmers there, some being at least above average, and a real few of really good guys, but most of the time it looks like the whole community of IMT seen to insert their heads into their asses and become unreachable to criticism.

the best thing with characters or in some cases some stages that was not made right and was release to shitty people such as kong who is so quick to release and even tho things have been pointed out to him to fix what needs to be done is other people who could take there release and make it what it should be and fix the issues and maybe even improve it from the ground up or just by editing itif people would do that rather then this crazy fad of making more characters that has been done over 50000 times we might have something alot better
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the best thing with characters or in some cases some stages that was not made right and was release to shitty people such as kong who is so quick to release and even tho things have been pointed out to him to fix what needs to be done is other people who could take there release and make it what it should be and fix the issues and maybe even improve it from the ground up or just by editing itif people would do that rather then this crazy fad of making more characters that has been done over 50000 times we might have something alot better

Agreed, Kuron is a perfect example of that, he made some of the most accurate CB chars out there and they all are based on kong's. You just need to figure out how to turn off their AI's (Just look for into the -3 cns file and search for the state [state -3,AI] and replace the trigger related to the pal 6 to always be true or different of 6)

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