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Variety of Chars / Stages Smoothed Out (growing list)

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another duke nukem? LOL

hahaha oh christ. he's a damn bug swarm when he fights himself. I don't know what it is, but so many things start going haywire.. The AI gets weird, his pistol icon disappears, his hyper portraits randomly vanish, apparently the grenades bounce off him?



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ok so other than what i pmed you heres some more feedback I was fighting duke and he ended up below the floor idk combining his jetpack and "vitamins" together while spamming grenade from the air is basically an instant ko since it never ends and the ai abuses this heavily he should have blue clsns during his popping of his vitamins because my super went right through him -_- some of his more power supers such as the charge gun should be able to be hit before he shoots it. during the charge hes invulnerable when the ai wins when the "shit happens" winning happens theres no black screen and you just hear duke taking a shit while watching him just stand there. you should limit his bomb canisters to 1 for throwing if you toss 3 out and then trigger them thats like half health damage. for no super cost kind of cheap. when using the jetpack and trying to do certain moves that you use while you are not you still hear the attack sounds, but nothing happens. like firing the gun you hear it fire but theres no anim and he doesn't fire it. his idle pose when you stand there even if you hit him during it. it still plays over his getting hurt sounds his death sound plays when he gets on low health even if hes not dead.


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  • 2 months later...

Ok my computer is finally back up and running, so I'll be getting back to work soon. Laharl thanks for the feedback on duke, I think I addressed most if not all of that in the most recent update, but I am going to take another look through his files to see if I can fix one other thing, so I'll check on it when I do. Also, Dukes link should be working now. Sorry all about the long wait on that one. Comp trouble.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh hey, it's you. Well, my name isn't Mark Worth and I already made the oil drum bonus background, but that isn't the point. Part of your fix moves the barrels away from the middle of the screen which is unfortunately incorrect. They need to be centered. They follow you around because they're made for a stage with no scrolling. But I certainly appreciate and commend you for having the patience to track down and fix the slow drop glitch. I hope you don't take it as me trying to be pissy or snide.

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Ah you made that stage. Nice job. What happened for me was that I got the bonus without the stage first, looked for the stage, couldn't find it so I just whipped up what looked like the same thing. Later on I actually found your stage with no scrolling, which did explain the barrel moving thing, but by that point I had already adapted the bonus to the bigger stage and kind of got to liking it better that way anyways. Now that you mention it tho, I probably should include your version of the stage in the pack for those interested in a more arcade accurate version. It should work fine the way it is. Also no you're not being pissy or snide at all in my opinion. Thanks for pointing that stuff out, and yeah that slow fall bug was kind of a bitch to pin down. There is still one more, the one where they fall just a little too far till you hit them then they go back into place. Whatevs tho. Cheers



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  • 4 months later...

Hey RMH, would it be possible to get a re-up of your fix of OmegaPsycho's Somulo? I tried to get it from the link you provided, but apparently Mediafire pulled it claiming it was some sort of violation. (Oh Mediafire, when will you learn)

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  • 1 year later...

Where are your stage fixes at? I can't find them in the first post. Also, thanks a lot for fixing that irritating bug on The Tick, and for fixing up Alucard's Batman. I liked it alot. Do you do requests?

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Just added the stage fixes and some other stuff.

There's a slim chance with requests. 
Basically if they're in my roster and there's a glaring bug, yea probably, but otherwise not.
That being the case I really should post a pic of my roster, but I'm in the middle of overhauling it right now for a screenpack I'm working on so it's not really possible.

Also glad you like the fixes.  Yea that one in the Tick drove me nuts for quite a while.  Fixing it ws actually one of the things that got me into editing.

EDIT: First post overhauled.



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Here's a look at the select screen I'm working on.  There's a limited number of characters per genera / game that I've widdled down through some pretty extensive play testing.  Adding characters is really not too likely unless I haven't seen them yet.

That being said, what character are you thinking of?




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Here's a look at the select screen I'm working on.  There's a limited number of characters per genera / game that I've widdled down through some pretty extensive play testing.  Adding characters is really not too likely unless I haven't seen them yet.

That being said, what character are you thinking of?



No offense, but it's a little bit of a mess. I like the collage theme of many series VS.-ing each other, though.


I was hoping you could edit this Cartman edit: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9tfrjc69mr6jsyt/Eric+Cartman+Edit+V1.2.zip Some of his commands don't work, and he's a little glitchy.

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None taken.  You'd really have to see it in action tho.  It moves and changes a lot.  In that pic I just opened the gimp file and added the logos over the sections so it would be apparent what they were for request purposes.

@Hank: Not that I'm aware of, I just liked the logo for the 'creatures' section.  I really didn't even know it belonged to a game, let alone a fighting game, I just snagged it off google images.

@Y Man: I do actually have that Cartman in my roster.  At some point I had loose plans to make a sound pack for him, but that's still a ways off.  I don't have a whole lot of time to put into it right now, but if you can be specific about what bugs / glitches you're talking about I might take a quick look at him.



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Well, that satellite move never hits anyone, and his projectiles can be spammed, (please leave that in) and the Kenny Spin hyper can be blocked middway through, and his Shun Goku Satsu is rather glitchy as well. There's also a move named Anime Cartman in his .cmd, but I don't think it can be done by player.

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It belongs to a 1990's Survival Horror/Beat 'em up call Nightmare Creatures, a game released on the PS1, N64, and maybe the PC. A sequel was released on the PS1, but it sucked.

Also, I think that any logos should be scrolling left to right on the top of the screen, and right to left on the bottom. Keeping it clean is the best way to go. Although, I do like the somewhat edgy look to it.


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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Ah, that's cool.  It actually looks decent for N64.  I wouldn't mind seeing some of those characters in mugen. 

The select screen is finished already however and is very heavily animated.  It starts with that screen minus the logos and no small portraits.  The half circles surrounding the central side logo's pop out, and their logos flash / fade in in white, the slots for the comic characters decend in on little latches which release, the dark stalkers map does a reverse burn in, the avp screen flips up and folds out over the KI bg, the dragon in the MK1 starts as a reptile portrait and rotates ala mk3 to reveal the standard stone dragon logo, then the small ports fade in and the music starts (that all takes about a second and a half - 2 seconds)

Once the portraits fade in the street fighter airplaine flies across, the pink flower pettles from the samurai shodown 1 intro begin falling over the map / sam shodown section, a swarm of bats occasionally flies over the batman section, a spider very slowly builds a web over the spiderman section, a mario 1 pipe decends from the nintendo section periodically releasing one of 4 differenct color mushrooms which fall, and turn the TV on which has different shit on it from time to time, including moves lists and scrambled porn, when the mushroom falls past the megaman batton (bat robot thing) the batton chases the mushroom for a minute before returning to it's purch, the soul calibur sword has a light burst effect once in a while, the solar eclipse in the back has animated solar flares, the stars have a very subtle twinkle, the avp map is fully animated from the intro to the  arcade game, the KI section has it's lightning, the portal behind the MK3 tower swirls, the character selecters are 2 little arcade cabs with flapping wings, and after about 3 minutes the whole screen fades to just the logos and there's a sunrise effect that happens over earth above the player two portrait.  It's really anything but simple, but it's got a fuck load of time put into it, and despite how it sounds it actually looks pretty clean in action.



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