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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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55 minutes ago, A person said:



Hera: Would any of you like to say any final words?


???: May his body lay peacefully, like the leaves of fall lying on the ground.

(A unfamiliar voice spoke, as a person approached the group) 

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4 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:



I'm with you there. I don't mean any disrespect, but it can be rather difficult to find anything meaningful to say when you haven't had a chance to get to know them properly.


Artoria, however, still found it necessary to respect a fallen comrade, even if they only knew them for a brief period. Thus, she decided to be the first to give some parting words.



You fought well, Edward. I wish you, as well as your relatives, well. I hope they won't take things too hard when they find out what's happened.


     Jude decided to be the next.



Jude: Our time was really short...


Jude: But I hope that wherever you are now, that you're doing well...and that you watch over us. We're going to solve this, for everyone's sake.


Yomi: ...


    Yomi decided to stay quiet and turn away. Funerals weren't really her thing...but not because of the feeling of dread and sadness of one's parting.



Yomi: (I never felt the need to mourn for the dead...It's such a common thing for me...wheter it's someone I've killed or a coworker who failed to do the job and perished in battle.)


Yomi: (I'm only loyal to those I'm serving at the moment...Once I've paid my debt with them, I'm out and head for the next client...Simple as that...)


Yomi: (Which makes me wonder...for how long should I wear this mask? Being Yoru Mizu for an extended period of time as been quite a bother...It's just...hard to "live" like a normal person...)


6 minutes ago, Sinjik said:


???: May his body lay peacefully, like the leaves of fall lying on the ground.

(A unfamiliar voice spoke, as a person approached the group) 



Yomi: Who you may be sir? Someone that he knew?



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52 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:





Yomi: Who you may be sir? Someone that he knew?

(The person then reveals himself)


???: He never knew about me... I would be lying if I said I knew him. It's rare that I see such a big group at this part of the place. I thought I would be able to add a few words, since I was passing by.

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2 minutes ago, Sinjik said:

(The person the reveals himself)


???: He never knew about me... I would be lying if I said I knew him. It's rare that I see such a big group at this part of the place.



Yomi: Well, you're probably just arriving at times when there isn't a funeral.


Yomi: Still...why are you being so considerate to someone you never met? Being a softie kinda contradicts your...tough appeareance.



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Audience Team



Lize: I'm not good with parting words, so count me out. I don't even know him sufficiently to tell something nice, either.


As Elizabeth also denied to do a parting, Magnum and Seraph were the last ones to do it. Strangely, they extended their arms towards the casket and began to pray.



Magnum: Soul lost in the earth, whose blood has been spilled for the good... thy falling runs in the earth that gives the people hope...


Seraph: A sacrifice never to be forgotten... even if embedded with vices, it shall teaches us to reach virtues...


Magnum and Seraph: Your soul shall find peace, your mind find brilliance and your heart find purification. Lost lamb, time has come. May thy soul reach the lights of Heaven and be received with glory.


A beacon of light shined upon the casket. Edward's soul departed to await its judgement. It was a special angelic prayer used to fasten the process, since it takes at least three years for a person to be fully judged upon its sins. However, said prayer costed energy and it left Seraph and Magnum tired.



Seraph: Tch... doing such ritual costs some energy...


Magnum: Yeah... without a doubt it does, Sir...


Suddenly, a strange man appeared behind them. Elizabeth jumped, a little scared of him.



Lize: Eeeek!! Half-naked person! It's a pervert! A pervert!!




5T was startled with the sudden appearance of the Mech-Hisui. He looked at her in the same confusion she did, although he had emotions to portray.



5T: Ah! Geez, that was a little surprising...

Pod: Analysis: This is an android. However, identification is unknown. Does not belong to YoRHa network.


5T: W-Well, that's to be expected. I never saw her model either.


5T: In any case, do you... possibly work here?


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2 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Yomi: Well, you're probably just arriving at times when there isn't a funeral.


Yomi: Still...why are you being so considerate to someone you never met? Being a softie kinda contradicts your...tough appeareance.


???: There is a saying that goes, "Under a hard shell, lies a heart of gold"

1 minute ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team


Suddenly, a strange man appeared behind them. Elizabeth jumped, a little scared of him.


Lize: Eeeek!! Half-naked person! It's a pervert! A pervert!!



???: I would appreciate if you stop blurting nonsense... 

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12 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Lize: Eeeek!! Half-naked person! It's a pervert! A pervert!!



Yomi: (Like you're the one to talk about shame,  Miss Pantyshot.)


5 minutes ago, Sinjik said:



???: I would appreciate if you stop blurting nonsense... 



Yomi: That's right Miss Lize. The ones you should be worried about are ones without pants and with a forceful approach.


5 minutes ago, Sinjik said:


???: There is a saying that goes, "Under a hard shell, lies a heart of gold"



Yomi: Maybe you're right. Oh, do you have a name you can give us?



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18 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: In any case, do you... possibly work here?


"Affirmative, alongside many of my sisters, the clerks and the Robo-Ky unit. This is a training grounds for fighters of all classes. The Warriors hangout provides many commodities to further train people, spar against fellow fighters or simply relax after a training session."



"With that said, I am unsure how an android would benefit from this facility."

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44 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

As Elizabeth also denied to do a parting, Magnum and Seraph were the last ones to do it. Strangely, they extended their arms towards the casket and began to pray.



Magnum: Soul lost in the earth, whose blood has been spilled for the good... thy falling runs in the earth that gives the people hope...


Seraph: A sacrifice never to be forgotten... even if embedded with vices, it shall teaches us to reach virtues...


Magnum and Seraph: Your soul shall find peace, your mind find brilliance and your heart find purification. Lost lamb, time has come. May thy soul reach the lights of Heaven and be received with glory.


A beacon of light shined upon the casket. Edward's soul departed to await its judgement. It was a special angelic prayer used to fasten the process, since it takes at least three years for a person to be fully judged upon its sins. However, said prayer costed energy and it left Seraph and Magnum tired.



Seraph: Tch... doing such ritual costs some energy...


Magnum: Yeah... without a doubt it does, Sir...


Saber looked at Magnum and Seraph in amazement.



What was that?


44 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Suddenly, a strange man appeared behind them. Elizabeth jumped, a little scared of him.




Lize: Eeeek!! Half-naked person! It's a pervert! A pervert!!



Well, you're quick to judge, aren't you? You know, I find it rather funny to hear that coming from you of all people, considering your less-than-modest appearance.


24 minutes ago, Sinjik said:


Enkidu: Gaien Enkido. But please, just call me Enkidu.



I see. Well, nice to meet you, Enkidu.

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Audience Team




Lize: Well, I'm sorry for just speaking out an honest opinion!


Even if they're tired. Seraph and Magnum managed to get up by themselves. The latter was still wobbly, though, losing a little of balance.



Seraph: If your opinion will criticize others, then don't speak it...


Lize: Y-Yes, sir...


Magnum: ... Weird...


Lize: S-Stop labeling me as weird already!!


Then, Enkidu introduced himself. Seraph nodded and did the same thing in response.



Seraph: It's a pleasure. I'm Seraph Artwaltz.


Magnum: Magnum Alexandria... at your service...!


Lize: I'm Elizabeth Bathory.


Magnum: You... definitely look strong, Mr. Enkidu... also, thanks for... the words...


Lize: Someone's falling down. Did karma hit you?


Magnum: That ritual... takes a lot of energy... I'm not used to it... like Sir Seraph is...


Seraph: It's a rite we do to send souls to receive their judgements while blessing them to reach Heaven. In a way, those are our parting words.


Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu and 5T



5T: I see... battle training, huh...

Pod: This Pod agrees with the commentary. Unit 5T will not gain any benefits in participating into training sessions. YoRHa units are already programmed with the battle routine.


5T: Even so and being a little against my own skills as a Tracer model, I can't simply rely on data when it comes to battling other lifeforms outside of machines. So I think I'll gain something by participating.


While 5T kept speaking with the Mech-Hisui, Agni and Rokurou listened to the result of the match.




Rokurou: Whoa, that sounded bloody. Just the way I prefer a battle to be.


Agni: Well, aren't you two assassins? I'm not surprised.


Rokurou: You did explode a building too. Does that makes of you an assassin too?


Agni: I highly doubt that...


Rokurou: Well, if you say so...


The conversation ended and the air got a little boring. There weren't many topics to talk about. Rokurou stretched his arms before sitting on the couch beside Agni.



Rokurou: Really, now I'm itching a battle. Hey, Agni, how 'bout a duel between you and me in the forest?


Agni: ... You know what, I'm going to exchange the locket.


Rokurou: Don't.

Agni: Fine... but I'm not heading out of Candor, Rokurou. We need to do your registration process so that we can use the arena and I don't have the money to do it so.


Rokurou: Ugh... then what, we'll just sit here and chat until your friends return?


Agni: What choice do we have? I can't just bring you inside an arena with only my member ID.


Rokurou: ... Can't you, now?


Agni: Rokurou...


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16 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: (Excuse me, I'm trying to chant a spell...Eat a Rising Thunder!)


   Hugh uses his free hand (the one not involved in using the spell) to deal a quick and powerful uppercut ((Just like the Shoryuken)) aimed at the Knight's face.



The large Knight collides with Hugh's uppercut. His shield protects his face and the sheer size and velocity he traveled due to his boosters, allowed him to power through and pin Hugh to the ground between his shield and the road stopping his chant. The other guards made it around the building and move into position behind a car. They lock on to Hugh and wait for the large Knights command. With Hugh still dazed from the attack, the large Knight grabs Hugh and tosses him towards the other guards while giving then the order to fire. He points his plasma rifle at Hugh's flying body and fires a large concentrated blast at Hugh while launching a rocket at Hugh simultaneously. The guards fire 2 rockets at Hugh's flying body. 

16 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



Ludger: (These doesn't last long, but it's worth a try.)


          Ludger switches to his guns and fires a bunch of small tornadoes at once, trying to clear out of the smoke. What he didn't expect was the tornadoes to it the missiles aimed at him and redirect them upwards, as well as making the grenades stop rolling in place.


Turns Left for Hugh's Spell to Fully Charge: 1
Turns Left for Ludger's Chromatus to refill: 4


The guards scatter behind a car and take cover. The smoke clears. The missile goes up but maintained target lock and arcs behind Ludger to hit there intended target. The grenades stop in place but explode sending small sharp fragments at Ludger and Dante traveling at extremely fast speeds. 


15 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:


Dante once again switches to Gilgamesh, his pair of Guantlets and Greaves, and punches the ground, causing a shockwave. He hopes to knock down the guards near him by doing this. Afterwards, as the missile was nearing, Dante shoots it, hoping to set it off before it can get too close to him.



Dante's shockwave knocks the guards down and they attempt to retreat behind a car. Joseph's technique blocks the missiles in front of him. Because he was focused on his front, the 2 guards sneaking up behind him open fire shooting him multiple times in the back.

15 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:

Meanwhile, Joseph can hear the rocket coming his way.



Oh no! That doesn't sound good at all. Well, I have an idea. It's gonna suck, though...


Joseph grabs the top of his head and proceeds to rip out several strands of hair. He then charges them full of Hamon, runs in front the car, and throws the Hamon-infused hair in front of him, creating a shield that he hopes to use to block the rocket and potential enemy gunfire, in case anything else he couldn't see was coming.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"I probably still have a lot of silver coins left..."


Kirimuri checks his bag and pulls out a fairly large pouch of coins. He takes out 20 silver coins and hands it to Rokurou.



"I reckon 20 of these coins will give you 50 Pompadillions. 40 for the registration fee plus a month of membership, and 10 for... I don't know, a nice bowl of noodle or something. You can pay me back later..."



"...Well, if you don't suddenly get accidentally killed or something."


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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: Even so and being a little against my own skills as a Tracer model, I can't simply rely on data when it comes to battling other lifeforms outside of machines. So I think I'll gain something by participating


"I suppose in theory, you could analyze and update your battle data to more efficiently deal with different scenarios."



"But as a fellow mechanical unit, I cannot recommend that the benefits are worth the cost of registration. You are, of course more than welcome to disregard my suggestion."

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2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The large Knight collides with Hugh's uppercut. His shield protects his face and the sheer size and velocity he traveled due to his boosters, allowed him to power through and pin Hugh to the ground.


   Unlike what the Knight expected, Hugh landed on his feet and started holding the knight on the air with his fist.



Hugh: Come forth....


2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The other guards made it around the building and move into position behind a car. They lock on to Hugh and wait for the large Knights command.



Hugh: Divine Lightining!!!


Spell Fully Charged


2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The guards fire 2 rockets at Hugh



Hugh: Argh...


    Hugh moves to the right, freeing himself from the large knight, he notices the rockets then moves close to the knight in order to use him as a shield.


2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The guards scatter behind a car and take cover. The smoke clears. The missile goes up but maintained target lock and arcs behind Ludger to hit there intended target. The grenades stop in place but explode sending small sharp fragments at Ludger and Dante traveling at extremely fast speeds.



Since he was aware of the missiles now, he sniped them out, but couldn't do much about the fragments and got grazed in some parts.



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3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Divine Lightining!!!


The Guards are shocked unconscious...


3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Argh...


    Hugh moves to the right, freeing himself from the large knight, he notices the rockets then moves close to the knight in order to use him as a shield.



(I'm not the one they're aiming at...) 


The Knight waits till the last moment and simply sidesteps the 2 rockets, locks onto Hugh and fires a rocket from his back launcher while boosting backwards. He calls for back up...


Backup arrives in 2 turns.

3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Since he was aware of the missiles now, he sniped them out, but couldn't do much about the fragments and got grazed in some parts.


The four guards behind the car begin to attack. 2 guards roll a grenade on the far left and far right. 2 guards circle the left and right parameters as they call for backup.


Backup will arrive in 3 turns. 







Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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45 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

(I'm not the one they're aiming at...) 


The Knight waits till the last moment and simply sidesteps the 2 rockets, locks onto Hugh and fires a rocket from his back launcher while boosting backwards. He calls for back up...



Hugh: (You should probably know my reaction time by now.) Psych!


   He avoids the missiles by doing a foward hop, then, starts running at the guards direction. Since he needed to keep the spell charged, he couldn't use any long ranged attacks.



Hugh: (Just a little further.)





Ludger: Guess I'll have to force my way through...


Ludger: SANCTUARY!!!


    Ludger spins his sledgehammer counterclockwise above his head, conjuring a large blue glyph on the ground around him with several blue hexagonal shields in the air around the glyph's edge.



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Audience Team



Seraph: I wouldn't say "fond"... it's something we do out of traditions. And about us both, we're not humans. We're angels. Wingless, but angels.


Magnum: I'd rather... not do it... again...


Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu and 5T



5T: Well, I do think there's a 50/50 in this situation, so I guess I'll think about it a little more before registering fully. I don't even know the steps anyway...





Rokurou: Uh, are you sure? Shouldn't you keep them for emergencies?


Agni: Well, I'd agree with you, but all things considered, this is a sort of emergency. I don't know when the team who had the money will return so it's best if we use what we have.


Rokurou nods and takes the coins. Then, Agni gets up and stretches his arms.



Agni: Now let's go. We're going back to the exchange store.


Rokurou: OK. Also, thanks for the company.

Agni: I said I wouldn't leave, but waiting here forever seems like a waste... since it's close, we won't be taking long anyway.


Rokurou: Thanks for the coins, man! I owe you and I won't forget to pay.


Agni: You're free to come with us, Kirimuri. You might be tired, so if you don't want to, then we'll see you later.


They waved at Kirimuri and began to walk towards the doors. As they did that, Rokurou noticed 5T and immediately called for him.



Rokurou: Wait, it's you!


5T: Huh? What are you...


Agni: Is he someone you know, Rokurou?


Rokurou: Of course! Oh, but it's best if we talk outside. There's a lot of people here, so I don't want someone hearing this...


He was the first one to leave, standing outside to wait for them. Both Agni and 5T looked confused.



5T: Uhh... what just happened...?


Agni: I don't know either... sorry if we disturbed you.


5T: Wait. He said... he knew me? If that's the case, then...


With a little more of thought, he remembered about the model who fell. If he were to get any information, it had to be from this person.



5T: I'll head out with you two. There's something I need to ask him regarding what he said.


Agni: Alright... I'm kinda curious as well.

5T: Well, I'll be taking my leave then. Thanks for the information.


Agni: We'll be back soon, Miss Mech-Hisui.


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A flash of red energy forms around Dante, changing his appearance. He no longer resembles a human; he now resembles a demon instead. This is because he's activated the Devil Trigger, temporarily boosting his stats. He did this for two reasons: to lessen the damage of the incoming shrapnel, and to try to end this as quickly as possible.



Afterwards, Dante grabs his sword Rebellion, and begins to target five nearby guards, likely including the ones hit by his shockwave from before, by performing Stinger, an attack in which Dante thrusts his sword into his targets, on all of them, hoping to successfully hit them all. If the final hit connects to its target, Dante will transmit demonic energy through his blade and into the enemy, blasting them off the blade and away a fair distance.




Meanwhile, Joseph tries to the best of his ability to avoid the gunfire by jumping down and trying to cover behind the car he was now standing in front of. His options in that particular moment were limited, and this was the most he could do.

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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team



Seraph: I wouldn't say "fond"... it's something we do out of traditions. And about us both, we're not humans. We're angels. Wingless, but angels.


Enkidu: I see. This planet has more interesting people than I expected.


Enkidu: I think you all have other business within this city. I will assist if you ever need me...

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Audience Team



Seraph: Any assistance is welcome. If we ever need you, I'll make sure to inform it.


Lize: Then we're done with this whole burial issue. Can we move on to the Oracle?


Lize: And let's be quick before Magnum ends up fainting on us.


Magnum: I'm completely... fine...! Don't worry... about me...!


Lize: Your legs are talking the inverse, you idiot.


Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu and 5T


The three get outside, where Rokurou was waiting for them. He looked at 5T once again.



Rokurou: So you managed to escape from there too. Good to know, kid.


Agni: Wait... was he with that army too?


Rokurou: Yep. He was one of the commanders, just like me. Your name is...


5T: It's 5T. YoRHa Unit Type 5 Tracer.


Rokurou: Right. So, 5T-


5T: There's something I need to tell you, first. I'm not the same 5T that was there. That was another of my model.


Rokurou: What?


Agni: Are you... an android? You spoke about model, so...


5T: Yeah. This is actually the first time we meet.


Agni: I see... so, in that case... then the other 5T...


Rokurou: Probably got destroyed. He must have tried to escape and got caught. Thing is, he had more information about the operation than I do. His betrayal would be a heavy loss since he had a lot of information behind the whole thing.


5T: ... It seems to be the case. But I'm here on his behalf. Even if I don't have the information, I still want to help.


Agni: Well, feel free to hop on aboard. Any help is welcome. Oh, I'm Agni Artwaltz.


Rokurou: And I'm Rokurou Rangetsu. It's nice to meet you, another 5T.


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4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: (You should probably know my reaction time by now.) Psych!


   He avoids the missiles by doing a foward hop, then, starts running at the guards direction. Since he needed to keep the spell charged, he couldn't use any long ranged attacks.



Hugh: (Just a little further.)



(You are indeed quite fast...and clever...but my missiles are a bit different...)


The 3 rockets miss but suddenly the one rocket that The large Knight shoot exploded just as it went under Hugh causing the others to explode. The Knight Fires plasma shots at Hugh while simultaneously boosting up and across the top of the area where Hugh is traveling landing on a roof.


Backup arrives in 1 turn.

4 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Ludger: SANCTUARY!!!


    Ludger spins his sledgehammer counterclockwise above his head, conjuring a large blue glyph on the ground around him with several blue hexagonal shields in the air around the glyph's edge.


The grenades on the left and right explode releasing smoke across the battlefield. The guards switch to thermal vision and throw 4 grenades over the wall of glyphs so that they go through the open area above Ludger. The remained behind the cars they were behind.


Backup arrives in 2 turns.

3 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:


Because of the smoke, Dante's attacks do not hit the soldiers, but instead hits the cars they were behind. The last strike caused the car to explode damaging Dante and the Guard behind it. One of the other guards call for back up.


Backup arrives in 4 turns.

3 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:

Meanwhile, Joseph tries to the best of his ability to avoid the gunfire by jumping down and trying to cover behind the car he was now standing in front of. His options in that particular moment were limited, and this was the most he could do.


Joseph fails to get behind the car and his body is bombarded with bullets. The guards reload and continue shooting him.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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