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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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As Hinamori and Flare traveled through the sewers, the latter received a notification on his phone. A link to a stream of the broadcast.



"A broadcast from Slum Village?"


Flare proceeded to watch the broadcast.



"Something doesn't quite sit right with me with that broadcast(As amusing as it may be to see Light as a bad guy.). Miss, whatever is happening in the village probably just got worse with that speech. If you still want to keep going then I would recommend we at least pick up the pace. It could get worse the longer this is left alone."

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BGM: Copied City -Dynamic- (NieR: Automata)


The speech reached every corner of the Slums. 5T listened to Hakumen's heroic words knowing fully well what was hidden under those sweet lies of justice he seemed so fond to perpetrate,



5T: Good false speech, "General"... in true circumstances, one would denominate you as "Kaiser" and not "Hero".

Pod: The speech has the objective to give an emotion called "hope" to the population. However, there are people who do not wish for his plan to happen. This Pod has difficulty to understand the side which the population decides to call upon.


5T: This is one basic of having an ego, Pod. You begin to differ from others in all aspects. Human beings aren't little puppets, made only to follow orders.

Pod: Unit 5T seems to possess ego and own opinion about this. Query: is it possible for an android to become a human?


5T: We're fakes. Accursed beings created to follow orders, while having an "ego" to satisfy us. We'll never be human...


He jumped back to the ground and landed normally, as if the height wasn't a problem. He thought about the Pod's last proposal. With a little more of thought, he saw that it was the most effective way to act. Running into Rokurou and Agni blindly would make things more difficult.



5T: It seems we have a rescue mission, Pod. Try to identify any large group of guards in the vicinity.

Pod: Affirmative. All groups of guards were located successfully. Locations added to map. Query: has unit 5T decided to approve the previous proposal?


5T: I'd wish that I could just leave and go after Rokurou and that other boy... but I know they're not here for strolling. I'm going to help them escape. Pod, halt all of your logical thought and speech until I say that you can talk.

Pod: Affirmative.


5T: Good. I don't want you spoiling that I'm defecting. Alright, let's go to this first group.


He dashed throughout the streets to reach the closest team. It seems that, according to the information given by the Pod, the closest group was scattered around, with guards surrounding them. 5T was going to use his earned authority as a commander to issue their retreat.


Mirfah (Death and Ending)


While Yui has successfully escaped the attack, he didn't. The lance gave Mirfah a hit, piercing his body.


Mirfah (?): GAAAH!! NO... THIS... CAN'T BE... THE END...


His blood formed a pond and his corpse fell. Mirfah was no longer alive...


Mirfah's Ending: A Bad Day to Have a Dream


Mirfah: GAH!!


He woke up quickly. When he looked around, there he was, in the islands of Zamburg. He returned to his "home", the demonic lands of Ishgria.


Mirfah: A dream...? Well, I'm in my demon form again, so I suppose...

???: Have you enjoyed being a human again?

Mirfah: That voice...


When he looked up, he saw another demon standing there. Her power, however, was immense.



???: Hello, little Mirfah.

Mirfah: You... Calamity Demon Amu Yunos!

Amu Yunos: Oh, please, don't tell me you enjoyed it. I, for one, surely did. Seeing you being so hopeful for another chance... haha, that was entertaining!

Mirfah: So you're the responsible behind it...!!

Amu Yunos: Well, I locked you in that dream out of my own amusement. However, I got bored. I broke the seal and allowed you to become a demon again. But tell me... was that truly a dream?


As he looked, there was a strange scar near him. It was from the moment back at the lance.


Mirfah: Then... it wasn't... or are you toying with me?

Amu Yunos: Hehe... I'll leave that for you to discover... anyway, the Summoner and his friends are coming. I shall go meet them.


She vanished, leaving him with a mystery. However, this didn't bothered him. Mirfah got up and looked at his claws.


Mirfah: ... Heh, I don't know what happened, but that doesn't change anything. I'll go after my revenge, killing the ones who did this to me.


"Still, it'd be cool if you came for a visit, Agni. Maybe we can have some fun together."


Audience Team



Lize: KYAA!!


She hit the trunk and even was sent into it. She got up quickly and tried to pull the spear out.



Lize: G-Get out, you stupid spear!!


In the meanwhile, Seraph saw the vertical frost waves being sent. He gave a single sidestep to the left and then another to his front in order to evade them.



Seraph: Type 0: Stationary.


He created a small light that stood immoblile in his front. He waited for the creature's next movement. Magnum, however, rushed at it.



Magnum: I'll send you flying! Ionic Surge -20% Engage-!


He charged himself with electricity and went at the creature.




Melina had a slight idea of what he was doing. Those sorts of provocations meant one thing: he was luring her into a trap.



Melina: (As if I would fall for such ridiculous comments. What does he take me for? I have no pride to uphold, all my ties with Bariura have been severed the moment I left it to destruction.)


Melina: (In the next time you wish to lure a trap to attack me from behind, try not to do something so obvious.)


A window stood close to her, leading to the building where he entered to trick her. Still with Fortra Lamina active, Melina recovered her knives and instantly threw them inside. They kept rebouncing through the walls and roof, going at fast speeds yet unnacurate directions.


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Investigation Team 1


Like the rest, Cu was shocked by Kyosuke suddenly being sniped.



What the hell!?! We need to get out of the open, and fast!


Audience Team


Saber and Archer begin to carefully watch the creature's movement. Saber is carefully watching for a good opening on the creature. However, due to having effective ranged abilities, Archer prepares for another attack from the spot he's currently in. He prepares to fire another Hrunting arrow; however, this time he doesn't immediately fire. He's charging it up with mana to increase its power, so that it will explode upon impact with the creature. He finally fires the arrow, hoping to deal a good blow on the creature, or at least open it up for another attack from another party.

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On 01/09/2017 at 9:31 AM, Agni Blackheart said:



Melina had a slight idea of what he was doing. Those sorts of provocations meant one thing: he was luring her into a trap.



Melina: (As if I would fall for such ridiculous comments. What does he take me for? I have no pride to uphold, all my ties with Bariura have been severed the moment I left it to destruction.)


Melina: (In the next time you wish to lure a trap to attack me from behind, try not to do something so obvious.)


A window stood close to her, leading to the building where he entered to trick her. Still with Fortra Lamina active, Melina recovered her knives and instantly threw them inside. They kept rebouncing through the walls and roof, going at fast speeds yet unnacurate directions.



As soon as Kirimuri enters the building, Melina's knives follow him and bounce off the walls in the house. This proved tricky for the duelist as the house is particularly small, which makes the knives rebounce and change directions faster. One of the knives flashes by the top of his head and makes his hat fall down. He quickly picks it up and heads to the second floor of the building.



(Oh shit, oh shit, don't ruin my hair you brat...)


The man in black tried to come up with a backup plan.



(Now, if I can blow a big and nice cloud of smoke which connects to the other cloud of smoke outside I used for distraction...)


Kirimuri takes his e-cig out, proceeds to vape and then blows a big cloud of smoke downstairs, attempting to use Kumomi. He removes the battery and heads to the balcony of the second floor. He jumps outside and lands on a wider alley. He prepares the battery of his e-cig...



"A little boom wouldn't hurt..."


...and throws it into the house. It triggers the cloud in the first floor and causes a massive explosion which collapsed the abandoned house. The explosion chains with the other cloud of smoke in the dead end and causes a bigger explosion.


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12 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


    Ryuko stopped in her tracks when she saw the horrible scene.



Ryuko: Whoa! What the-


Etomo: Stand still and you'll get shot as well...Jeez, I knew it was a trap! NOW MOVE!


Ryuko: Don't need to say it twice!


    Both girls rushed to a safe spot.


10 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:


What the hell!?! We need to get out of the open, and fast!




I think we're being hunted! I hope you guys are light on your feet! On my mark we're gonna spread out! I don't how many it is, but snipers usually work in pairs! If we spread out we have a better chance! On three... Etomo and Ryuko go left...me and Lancer go right! Ready?! One...two...


As LightFlare and the others prepare to make their move, a group of guards have arrived and are in position with guns drawn ready to fire...and while those guards were in plain sight...the real threat was the one they couldn't see...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 8/31/2017 at 1:07 PM, Mister Fael said:



Yui: (An wide attack like that is going to leave her open...It's my chance!) HA!


     She did a high jump in order to dodge the swing, then, Yui pointed the spear at her opponent and used wind magic to boost her descent in order to strenghten the stab. ((Something like the Rising Falcon, but the tornado effect is behind her.))


She raised her shield to block the strike, the shield pressing up against her head. Her headband seemed to return to normal from the power of the strike.



???: Threat exterminated. Moving onto...


Suddenly, her voice changed, and a surprised look washed over her face.



???: ...wh...wha? What's going on?! How did I get here?! 


It didn't take long for her to realize what she was in the middle of: a fight.



???: Please, stop! I mean you no harm! I-I don't even know what I'm doing here!

On 8/31/2017 at 1:07 PM, Mister Fael said:



Jude: Lize!


Track:  Decisive Battle (Tenchu)


    Suddenly, a voice spoke behind Jude.


???: Seriously...those kinds of attacks you do in a place without obstacles...


Jude: Who...


 Yomi: I'll take your place. Go help that klutz out.


Jude: R-Right... (So, you've finally decided to fight...Yomi, The Moonlight Assassin.)


Yomi: Now then...Time to finish this thing once and for all.



     She points her knife foward, making a sigil appear floating behind the creature, then, Yomi decided to walk slowly at the creature in order to watch its movements.

17 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team



Lize: KYAA!!


She hit the trunk and even was sent into it. She got up quickly and tried to pull the spear out.



Lize: G-Get out, you stupid spear!!


In the meanwhile, Seraph saw the vertical frost waves being sent. He gave a single sidestep to the left and then another to his front in order to evade them.



Seraph: Type 0: Stationary.


He created a small light that stood immoblile in his front. He waited for the creature's next movement. Magnum, however, rushed at it.



Magnum: I'll send you flying! Ionic Surge -20% Engage-!


He charged himself with electricity and went at the creature.


The mutant seemed to retain some semblance of intellect despite its transformation, and proceeded to step to the right of Magnum's charge, quickly turning and swinging its saber arms towards Elizabeth instead of the others, sending crossed ice waves at her. They looked to be quite sharp. It looked to be unaware of the glyph behind it, however.

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BGM: Copied City -Dynamic- still playing


He quickly reached the area with the guards shooting non-stop. The group seemed in a bind, but he quickly spoke up.



5T: Cease the shooting at this instant!!


5T walked forward, taking his blade out. He had no intention to dwelve in a fight against them, but he needed to show that he was on their side until the last moment.



5T: What are you all doing here?! The speech has begun and all soldiers have an order of retreat issued! Stop this worthless attack and return at once!


Audience Team


Elizabeth managed to remove the spear, but was hit by the icy waves.



Lize: YOW!! Cold, cold!!


Lize: Alright, you little bastard!! Time to pay it back!!


Lize: A-And don't look at me weirdly!! Vér Salgovár!!


She turned around and extended her tail, trying to hit the monster with it. If he tried to defend, she was going to stun him.






Melina: What?!


When she paid attention, the debris was falling. She ran as fast as she could to leave the alleyway, managing to escape. However, she stood vigilant.


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19 hours ago, Darkflare said:



"Something doesn't quite sit right with me with that broadcast(As amusing as it may be to see Light as a bad guy.). Miss, whatever is happening in the village probably just got worse with that speech. If you still want to keep going then I would recommend we at least pick up the pace. It could get worse the longer this is left alone."



Hinamori: You're right...


      Following his advice, Hinamori started running at a faster pace. ((They'll arrive in the next post.))


48 minutes ago, A person said:

The mutant seemed to retain some semblance of intellect despite its transformation, and proceeded to step to the right of Magnum's charge, quickly turning and swinging its saber arms towards Elizabeth instead of the others, sending crossed ice waves at her. They looked to be quite sharp. It looked to be unaware of the glyph behind it, however.



Yomi: Alright, It didn't move much from the place...time to spring my trap!


     The sigil's function was that of a short range teleport. Yomi had to set it first and watch the enemiy's movements before she attempted to teleport. She warped to behind the creature.



Yomi: This is your end!!!


     Then, she performed a multitude of quick slashes at the creature.


48 minutes ago, A person said:

Suddenly, her voice changed, and a surprised look washed over her face.



???: ...wh...wha? What's going on?! How did I get here?! 


It didn't take long for her to realize what she was in the middle of: a fight.



???: Please, stop! I mean you no harm! I-I don't even know what I'm doing here!


     Yui was confused with her sudden change, keeping her stance just in case.



Yui: What do you mean by that? You can't just forget what you did all of a sudden.



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45 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: What are you all doing here?! The speech has begun and all soldiers have an order of retreat issued! Stop this worthless attack and return at once!


(Who is that...and why didn't he just attack us like the others? Why did he tell those soldiers to leave?)


LightFlare waits till the coast is clear to decide his next move. The soldiers listened to 5T and headed north...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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BGM: Copied City -Dynamic- still playing


Once the guards moved away, 5T put his blade away and looked at them.



5T: Looking at you, I can see you want to bombard me with questions... or rather, defeat me in general. After all, if you haven't guessed by the way they obey me, I'm one of the commanders of this makeshift army.


5T: However, I shall tell you that there's no time for one or the other. Your routine of investigation inside the slums ends here. This isn't a safe place anymore. Leave before the guards can truly kill you, like they did with the boy.


He turned his back at them and prepared to leave. He gave them one last look at them, however, this time to inform about other situations.



5T: I'm going after the other of you who are still laying around here. Might as well save them before they die too. Once you leave, head to the Warrior's Hangout. That's the best place for yout to discuss about the information that you gathered. As soon as I'm done here, I'm heading there too.


5T: Lastly... about that friend of yours. He and Rokurou are heading there as well. He's not going to be killed, I can assure you. Now, move.


After giving the message, 5T simply dashed away to find the other teams lost in the slums. He wanted to make sure they were all out before they ended up dying.


@LightFlare_Da_Realest @Mister Fael


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23 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team


Elizabeth managed to remove the spear, but was hit by the icy waves.



Lize: YOW!! Cold, cold!!


Lize: Alright, you little bastard!! Time to pay it back!!


Lize: A-And don't look at me weirdly!! Vér Salgovár!!


She turned around and extended her tail, trying to hit the monster with it. If he tried to defend, she was going to stun him.


5 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Yomi: Alright, It didn't move much from the place...time to spring my trap!


     The sigil's function was that of a short range teleport. Yomi had to set it first and watch the enemiy's movements before she attempted to teleport. She warped to behind the creature.



Yomi: This is your end!!!


     Then, she performed a multitude of quick slashes at the creature.

The creature proceeded to step to the right of Elizabeth's attempted tail smash only for it to be hit by a barrage of slashes, though it seemed to be able to shrug them off. It turned towards Yomi and sent a quick slash at her torso, showing no signs of slowing down, which seemed to bother Idealis.



Idealis: Has anything we just did even hurt this thing?! It's like trying to kill a cliff!


Hera used the opening between attacks to send a phoenix of fire at the creature whilst it was trying to attack Yomi, the phoenix wrapping itself around it and encasing it in flames, though they seemed to do nothing to it as well.



Hera: Tch...I would have never expected such a creature to be so resilient...perhaps the damage is not visible to the naked eye? There are many creatures within this world with the same trait.


While she was busy trying to rationalize why the creature wasn't showing any signs of being hurt, Idealis was able to immediately recognize the "new girl" that showed up to help them. She kept silent about it, however.


2 hours ago, Mister Fael said:

 Yui was confused with her sudden change, keeping her stance just in case.



Yui: What do you mean by that? You can't just forget what you did all of a sudden.


???: Just forget? But I-


And then she noticed the bodies around them.



???: By the gods, I...I did this?! N-no, this was not me, I swear it! I was n- The spell, that is it! The spell that witch hath placed upon me!


She started to back away from Yui.



???: You must fly, milady. I do not know how long I can control myself, but I shall resist the spell to the best of my ability. Now fly; do not attempt to rid me of this spell! It will only cause thee more grief...as it has caused me an everlasting grief.

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36 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: Lastly... about that friend of yours. He and Rokurou are heading there as well. He's not going to be killed, I can assure you. Now, move.


After giving the message, 5T simply dashed away to find the other teams lost in the slums. He wanted to make sure they were all out before they ended up dying.



(Who was that? He obviously knows the man running away with Agni. But is he telling the truth? He called those guards off and he allowed us to escape. He's even heading to the hideout. I want to know if Agni is ok, but I'm not finished here.)


LightFlare looks at the ground Kyosuke laid. The guards and taken his body away, but the blood was still there. He then looks at the others. 



Guys...what do you plan to do?


@Tony Redgrave @Mister Fael


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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56 minutes ago, A person said:

The creature proceeded to step to the right of Elizabeth's attempted tail smash only for it to be hit by a barrage of slashes, though it seemed to be able to shrug them off. It turned towards Yomi and sent a quick slash at her torso, showing no signs of slowing down, which seemed to bother Idealis.



Idealis: Has anything we just did even hurt this thing?! It's like trying to kill a cliff!


Hera used the opening between attacks to send a phoenix of fire at the creature whilst it was trying to attack Yomi, the phoenix wrapping itself around it and encasing it in flames, though they seemed to do nothing to it as well.



Hera: Tch...I would have never expected such a creature to be so resilient...perhaps the damage is not visible to the naked eye? There are many creatures within this world with the same trait.


While she was busy trying to rationalize why the creature wasn't showing any signs of being hurt, Idealis was able to immediately recognize the "new girl" that showed up to help them. She kept silent about it, however.


    After being saved by Hera's fire attack, Yomi decided to back off and rethink her strategy.



Yomi: I slashed it everywhere and It doesn't seem to have a weak spot...We're lucky there's only one of this thing.


Jude: It's also reacting accordingly to our attacks...As if it had intelligence.


Yomi: (I could use my thunderbolt gun...but that would require me to stand still for a while in order to charge it.)


Jude: (Guess I'll have to use Final Fury...) My turn to attack.


     He ran at the monster in hopes of grabbing his attention.


1 hour ago, A person said:


???: Just forget? But I-


And then she noticed the bodies around them.



???: By the gods, I...I did this?! N-no, this was not me, I swear it! I was n- The spell, that is it! The spell that witch hath placed upon me!


She started to back away from Yui.



???: You must fly, milady. I do not know how long I can control myself, but I shall resist the spell to the best of my ability. Now fly; do not attempt to rid me of this spell! It will only cause thee more grief...as it has caused me an everlasting grief.


     Seeing her genuine surprise as well as the apparent grief of being mind controlled, Yui didn't have any hostilities left. 



Yui: I see...So I won't even have time to properly mourn for them...Very well. If I really can't help with the spell, can I at least have your name before I go? I'm Yui Lilly Celest.


1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



(Who was that? He obviously knows the man running away with Agni. But is he telling the truth? He called those guards off and he allowed us to escape. He's even heading to the hideout. I want to know if Agni is ok, but I'm not finished here.)


LightFlare looks at the ground Kyosuke laid. The guards and taken his body away, but the blood was still there. He then looks at the others. 



Guys...what do you plan to do?


@Tony Redgrave @Mister Fael



Ryuko: I want to end this madness! I want to end the bastard that did this!


Etomo: Even though this isn't our world...I want to do something to help it.


Etomo: Still, I'm not sure if we should stay here longer or reunite with the others.


4 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Flare proceeded to pick up his pace as well to match hers.



Hinamori: It's here.


    They had finally arrived at the slums. Hinamori looked at her surroundings to see if there were any guards around. She didn't spot any civilians due to the martial law.



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16 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


Hinamori: It's here.


    They had finally arrived at the slums. Hinamori looked at her surroundings to see if there were any guards around. She didn't spot any civilians due to the martial law.


A few guards were walking by on patrol, unaware of Hina or Darkflare's presence...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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25 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:

After being saved by Hera's fire attack, Yomi decided to back off and rethink her strategy.



Yomi: I slashed it everywhere and It doesn't seem to have a weak spot...We're lucky there's only one of this thing.


Jude: It's also reacting accordingly to our attacks...As if it had intelligence.


Yomi: (I could use my thunderbolt gun...but that would require me to stand still for a while in order to charge it.)


Jude: (Guess I'll have to use Final Fury...) My turn to attack.


     He ran at the monster in hopes of grabbing his attention.

The monster's attention was grabbed as the fiery phoenix around it was dispelled. It started to charge at him as well, its saber arms gaining another frosty aura as the two came closer. Hera pointed her runeblade at Jude.



Hera: Render it into nothing more than a pile of ash.


His fist weapons would be enchanted with flames.


Idealis slid into a sprinter's stance as she waited for an opening to strike once again.


25 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:

Seeing her genuine surprise as well as the apparent grief of being mind controlled, Yui didn't have any hostilities left. 



Yui: I see...So I won't even have time to properly mourn for them...Very well. If I really can't help with the spell, can I at least have your name before I go? I'm Yui Lilly Celest.

The knight started to run away from her.



???: Fly, milady, before-


And the switch snapped on, the knight's face turning blank once again.



???: I am...Muireann...Knight of Chaos...my mission...neutralize all threats to the...Knights of the Forsaken...


Her visor slid down once more, and she began to approach her.



Muireann: Threat detected...proceeding with...neutralization...

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26 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


Hinamori: It's here.


    They had finally arrived at the slums. Hinamori looked at her surroundings to see if there were any guards around. She didn't spot any civilians due to the martial law.


"We're going to regroup with the group you were in, right? Let's find them quickly."

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9 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"We're going to regroup with the group you were in, right? Let's find them quickly."



Hinamori: Correct. There are some guards around. Let's proceed with care.


16 minutes ago, A person said:

The monster's attention was grabbed as the fiery phoenix around it was dispelled. It started to charge at him as well, its saber arms gaining another frosty aura as the two came closer. Hera pointed her runeblade at Jude.



Hera: Render it into nothing more than a pile of ash.


His fist weapons would be enchanted with flames.


Idealis slid into a sprinter's stance as she waited for an opening to strike once again.



Jude: Alright, NOW!!!



    Jude used his Snap Pivot in order to quickly get behind the monster.



Jude: My fists will open the heavens! Final Fury!!!


    Then, he unleashes a barrage of punches and kicks, with the last attack being a charged punch that would send the opponent away.


15 minutes ago, A person said:

The knight started to run away from her.



???: Fly, milady, before-


And the switch snapped on, the knight's face turning blank once again.



???: I am...Muireann...Knight of Chaos...my mission...neutralize all threats to the...Knights of the Forsaken...


Her visor slid down once more, and she began to approach her.



Muireann: Threat detected...proceeding with...neutralization...



Yui: Pleased to meet you...


    Even though she knew that Muireann's true self couldn't hear her, Yui decided to say it anyway. Then, she decided to run away from the area. Her new resolve being to find this "witch" who put a seemly kind woman into a emtionless machine of destruction.



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BGM: Copied City -Dynamic- still playing


He kept running through the new "ghost" town the slums had become. His new intention was to search for the other team.



5T: Alright, if I go this way, I'll reach the other team.

Pod: ... Alert: a powerful soldier is engaging a fight. Identified as Knight of Chaos Muireann. Proposal: assist immediately.


5T: Pod?! Did you just break the protocol on your own? Wait... Muireann?!


He finally managed to remember. It was the red woman knight, who acted like an android but sometimes had her own ego.



5T: Goddamnit, it's that half-human half-puppet, cursed or whatever knight! Pod, identify if request is absolutely necessary!

Pod: Affirmative. After new scan, it has been found that she is alone. There are three individuals whose data are not present in location.


5T: Good, they'll be able to hold them for a while. I'm moving towards the other area on the map.

Pod: Affirmative. Pod will be shutting activities as requested.


5T: Yeah. Don't blurt out talking in the next time.


He continued to run towards the other surrounded team. The faster he could get them out of the slums, the better for him.


Audience Team


Magnum and Elizabeth had their attacks fully evaded. Seraph, seeing that it was the right moment, went back to attack. Unsure if Jude's attack would work, he used the light he left floating.



Seraph: Type 2: Acceptance.


He slashed the light in an upwards motion. It went up, transforming in a white sword. After fixing itself in the air, it flew towards the enemy, with Seraph following it.



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7 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


Hinamori: Correct. There are some guards around. Let's proceed with care.


"Let's just hope these guards aren't suicidal enough to try and fight me. Do you remember where you were before? It's our best chance."

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1 hour ago, Mister Fael said:


Ryuko: I want to end this madness! I want to end the bastard that did this!


Etomo: Even though this isn't our world...I want to do something to help it.


Etomo: Still, I'm not sure if we should stay here longer or reunite with the others.


53 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:

@LightFlare_Da_Realest@Mister Fael



I'm not sure what'd be best either. I'm pretty sure going to the Hangout is our safest bet.



But at the same time, I wouldn't mind finding the one responsible for this, either.



Guess I'll just go along with whatever you decide with, Lightflare. You're the leader, after all.




I'm not leaving. These guys are hunting us down and getting away with it. They don't operate like the Royal Guards at all. If they truly are a division of the Royal Knights, then why do they hunt us down like animals? That guy may be telling the truth about Agni, but he could also be just protecting the other guy. At least Agni has a chance. There's no telling how many soldiers the rest of the teams may be up against. I can't just leave. Even if it means getting to the bottom of this myself...I have to keep going. I want to....


Before LightFlare could finish his sentence, he caught a glimpse at a tv the window of a department store. It was showing images of the Carnage, as well as highlight's of the speech. It gave the location of where the broadcast was comming from. He decided he knew his next move.



I'm heading north. There's a facility that seems to be the base of all this. I had heard of it but never stuck around long enough to know what it was for. They must have been planning this for a long time. If you're comming now's the Time...




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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6 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:




Melina: What?!


When she paid attention, the debris was falling. She ran as fast as she could to leave the alleyway, managing to escape. However, she stood vigilant.



"Whoa, that was louder than I thought."


Kirimuri appears on the debris, with his e-cig on his hand.



"Looks like the building didn't fall on you... What a shame. This was nicely planned..."



"...I'll fight you directly."


He charges smoke into his twin batons and starts charging at Melina. However, this isn't attack he is planning to use. This is merely a feint...


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His run eventually led him to the other team. However, different from before, it seems they had their situation dealt with nicely. That was something good, in a way. He walked towards them and eventually began to speak.



5T: It seems that different from the other team, you all have your situation dealt with. Good to know.


Although it's natural for a person to wait a response, he had no time. He just spoke with them.



5T: Listen, this place has become a war zone. I don't know how much info you all managed to get, but strolling around here will just get you all killed. As I can see... one of you already died.


5T: If you don't want to face the same fate as him, leave and go back to the Warrior's Hangout. I'll give you all the necessary information there, so just go.


5T dashed right ahead back to the facility to the north. Despite Hakumen never knew about his intentions and his cooperation wasn't truly presentable at any moment, he had to make sure that the concerns about him wouldn't extend too much.


@LightFlare_Da_Realest @Tony Redgrave @Mister Fael




Even though he never blurted out a word, Melina knew he had his own set of tricks safeguarded. If she were to make a mistake, it was going to cost her...



Melina: What a shame indeed that your plan ruined entirely, Kirimuri. Maybe if I have never noticed it, the debris would have crushed me entirely.


Melina: But no matter. Time for me to stop playing the tricks as well. First Extinction!


She leaped and covered herself with knives. They began to spin around her uncontrollably, as if they were protecting her like a shield. She rushed at Kirimuri. In her mind, however, she knew something of the sort would fail.




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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Even though he never blurted out a word, Melina knew he had his own set of tricks safeguarded. If she were to make a mistake, it was going to cost her...



Melina: What a shame indeed that your plan ruined entirely, Kirimuri. Maybe if I have never noticed it, the debris would have crushed me entirely.


Melina: But no matter. Time for me to stop playing the tricks as well. First Extinction!


She leaped and covered herself with knives. They began to spin around her uncontrollably, as if they were protecting her like a shield. She rushed at Kirimuri. In her mind, however, she knew something of the sort would fail.





"...You fell into my trap."


Kirimuri throws a Smokescreen at Melina which completely covers the princess and her knives, then uses Sublimation to transform into a cloud of smoke right before the shielding knives hit him, which allows the duelist to go through the cloud of smoke covering Melina without getting any physical contact. He reappears behind her and prepares his smoke-infused twin batons...



"Two smoked wieners coming at ya..."


Next, he throws his twin batons, infused with smoke and ready to explode, at the cloud of smoke. Without a clear vision, the ex-Bariuran assassin will not be able to know where the attack is coming from.

Kirimuri takes his snubbed revolver out, aims it at the princess and shoots 6 rounds of stun-ammos in 6 different directions, all heading at the cloud of Smokescreen.



"...Accompanied with 6 exquisite olives. And that's all for the main dish."


Suddenly, the assassin in black becomes a bit dizzy and loses his balance. He sits down and tries to rest.



(Dammit, I'm starting to become a bit dehydrated...)


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