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Touhou: Incident Zero - idea engineering thread (Finalized roster, Alpha build announcement)


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Confirming Iku and Mamizou as part of the roster. Only 1 slot left.


Character Unique Skill Description
Iku Nagae Oarfish's Cloud-slicing Swim Pressing and holding Button-a will cause Iku to float in midair for as long as Button-a is held or until after a certain amount of time has passed. Iku's horizontal movement can be controlled using Button-B and Button-F, and Iku can use any of her aerial Normals, Specials, Spellcards, and Last Words in this state.
Mamizou Futatsuiwa Tanuki Imposter Transformation Pressing Button-a causes Mamizou to summon one of her tanuki subordinates disguised as her opponent. The attack used by the clone will be one of the opponent's predetermined Special attacks, the properties of which vary depending on Mamizou's opponent. If either Mamizou or the clone is hit by an attack, Mamizou will lose a leaf. Cannot be used if Mamizou has no leaves available.


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2 hours ago, Ricepigeon said:

Confirming Iku and Mamizou as part of the roster. Only 1 slot left.


Character Unique Skill Description
Iku Nagae Oarfish's Cloud-slicing Swim Pressing and holding Button-a will cause Iku to float in midair for as long as Button-a is held or until after a certain amount of time has passed. Iku's horizontal movement can be controlled using Button-B and Button-F, and Iku can use any of her aerial Normals, Specials, Spellcards, and Last Words in this state.
Mamizou Futatsuiwa Tanuki Imposter Transformation Pressing Button-a causes Mamizou to summon one of her tanuki subordinates disguised as her opponent. The attack used by the clone will be one of the opponent's predetermined Special attacks, the properties of which vary depending on Mamizou's opponent. If either Mamizou or the clone is hit by an attack, Mamizou will lose a leaf. Cannot be used if Mamizou has no leaves available.


who will be the rep for IMMP? I want Hong Meiling to appear, or maybe Suika Ibuki

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Though is correct. Thou is ye olde 'you'.


"How art thou?"


Don't quote me on this, but I recall Rice mentioning that he was going to treat the old fighting games as one whole thing, which would mean one representative across all three, with that being Iku.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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7 hours ago, GarchompMatt said:

Though is correct. Thou is ye olde 'you'.


"How art thou?"


Don't quote me on this, but I recall Rice mentioning that he was going to treat the old fighting games as one whole thing, which would mean one representative across all three, with that being Iku.



Thanks again.

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7 hours ago, GarchompMatt said:



Don't quote me on this, but I recall Rice mentioning that he was going to treat the old fighting games as one whole thing, which would mean one representative across all three, with that being Iku.

Let's hope he doesn't...

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  • 2 weeks later...

So looking back at how I wanted to implement this system, I figured that the Spirit Meter and Bombs system needed to be slightly reworked in order to achieve the results that I wanted, so here's how the system works now:


Players no longer gain bombs by filling up their Spirit Meter. Instead, the Spirit Meter now acts as a gauge, the size of which remains constant among all characters. Bombs can now be used by spending a portion of this gauge, the amount consumed being dependent on which alignment the character is currently under:


Type-A: 100%
Type-B: 25%
Type-C: 33.3%
Type-N (Kokoro only): N/A


In the case of Kokoro, this solves the issue of losing bombs when switching alignments, as Spirit Meter is now carried over between alignments, costing differing amounts depending on the alignment. Also due to this change, the way Last Words are handled have been slightly reworked:


Last Word A (Type-A): 100% Spirit Meter + Spellcard Declare Mode active

Last Word B (Type-B): 50+% Spirit Meter + 1000 Power (Consumes all Spirit, with additional Spirit increasing Last Word's damage and/or duration)


Other changes:

Bomb Type-A: Now grants the player 1000 Power and 25% Spirit Meter on a successful hit.

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So where do I begin?


A.) Finally decided on a story for the game, you can check it out in the first post if you're interested.


B.) Last Words. I figured that having each character have exactly two Last Words was cumbersome, and would only introduce Alignment bias as some Last Words would just be plain better than others. So, with this in mind, I decided it would be better if each character had the same Last Word regardless of which alignment is chosen (except for Marisa, her second Last Word is just an aerial version of her first one).


C.) The roster. I hate to say this but I had to make a cut from the roster.

So long Alice.


In her place, we'll be getting Mystic Square's new rep: Shinki. In addition, seeing as this is a full game with a story, I wanted someone who would fit in and someone who would be unlockable via a password system, so for that role we have...


oh good grief.. its Yukari...


Well, with that out of the way, you're probably wondering what Shinki & Yukari's Unique Skills are?


Character Unique Skill Description
Shinki Ars Goetia As Shinki performs her Normals, different parts of an inscribed pentagram will begin flashing. Pressing Button-a will cause Shinki to activate a specialized attack that lights up the selected part of the pentagram, granting Shinki access to that portion's associated Special attack. Lighting all six parts of the inscribed pentagram is an additional condition to unlocking Shinki's Last Word, "Paradise Lost".
Yukari Ride the Waves Pressing Button-a causes Yukari to open a gap in front of her, which absorbs projectiles. The placement of the gap can be changed by holding 8way while pressing Button-a. Yukari can also use certain gap-related specials with Button-a such as Fight the Ocean ( QCF Button-a ), Gazing Eye of Transformation ( QCB Button-a ), and Flesh Dismantler ( DP Button-a ).


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Whoah whoah calm down people. I wasn't expecting so much backlash from Alice's removal, so I figured I owed you all an explanation.


It's no secret early on when I first announced the game that I wanted the roster to be limited in its size, especially when compared to Gensokyo Reloaded, which is going on 24 characters and counting. My original benchmark was 10-12 characters, and to help meet that benchmark, I proposed limiting the roster to at most one character from each game. Even with this self-imposed rule in place, and certain allowances in the cases of Aya and Yukari, we are currently up to a roster size of 16. At the same time, however, I wanted to try to make the roster as diverse as possible not only in terms of which Touhou games get represented, but also in terms of gameplay.


With this in mind, there are two main reasons why Alice was cut from the roster. First, is representation. As the roster stands, we currently have 4 of the 5 PC-98 games represented, as well as TH6, TH7, TH8, TH9, TH9.5, TH10, TH10.5, TH11, TH12, TH13, and TH13.5. My goal was to try to include some of the newer characters, namely someone from TH14. One of the most requested characters to represent Double Dealing Character, as well as a character I have thinking of including for a while now, is Sekibanki. This leads to the second major reason; gameplay diversity. With Sekibanki added to the roster, I feel that her gameplay and Unique Skill would feel much too similar to Alice's. By adding Shinki in place of Alice, we get another unique gameplay among the cast, while still maintaining the Mystic Square representation (and PC-98 representation as a whole). For these reasons, Alice was cut.


So yeah, I guess you can consider this a semi-official confirmation that Sekibanki will be in the game.



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Not necessarily the final design, but here's a preliminary screenshot of the game's story mode. Story mode basically consists of 8 chapters, with the first six being unlocked and focusing on a different protagonist and their scenario, complete with their own final bosses. Chapter 7 will be unlocked once the first six are completed, with Chapter 8 (the final chapter) becoming unlocked once Chapter 7 is clear. Story Mode will be the primary method of unlocking characters for Vs mode.



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