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And so sony is being targeted....AGAIN


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http://www.screwattack.com/news/anonymous-targets-sony-over-sopa So for sony supporting the SOPA anon is planning to take down their network again which clears up that it was them who took down the network when the PSN outage happened. I know some of you support anon but really think with your heads doing this will only do more harm then good. They will mostly be taking away a gamers right to play with others. So i really hope they back out of this plan to attack sony because if they walk down this path. They will be hated by gamers World Wide and that my friends is a guarantee. So heres to that the SOPA bill doesn't pass. Peace
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this that ol' bullshit, these fuckers can't understand that IT'S FOR THE GREATER GOOD. we pirate like hell so it doesn't bother us, but it does to the people that makes these games. They cost money, and you get em for free. so they don't make money. If they wanted to hand these games out to you for free they would, duh. Fuck anon, like honestly....bunch of fucking faggots in my opinion. all of you should be arrested. sorry about me using that term so loosely, I'm just pissed

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wait wait. I agree with the piracy thing, We should still show support for the games, even if some of us know how to get them for free. HOWEVER. Recently Sony started doing this thing to a few online games that required a voucher number to activate the online play, other wise the game remained offline until you entered the code. once the code is entered thats it no one else can use it. so if you sell the game and someone else buys it they can not use the voucher code it wont work. i think thats fucking bullshit.

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wait wait.

I agree with the piracy thing, We should still show support for the games, even if some of us know how to get them for free.


Recently Sony started doing this thing to a few online games that required a voucher number to activate the online play, other wise the game remained offline until you entered the code. once the code is entered thats it no one else can use it.

so if you sell the game and someone else buys it they can not use the voucher code it wont work.

i think thats fucking bullshit.

Ryon the online pass sony implemented on their first party games was mostly meant for gamestop since they are selling overpriced used games. Look at the reality here whenever you go to gamestop you find the same game Used and New but whats the difference? is that the used game is only 5 bucks cheaper plus you are taking a risk that the used game you buy might not even work properly not to mention the taxes depends on where you live. You will still end up paying 60 dollars for a USED game. The sooner gamestop stops trying to rip ppl off by selling overpriced used games then sony would no longer need to use the online pass method.

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so what your saying is the company is FORCING people to buy NEW games, so they can playonline. instead of a cheaper copy of the game that was used, to play online? thats still stupid bullshit and you know it. Gamestop will never stop ripping people off its how they operate. I bought 1 game from them EVER, and since that day I never planned to go there. I hate the fact that my sister buys games for my nephew there. and dude I dont think its just gamestop, I think Sony would try to keep this online pass method regardless. its kinda like the "hardcoded save files" for games. like Resident Evil Mercenaries, it saves and you cant delete it or anything. so if you sell it, the next person gets everything fully unlocked. I feel its game companies trying to control there gamers.

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if you really wanna talk about companies controlling their gamers. Go bark at Microsoft who force you to pay 60 dollars a year just to play your games online not to mention the huge amount of 360 consoles you have to buy in a single year just because it gets the red ring every now and then. anyway the only reason you would sell your game is would be that either the game sucks and you regret spending the money on it or that you are done with it and did everything else you could think off with the game. and if you want another company that pulls bullshit on you. Go to aeria games and nexon you will get all the bullshit you could ever want on those places. anyway to the hard coded save feature on some games well that's just crapcoms ''oopsie'' and you know how good they are when it comes to that. Well im going way out of topic here so imma go back on topic

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this that ol' bullshit, these fuckers can't understand that IT'S FOR THE GREATER GOOD. we pirate like hell so it doesn't bother us, but it does to the people that makes these games. They cost money, and you get em for free. so they don't make money. If they wanted to hand these games out to you for free they would, duh.

Fuck anon, like honestly....bunch of fucking faggots in my opinion. all of you should be arrested.

sorry about me using that term so loosely, I'm just pissed

I understand where you're coming from, but these companies act like they're losing SOOO much money. I would understand if Sony was developing games for the PC where pirating is the easiest thing ever, but we're talking about the PS3 here. I bet only about 1 in 10 people who own PS3 actually pirate, if that. They might be losing a couple million dollars, but when you look at the billions they're gaining, why do they even care?

It's because they are money hungry, and they only care about how much money comes into their pockets. It's the same with that online pass bullshit. It's like saying If I wanted to rent a game, or borrow one from my friend, in order to play online I would have to spend an extra $15. Game companies act like they are losing money when people buy used games. They're not, they just aren't getting EXTRA money that they might if you had bought the game new. Even then that's a bullshit lie, because the game developers get money when they SHIP the games to the store, not when you buy them from gamestop or wherever you do.

I don't support Anonymous, but I don't support SOPA either.

I asked God for a car, but I know he doesn't work like that, so I stole one and asked for forgiveness.


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I support Anonymous but Not what they are doing atm. They have good intentions but I don't think they should go after sony again they should go after the government like they had planned to do. however... if we lose psn for a month for them to get rid of justin bieber lady gaga ect I will totally support this!



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Its better if they reveal who is truly behind SOPA - all the involved people with info and such. Its worse to attack a company that may affect others on online play. Its better to do more good than having an unequal balance of "bad" with "good" consequences.

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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think of it like this, If you worked hard for your money, and you didn't get the money that's rightfully yours. You would be pissed.

and Anon is a groupof shitheads....i honestly think they are retards

Well If i was supposed to get a hundred dollars, and I only got $95, I wouldn't really care that much. Sony apparently does though.

I asked God for a car, but I know he doesn't work like that, so I stole one and asked for forgiveness.


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  • 7 months later...

if it bothers you so much you could just wait until the ps3 emulator comes out i already know there is a xbox 360 in the works yeah its pretty shitty to even say that but you also have to think of this what if they wont stop there plan of attack and everyone well be stuck with what ryon said i dont have a ps2 any more i hated it ever since they took out the right to play your ps2 games on it

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It's not like we have any power to stop it, oh well.. if there is another outage on PSN, I'll be angry, yes, but it'll give me time to trophy hunt like last time. It wasn't as fun as online play, but it was time consuming.


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if you really wanna talk about companies controlling their gamers. Go bark at Microsoft who force you to pay 60 dollars a year just to play your games online not to mention the huge amount of 360 consoles you have to buy in a single year just because it gets the red ring every now and then.

I can't say much about paying 60 dollars a month to play online because I'm a ps plus member anyways and feel online on the xbox is better for me playing on both systems, Also there haven't been issues of RROD on a xbox in a long time because the problem has been fixed if you get it in this day and age you got an older used xbox 360


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