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The Roleplay Paradise Part 2 : Revenge Of Role Play!

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Swr-portrait-aya.pngHey Reisen, after looking through the past RP thread, I found some interesting stuff! (reads aloud) did you know next arc will confirm why team RWBY was left out of this arc? they also plan on bringing in team JNPR!

2rFhUI5.pngI am pretty sure they are RNJR

Swr-portrait-aya.pngNope, JNPR, I'm being legit, literally reading from the "Role-Play Paradise Involvment" thread


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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


(Thread...page....she acts as if this is some story online. We should be moving. Hmm...Oro and Kahrelimi are getting close.)


Aya, pardon me. But have you actually seen Iblis in the vicinity? 

Swr-portrait-aya.pngummm...excuse me? last time I checked you had shaved that mustache, anyways....nope, I haven't, been looking for him for ages though, in the thread it said it was north and I already scouted North, but what do I know anyways

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oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082So, can we finally get a move on? There's still a fire lizard in need of a big whooping.

bX7E6Ba.pngThis time, I have to agree with Dusk. We need to defeat Iblis fast before the whole city is on fire.

LG1wLF4.pngAlright then, time to go north!


DuckMannnn gave me the permission to RP Dusk for him.


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As the heroes head into the city, a commotion can be seen ahead. The city is in turmoil as the dragon can be seen overhead. TV's and monitors across the city begin to show coverage of the beast....



(Looks like he's on the move. But I guess he never wasn't. Gotta keep moving...)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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quCjhem.png Time to finish this once and for all! 

(ignore Zero's human host)

quCjhem.png (now at full-size) Erza, remember the strategy I planned? time to put it in action!

Swr-portrait-aya.png(shocked) OKAY, OKAY! I did NOT knew Kamen Riders could grow that size

quCjhem.pnglook, Tengu Girl, I'm an Ultraman, can you try remembering that?

Swr-portrait-aya.pngokay, okay, I'll try to remember (to Lightflare) why is he so proud of being an Ultraman, again?

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  • 3 months later...

(Well, if someone will finally poke Agni Blackheart with a stick, then I would be more than happy to wake up this thread. I mean, the battle against Iblis Form 1 is pretty important to the character development of Renko and Maribel, especially Maribel, and it's Agni Blackheart who has them...unless Agni is willing to give his characters to other people, then I would not mind taking over his main characters...if I get the needed resources, of course.)

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Maybe we can just restart the whole story, we've made little progress since more than half a year considering that Agni holds the most important characters but he hasn't been online since June... 

Otherwise just use his characters, I don't think he'll mind



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Oh, you don't know Agni. Restarting the story would be the LAST thing he wants to see happening, and the same is true for me. After all, we are the very parents of this thread.

Also, I am not 100% sure if he would really not mind. I need confirmation first.

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After some additional marching around, it's only visible that the heroes get closer and closer, as a couple of Iblis Worms started to emerge from the ground.

pi5Wlrr.pngNow we're talking! *punches a couple of Iblis Worms with ease*

bX7E6Ba.pngDon't get too excited, guys. The closer we get to Iblis, the harder the journey will probably become.

wTfPBpm.pngCan confirm. If there's anything Iblis is known for, then it's to be "hard to take down". Seriously, everytime I beat him up, he comes back as a stronger form. I thought blowing out the flame of Solaris* would finally remove Iblis from history, but it seems that only caused a time split.

u4EsOao.pngDon't worry. If there's one thing we are known for, then it's to solve problems.


*In the end of Sonic'06, Sonic and Elise end up in the early past, where Solaris was still a small flame, and Sonic & Elise blowed out that small flame, meaning that Solaris never splitted into Mephiles and Iblis, meaning that the Flames of Disaster never came to be, meaning that Sonic'06 never happened...but did it really never happen?


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LightFlare rides on Ultraman's shoulders, blasting the worms with single shots.




(These things again. I wonder if any of the other creatures we encountered in the void will appear...) 



Ultraman!? Do you find it ironic that you can grow large, yet also have large bugs to squash? Heh...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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[Unless Agni has a good reason and told you guys, you might as well borrow his characters until he comes back proper or find a way around it without them. Light did took over mine when I was forced into an extended vacation and I'm sure some of you want to continue. And from what I see, it's already been more than long enough.]



"So you can still walk up walls and stand there, huh. Geeze, it's like we were in a video game with some really bad glitches.....quit your whining, you're a robot, just make sure your important chips don't get destroyed."


Darkflare closed his communication to Robo-Ky.



"When I went ahead with creating this safehouse, the laws of physics being ignored wasn't in my list of reasons for needing it."


He headed for a couch, a foam cup in hand as he began to drink the contents.



"I was wondering when you would be bored enough to stick your nose in my business."


The being in question, the sun goddess Ingrid sat next to DF.



"My, you need to learn to greet your friends better."



"Even though you pretty much forced yourself into my life against my will."



"Oh come on. We've known each other for years. Sure, they're nothing to me, but..."





Despite her behaviour, Flare had to admit that he's grown to tolerate it. And in the end, she was good company to have.



"I must say, for a clone that's lived many years and should have had a cellular breakdown by now, you actually look good."



"Well, all that stuff that Kohaku has been pumping me in her experiments had to be good for something."



"I'm happy that it's worked out for you, but maybe try not to be someone's guinea pig so much."



"Fair enough."


"Since you're here, you mind explaining why I could literally walk up walls and ceilings, why when I climb a box it suddenly shoots up and why I sometimes can go through solid objects?"


"Because the latter two caused a bit of an incident where I looked like a pervert when they suddenly combined."



"It's almost like bad glitches in a vi-"



"I said that earlier."



"Right. I do know and realistically the events that happened shouldn't even be happening since certain events made it so it was impossible for that thing to reappear."



"Time travelling bullshit?"



"Surprisingly yes. I would get involved but 1. There's always that risk that in the process of fixing it some other things get broken and 2. There's already quite a group taking care of it."



"You just want an excuse to be lazy because you don't want to deal with it."



"This multiverse of ours has people more than capable of dealing with it, so I can afford to be a little lazy. Besides, I'm more interested in knowing why you have a house in Gensokyo."



"Even I need a place of my own outside of my base. I wouldn't say it's the best place but it suits my purposes."

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An unknown person dressed in black appears nearby, observing the group of heroes while he was hiding in a trashbin.

edbe8a312bbe5eed942ee0f491de75a6-dai1wqu"So... things are getting messed up, first I got captured by a weird organisation called NESTS who did all sorts of tests on me... now I'm seeing weird worms attacking a group of people including 8-bit robots and a white talking human hedgehog... what should I do now? If anything hostile approaches me then I can simply use my newly-acquired typhokinesis power..."


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PSA: The robots are not actually 8-bit. It's just that I don't have any other art for them except for their bio art, which is super large and thus I want to save for rare occasions.


Another PSA: Yay, Darkflare is back. Our old team is starting to reform again. :D

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(With such a sizeable group starting to form, this should most definitely make things very interesting...)


With the new, rather menacing threats now rearing their heads from the ground in the most literal sense, Fiona was only capable of panicking and fleeing for the safety she recognized: the giant Ultraman.



Fiona: Eeeeek! Giant woooooorms! Get me awaaaaaaay! They are so slimy eeeeeeeeeek!


The panicked girl, despite wearing gauntlets that would make it rather difficult for a normal person to climb anything at all, still somehow managed to begin scaling the giant with her sword upon her back in an attempt to get as far away as possible from the giant worms of molten hot death.

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