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Megaman X Series


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OK, a new update:

  • Added more stuff by Gaara Coração Negro (some chars unadded, some back online and even a fullgame)
  • Added X1 Zero by TheSuperVX (offline)
  • Added X4-6 Zero by FXFreitas, which I don't know why wasn't added before...
  • Now all edited chars have images (the MMX/MM8 section at least)
  • Found a couple more of chars by Alex D. X4, all of them offline u_u
  • Hunter X moved to Other Games section
  • Added the other images for Pocket/Powered Up chars
  • Added MvC X by DarkLuigi
  • I didn't say it before, but also added Spark Mandrill WIP by Shanri (the guy who made Amaterasu and other UMVC3 chars to MUGEN)
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Some few updates:

  • Since his site is offline and it's unaccesible via Wayback Machine, stated Snowwolf as offline. So any help to get his chars back is welcome
  • Forget what I said above, found almost all his chars in the old MM thread (whoa, all MediaFire links are working XD)
  • Moved Art12345's iOS X into the Other Games section with a proper sprite
  • Added image for Geemel in Xtreme section
  • And of course, added the link for the recent MMZ/ZX collection I made last night :P
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40 minutes ago, miru said:

Which one, the transformed form from X4 or the edited Iris??


38 minutes ago, Ryou said:

Whoa!! The guy's still alive!! =O OK, replacing links ASAP

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1 hour ago, Basara-kun said:

Which one, the transformed form from X4 or the edited Iris??

The edited Iris. ArcadeDemo also made Ereigon, Hi-Max, Frost Walrus, Web Spider, X4 Sigma, and Ground Scaravitch, but they’re offline.

  • Sash Lilac: Progress 10% done (SFF compiled).
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4 hours ago, Cavery210 said:

Where's Ron_Berka's Toxic Seahorse and Spark Mandrill?

Do you have any link or image for them??


Also, I updated the first post with this:

  • Added chars from these creators: Akito1701 and ArcadeDemo
  • Added these chars: X Command Mission by S666, Zero by Gemini, X4 Sigma by Cesar
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New update:

  • Found a link with all MMX stages by Enscripture
  • Deleted Xtreme's Geemel since it was resprited a la MMZ style instead of being an adaptation. Moved to MMZ collection instead
  • Found various screenpacks and a lifebar (offline)
  • Found various intros, added to the Other MUGEN Stuff section
  • Added Shawn's Xtreme rips to the Sprites list
  • Added Sigma X1 resprited by Gustavo Carvalho (and found his 4shared account, maybe more chars from him will be added soon)
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  • 1 month later...

"X Command Mission by S666"


Wait... I never did a X Cmd Mission XD XD at least not one from X series


What I really did many years ago and didnt see it over here is: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6thqma2xbkl0ziz/Sigma1iOS.rar/file


spacer.pngSigma X1 (iOS)


But I'm not proud to share this since it is a spriteswap of a Sigma that I dont know the author. (But is a very faithfull work) 

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  • 6 months later...

hello here is my bit character he is realy simple https://www.mediafire.com/file/9p2ymfulqu0at6t/neobit.rar/file

normal bit https://www.mediafire.com/file/yhaq4zchukrf8pi/bit.rar/file

gravity beetle https://www.mediafire.com/file/htpfwwvicm7y14j/Gravity_beetle.rar/file


also i was banned from shit archive so is there any new megaman characters in that site 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

I know, I'm sorry for having this collection so abandoned, I'm going back to work on my collections, and this one isn't the exception.


OK, adding/updating all the links since the last post I made, but I need all your help about which links are down to replace them with new ones or mark them as red

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4 minutes ago, Basara-kun said:

I know, I'm sorry for having this collection so abandoned, I'm going back to work on my collections, and this one isn't the exception.


OK, adding/updating all the links since the last post I made, but I need all your help about which links are down to replace them with new ones or mark them as red

Hey, I'd love to help out Basura. I'll fill in the missing bits, and possibly recover the dead links. It'd be an honor anyways.

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Thanks, all help is welcome here and in all my collections 🙂 ok, updated the main post with all the links after my last post in 2020 and marked as red the offline stuff... and also I found some edits of Ramza's Zero I found recently (there's one more to add, but it's in a pack with other chars and it's 200mb!!)

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