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MUGEN Battle Arena Lifebars (640 x 480, MUGEN 1.0 Only)

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;MUGEN Battle Arena Lifebars



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Hey guyz, V here; finally got the chance to release these lifebars for

the public. The design I was going for was something in the shape and

form of ancient rune-like architecture mixed with some modern like

designs (mainly mecha inspired). After looking at it colorwise, I can

see the resemblance of the bars looking like a Puella Magi Madoka type

lifebar design (since the red represented Kyouko, blue sayaka and the

middle pink Madoka).

Like my previous lifebars, these will use the standard character

portraits, but there is an option for using custom portraits.

A template is provided, consisting of a basic PNG image (for the ones

which usually use MSPaint, etc. for making portraits) and a PSD file

for those Photoshop users out there =P

This is an early Christmas present, hope u guyz like the design


Lifebars only supported for MUGEN 1.0 on localcoord = 640,480

Lifebars does not support HD resolution MUGENs

You can change the localcoord in your system.def



; To implement this lifebar to your MUGEN


- Add the files to the designated folders (files in the fonts folder go

into fonts, data into data, etc.)

- Open the system.def and change this line, "fight = fight.def",

to "fight = VP_Fight.def"


Alternative (for custom portrait usage)

"fight = VP_Fight_C.def"


- open your mugen.cfg in the data folder and set the time to 200

- Start MUGEN.exe


Note about Custom Portraits:

- The custom portraits should be sprite "9000,25" on "0,0" axis for

and turns mode. While the "9000,26" on "0,0" axis is for the simul or

2 on 2 modes.

- In both the PNG and PSD, there are two areas, a pink one and a green

one. Make sure that your portraits doesn't go over the green area, and

before you save the image, change the pink colored background to the

same color as the green area.

Thanks to:

Dustloop - BlazBlue Announcer sounds

Kohaku - for the KOF XII name fonts


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Regular Portraits



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Simul & Turns

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Custom Portraits



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Simul & Turns

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no winmugen is dead I don't believe v-nix will ever support it either not many of us do. It would be a waste of time to convert lifebars to a obsolete engine from a good one sorry but no. Download 1.0


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basically yes it is crap

compared to 1,0 ............ yes it is crap....especially since ( thanks to alot of us on here) alot of stuff that didnt work on 1.0... now does... so no need to not switch


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Ah just you shaddap already. Elecbyte is about to release a new build soon and both versions are going to be outdated http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png

I like to keep both versions actually. There are many things that don't work as it should in 1.0 but there are many cool things that won't run in WinMugen. Back when WinMugen was new I also kept a DOS one for the same reasons


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thanx sis, you told the words right outta my mouth. also Laharl, 1.0 doesn't work right on e'ry1's cpu, so WinMugen is sometimes their only option, period. updates/upgrades aren't always the best thing from all perspectives, keep that in mind, sucka http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png

anywho, nice lookin' bars there bruh, good shit. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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har har the difference between that tohno is XP is still really good, windows7 and vista have bugs XP does not. I Will only upgrade to XP when its absolutely neccasary for 1.0 it is neccasary wingmugen has stopped being supported by alot of people and wait till 1.1 comes out lol that will be fun.


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