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[PS1] Bloody Roar 2

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Man i love this game by far more than 3 or 4. I dont know what it is about this game either that makes me like it, its not a button mashing game, well it kinda is, but for someone like Long , Shenlong, and Uriko, its like you need to memorize there combo to do it properly. i love the speed of the game as well, the story is amazing, when i was young i thought Liberation Front, meant Library Front. LOL!
The music was also amazing to

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I used to love this game for some reason. It was great fun to play and you need some strategy to know when was the best moment to go to the beast form. The one I played for the PS2 wasn't half as fun Played it again a while ago to rip the portraits. Aaaah memories


  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I highly enjoy this game, It was the first I swapdisced for my PS2. Discorved it from a Jampack demo, that I played THOUSANDS of times. Though, I honestly want to get/play Bloody Roar 4. Becuase it has a dragon, so I've heard. Yugo rocks!

All your bass belong to me. Hand over the headphones.


BR 2 is the best 1 outta the series. 3 was pretty decent, but then they started takin' the blood out of the games. that made no sense, it's call'd Bloody phukkin' Roar, you dweebs. anywayz.....

1 of my favorite chars to play with was Shina; i had a 9~14 hit combo i had learn'd by myself with her that ended with her Beast Drive, that could be done from either form, & i didn't hafta have tha vic in the corner to pull it off either. ahh, good times. i need to go find this game again.....


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA


BR 2 is the best 1 outta the series. 3 was pretty decent, but then they started takin' the blood out of the games. that made no sense, it's call'd Bloody phukkin' Roar, you dweebs. anywayz.....

1 of my favorite chars to play with was Shina; i had a 9~14 hit combo i had learn'd by myself with her that ended with her Beast Drive, that could be done from either form, & i didn't hafta have tha vic in the corner to pull it off either. ahh, good times. i need to go find this game again.....

Very nice pic bro! Tizoc in action! we should play garou sometime in mame.



i just loved the epic versus screen when the announcer says.. "Bakuryu the Mole..." or "Long the Tigerrr.."


Ogod, dont remind me. I almost broke my controller trying to beat Bakuryu and ShenLong...hard mofos :l Actually Gado was worse. 2 hit KO's....*shudder*

All your bass belong to me. Hand over the headphones.


Gado IS a pain in the azz.. i jsut hate when does his 5hit combo then finish it off with a powered hook while saying "fire"


Nymwh. I came THIS CLOSE to beating Story mode, then got beat like...20 times in a row by Gado. Worst controller spaz ever.

All your bass belong to me. Hand over the headphones.


Fighting games and anthropomorphic animals: My two main weaknesses. Sadly, the two just have not been combined well. Brutal: Paws of Fury, is arguably the worst fighting game ever made, and the only other anthro fighting games I can think of besides Brutal and Bloody Roar are Sonic Fighters and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters. (The later's okay depending on the version, the former I have never played.) As such, Bloody Roar is a game I've been wanting to play for a long time. And to this day, I regret not buying the Gamecube Bloody Roar game I saw at a Pawn Shop. ...There was just something in my head that would have felt embarrassed about buying it, so that's why I didn't. (Sad.) To this day, I've only played demos. Some day I hope to play a full one.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112

Gado is cool...if he isnt kicking you azz every 5 seconds. I like Long, Yugo, and Bakuryu (Bakuryu reminds me of my friend xD) Oi Ryo, hownabout that dragon in BR4? Oh yeah, and dont diss Brutal. I really enjoyed it, and dont see why its that bad. Though..yes, a few chars are overly cheeeap

All your bass belong to me. Hand over the headphones.


Oh yeah, and dont diss Brutal. I really enjoyed it, and dont see why its that bad. Though..yes, a few chars are overly cheeeap

I'll admit, I did kind of like that it tried to be different from other fighting games, but it's unballancedness was what ultimately did it for me. Ivan only needs to punch someone THREE TIMES to kill them. I also dislike the characters. Despite the fact that they're anthro, they look ugly in game, and they fight NOTHING like their so called mastered "Fighting Styles" would suggest. I know quite a bit about certain fighting styles, and most of the characters aren't even close.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112

Actually alpyne.

Bloody Roar 3 and 4 DO have blood in them.

the gamecube version of the game did not. and i believe the Xbox version of the game had more than the PS2.

ahh, ok. thanx Ry. i only saw the GC versions for 3 & 4 at my boi's crib back when. i knew they were on Xbox, but i'd never seen'em on PS2, so i didn't think they were on there at all.

Gado IS a pain in the azz.. i jsut hate when does his 5hit combo then finish it off with a powered hook while saying "fire"

Nymwh. I came THIS CLOSE to beating Story mode, then got beat like...20 times in a row by Gado. Worst controller spaz ever.

ha! yeah, Gado's a fav, he's a beast. think about it tho, you can't be a lion on a fightin' game & NOT be strong, that'd make no sense, lol. but at tha least, becuz of that fact, his amount of combos, & their lengths, are short but brutal [& not all that easy to pull off; you gotta be sick with his timin']. just look at his Beast Drive; 2~3 hits & it's done, but tha vics on the receivin' end get their asses knock'd clear to tha other side of the ring with mad impact. ahh, there's such simplistic beauty in his violence.....

Fighting games and anthropomorphic animals: My two main weaknesses. Sadly, the two just have not been combined well. Brutal: Paws of Fury, is arguably the worst fighting game ever made, and the only other anthro fighting games I can think of besides Brutal and Bloody Roar are Sonic Fighters and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters. (The later's okay depending on the version, the former I have never played.) As such,


oh snap! speakin' of TMNT: TF, i need to post that joint on tha channel sometime soon. it's still a fav of mine, tho i wish Konami wouldn't've screw'd the Genesis version over like they did. but meh, at least that 1 had some fatalities as well as supers, along with April & Casey bein' playable fighters, so it still had its good sides.

Bloody Roar is a game I've been wanting to play for a long time. And to this day, I regret not buying the Gamecube Bloody Roar game I saw at a Pawn Shop. ...There was just something in my head that would have felt embarrassed about buying it, so that's why I didn't. (Sad.) To this day, I've only played demos. Some day I hope to play a full one.

you shouldn't've slept on that opportunity bruh. but look, i'm sure you can still find it, & for a reasonable tag too. & hey, there's always emulation :awesome

speakin' of which.....

Very nice pic bro! Tizoc in action!

glad you dig it bruh! i kut it myself from my own gameplay.

we should play garou sometime in mame.

well i must say, that's a splendid idea lad! i'll meet up witcha in tha chat later, around 5 or so, yeah?

also, make sure your coin chute [the 1st coin option in dip, not the 2nd] is set to "1?" , not "2?", then hit F3 before you exit.


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA



oh snap! speakin' of TMNT: TF, i need to post that joint on tha channel sometime soon. it's still a fav of mine, tho i wish Konami wouldn't've screw'd the Genesis version over like they did. but meh, at least that 1 had some fatalities as well as supers, along with April & Casey bein' playable fighters, so it still had its good sides.

The NES version isn't as good as the SNES version either. Also considering it was the only official fighting game released in the states for the NES, it could have been better. But at least Casey's in that one, too.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112

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