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CRITIC! NEEEEEERD! (AVGN and NC edits + PPGD and Zeta updates)


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Well,I have finally edited these two characters for sure ;)



Well this time I have released 2 edited SSkye's characters: Angry Video Game Nerd and Nostalgia Critic.

These two characters were bad characters from 2009,but this time I edited them with more better gameplay,but sadly the sprites are still the same (except for few which I have edited).

I spent 2 weeks on editing these characters,but I think that I didn't edited them well.

If you have any suggestions,you're welcome to post them to me.

Also I have updated all my 4 PPGDs and zeta again. Why? Well I'll say ya:

PPGD changelog:

-I had a problem with a eye laser which it didn't make the target on some spots,but this time I fixed it.

-Also, they had a problem with air dash (Because the state was set to be S not A),so I had to fix that too.  

Zeta Changelog:

-Naked version of zeta didn't have a bindtoroot in her helpers of her hyper attacks as normal Zeta.

Remember,I always want to fix my characters,because I don't want to leave them to be buggy.

Maybe I'll make the stage for these two characters soon.




Download them on my website:


Be sure to refresh the pages.



This is Electronic/Symphonic cover of SA Angel island theme,So I'm glad if you will enjoy it:


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The motherfucking t-rex appears in jurassic park review,But Chuck Norris has appeared in few episodes.

You should watch NC,because he's fucking great in movie criticizing.

He's the fucking critic. And he's the fucking nerd.


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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Duck we need to talk. I didn't want to bring it up in here. I tried to send you a message to keep it private, but it said that your not receiving any messages and you haven't been at the Guild since Thursday so you haven't got my message there too.

I decided to look more thoroughly at your Nostalgia Critic since I saw your video and I noticed a few things while I was going through it in Fighter Factory with a fine toothed comb.

At the Guild, you said that you didn't use any parts of my old edit for the Nostalgia Critic for this version. That was a blatant lie. And I will point them all out.

-The majority of voice clips are the same as the ones in my edits and in the same spots. Now I would let that slide as hey, it could just be a coincidence.

However there were some things that I couldn't help but notice a few things.

-The Stick of Magical Power super is almost Point-for-Point exactly to the old Magic Super that was on my edit before I replaced it, The Staff, the Lightning and the Explosions were the same as well. except in how the latter explosions moved forward.

-The Outros were also Point-for-point exactly like they were in both my old and New versions of my Edit. The outro involving him putting on his glasses with the two voice clips was different then what I had just to be clear. But the Heil Hitler one and the one involving Mr. Puppy were very exact to what I did, 'cept you added a bit of flash for Mr. Puppy when he changes to a gorilla.

Please don't say that this is all a coincidence, as I know that there are people online who have my old edit and not my new one.

Now listen, I do not want any bad blood between us, seriously I don't. If you wanted to use parts of my edits for yours, all you had to do was ask.

I can forgive you for this, all you have to do is just give the proper credit.

I will not push this anymore then it needs to, I do not want any drama at all. I just want this settled as calmly and civil as possible.

And to anyone else who is reading this, please don't send PMs or make posts chastising Duck. I know you guys don't approve of stealing, but lets be civil about this.

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Duck we need to talk. I didn't want to bring it up in here. I tried to send you a message to keep it private, but it said that your not receiving any messages and you haven't been at the Guild since Thursday so you haven't got my message there too.

I decided to look more thoroughly at your Nostalgia Critic since I saw your video and I noticed a few things while I was going through it in Fighter Factory with a fine toothed comb.

At the Guild, you said that you didn't use any parts of my old edit for the Nostalgia Critic for this version. That was a blatant lie. And I will point them all out.

-The majority of voice clips are the same as the ones in my edits and in the same spots. Now I would let that slide as hey, it could just be a coincidence.

However there were some things that I couldn't help but notice a few things.

-The Stick of Magical Power super is almost Point-for-Point exactly to the old Magic Super that was on my edit before I replaced it, The Staff, the Lightning and the Explosions were the same as well. except in how the latter explosions moved forward.

-The Outros were also Point-for-point exactly like they were in both my old and New versions of my Edit. The outro involving him putting on his glasses with the two voice clips was different then what I had just to be clear. But the Heil Hitler one and the one involving Mr. Puppy were very exact to what I did, 'cept you added a bit of flash for Mr. Puppy when he changes to a gorilla.

Please don't say that this is all a coincidence, as I know that there are people online who have my old edit and not my new one.

Now listen, I do not want any bad blood between us, seriously I don't. If you wanted to use parts of my edits for yours, all you had to do was ask.

I can forgive you for this, all you have to do is just give the proper credit.

I will not push this anymore then it needs to, I do not want any drama at all. I just want this settled as calmly and civil as possible.

And to anyone else who is reading this, please don't send PMs or make posts chastising Duck. I know you guys don't approve of stealing, but lets be civil about this.

As innocent bystander, I have to criticize both of you now.
@Duck how dare you use something from somebody else? It's not like anyone else did that in the history of ever before.

@D The Red Cloak how dare you accuse someone of using something from somebody else? It's not like somebody did that to you.

Okay, enough trolling. I'm pretty sure that what he did wasn't something he caught himself doing. Otherwise there wouldn't be a blatant lie involved.


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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-The damage on the combos need to be nerfed. Or the damage on the level 1 supers need to be raised. I could do a combo with the normals and the specials that would do the same damage as a level one super.

-The kicks need to hit low. I don't know if their air attacks are overheads or not, but it's a common mistake to have ducking attacks not hit low and air attacks not hit high. You should fix this to give them some mix up potential.

-The nerd has so many projectiles. There should be more differences, like maybe the pen could fly in an arc a la cody's bad stone? The super scope could be chargable, and maybe have some super armor. Also, how come all the projectiles have a low version? Imo, you should make only one projectile have a low version. Maybe that could be the pen's difference: that the nerd crouches when throwing it.

-Kinda the same thing as the above, but the critic's knee and the critic's dragon punch seem to be the same. Maybe you could make it so that the knee has more horizontal reach, a la the tiger knee?

Btw, are you going to edit Angry Joe too? It would be nice to see him get a revamp.

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Sorry I didn't have a internet to answer all these questions.

@D the red cloak: Goddamit dude,I didn't know that you have your own version of NC until you posted to me on MFG. I would have credited you,If I had used your own version of NC. I found that attack in original SSkye's character And I edited it with my coding,not yours (And even the original character had a sound clips like your version). This is truly illogical,how you came up with idea like this? 

@Doomguy: I'm not a thief.

@Brawl the Man: Thanks for feedback. I have never watched angry Joe,and I'm not going to edit Angry Joe.


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Btw, are you going to edit Angry Joe too? It would be nice to see him get a revamp.

No. No it wouldn't. Angry Joe is just awful, and nobody should give him any attention!

In other news, I gotta give respect to DuckSS. He managed to make a decent result out of the original AVGN character, who sadly was a Shiki Nanaya edit, of all things.

If I had the money, I would commission new AVGN sprites, so me and Duck can work on an even better version. A version that doesn't depend so much on the original Nanaya edit.

And then we would send that to James "AVGN" Rolfe, so he could have a try on that as well.
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No. No it wouldn't. Angry Joe is just awful, and nobody should give him any attention!

Keep that opinion for yourself,you may insult the fans of that guy.


If I had the money, I would commission new AVGN sprites, so me and Duck can work on an even better version. A version that doesn't depend so much on the original Nanaya edit.

That would sound awesome.

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@D the red cloak: Goddamit dude,I didn't know that you have your own version of NC until you posted to me on MFG. I would have credited you,If I had used your own version of NC. I found that attack in original SSkye's character And I edited it with my coding,not yours (And even the original character had a sound clips like your version). This is truly illogical,how you came up with idea like this? 

I went to the Critic's Mugen Wiki section and I looked at the two links above the Nostalgia Ballz and I saw the problem. While the first link had the original it didn't have the move on it. The second link however had my old edit and it didn't specify who was the one that edited it. And it was my fault in that I didn't add my name to the Authorname to clarify. You couldn't have known.

Duck, I know that it may not be enough after what I said, but I am SO sorry of accusing you of stealing. You have every right to get angry at me for this.

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See, all a big misunderstanding...now back to things. I would definitely love to see someone make new sprites for both of these guys, and cleaning up the coding on them really shows how good they are. The only thing holding them back is the sprites... 

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I went to the Critic's Mugen Wiki section and I looked at the two links above the Nostalgia Ballz and I saw the problem. While the first link had the original it didn't have the move on it. The second link however had my old edit and it didn't specify who was the one that edited it. And it was my fault in that I didn't add my name to the Authorname to clarify. You couldn't have known.

Duck, I know that it may not be enough after what I said, but I am SO sorry of accusing you of stealing. You have every right to get angry at me for this.

Then I should credit you :) Well the mistakes can happen sometimes.

Okay I'm about to update these two characters.....they'll be ready about few hours.


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As an innocent passerby.

this line in the main post "(because they were lazily made by lazy mugen creator)"

Annoys the SHIT out of me. I thought there characters were good back in 2009.

If you think they were lazily made, YOU try editing all those sprites to make them, getting voice clips and then coding them.

Then we can talk about lazy.

*Walks out*

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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